Our vision statement is:


We are developing our strategy and mission statement.

Why children?

Jesus demonstrated a different attitude towards children than spiritual leaders of his time and even his disciples. Even though the spiritual development of children was very important to Jews, they did not especially give a voice to children under 12 years old.

Biblical Foundation

  • In Torah, God especially pointed out through Moses that when the children of Israel arrived to the promised land, they were to tell their children about the great works of God and teach then the ordinances during their everyday life, when travelling, eating, sleeping and where ever they went. (Deut 6:4-9) Joshua similarly told the Israelites to take 12 stones from the river of Jordan and make a memorial so that they could teach their children what had happened when they arrived at the promised land: they crossed the river on dry land. (Joshua 4:5-7)
  • God himself did not despise a child but allowed His Son to be born as a vulnerable baby.
  • Jesus took a child, a toddler actually, and presented it to his disciples as an example of what attitude they should have (Matt 18). He said we should not corrupt or despise the children (verse 10).
  • He was also indignant when the disciples prevented the mothers bringing the children to him. He took them on his lap and blessed them. (Mark 10)
  • When Jesus came to Jerusalem riding on a donkey, people cheered at him and shouted “Hosannah to the Son of David!”(which means help or save). After arriving, he went to the temple, cleared the tables and started to heal the sick. Children shouted what they had just learned:“Hosannah to the Son of David!”. The high priests and scribes were offended and said to Jesus: Do you hear what these are saying? (Matt 21:16) When answering them, Jesus quoted Psalm 8:2 but only the first half of the verse is recorded in Matthew. Jesus was saying: Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise.
  • David writes: Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger (Psalm8:2 / NKJV)
  • Also, on Psalm 127:3-5 Solomon writes: Behold, children area heritage from the Lord,the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,so are the children of one’s youth.

We believe that the prayers of children are powerful, and our Father in Heaven listens them intently. We want to build their relationship with God so that they can learn to dialogue with Him and build an intimate relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit

See more on our page on Biblical Foundation.

History of CiP

There are many examples of how children have prayed significant role in the move of God, for instance

In the time of modern, recorded church history a turning point of involving children in prayer was the Global Consultation on World Evangelization in Seoul, Korea, where 40 children, aged 6-15 years attended as praying delegates. Encouraged by what happened to children there and what impact they had on other delegates, several prayer movements among children started (please see our history page for more details) 

Since then, under the wings of International Prayer Council (IPC) the Children in Prayer (CiP) network emerged through several international and regional gatherings in different cities around the world.

During the last few years, members of CiP have kept contact in Zoom calls, encouraging one another with prayer and updates.

The latest international meeting is being held in Jakarta, in connection with the Global United Prayer Rising Youth Conference.

The members of the network

We have named a few members of our network on our page Meet the team

If you are interested in getting involved in children in prayer, please use our Children in Prayer Partners form

For any general questions or preliminary enquiries, you can reach us by using our contact form