Children in Prayer

Children in Prayer

Power point presentation regarding Developing a National Children’s Prayer Network by Ann Low, Coordinator of National Children’s Prayer Network, Malaysia.
Power point presentation regarding the power and development of children in prayer.
A power point presentation regarding child protection issues.
ICIC News Letter 2009 - lots of pictures and information to read.
A track from ARISE LIVE! Resource CD, Clancys n ARISE team - My Best Friend.
A short video on prayer and revial from Malaysia.
A power point presentation about Kenya; tools used for children's prayer, the impact of children's prayer ministry, challenges, lessons learnt, achievements, vision and future plans and what we would like to see God do.
There are reports of the sovereign move of God encompassing several continents of the world, where little children to young adults have been “caught up” in the things of the Lord and filled with His Spirit. Read on to find out more.
A list of resources suitable for Children in Prayer.
Brian Mills from the UK leads a time of repentance for personal, corporate, national and international sins in the lead up to United Nations Universal Children's Day.  Recorded at the IPC Children in Prayer conference in New York, November 2013
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