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Displaying items by tag: weapons

Friday, 15 April 2022 04:43

Boris sending more arms to Ukraine

Boris Johnson is sending £100m worth of weapons, including Starstreak anti-aircraft missiles and 800 anti-tank missiles, to Ukraine after an ‘unconscionable bombing’ of a crowded railway station killing dozens of refugees. He said, ‘It is a war crime to attack civilians, and Russia's war crimes in Ukraine will not go unnoticed or unpunished. Boris is sending precision munitions capable of lingering in the sky until directed to their target plus more helmets, body armour, and night vision. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said the UK will also be providing heavily armoured Mastiff vehicles suitable for road patrols and convoys. Sensitive equipment will be removed, and British troops will help with training in a neighbouring country. So far sanctions have frozen £275bn of Russian foreign currency reserves, which is 60% of their total reserves. It is having deep and damaging consequences for Putin's ability to wage war. 

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 10 March 2022 20:56

Britain increases weapons shipments to Ukraine

Defence secretary Ben Wallace confirmed the UK had delivered 3,615 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine, and will provide a ‘small consignment’ of Javelin anti-tank missiles. ‘The international community has donated 900+ manned portable air defence missiles, thousands of anti-tank guided weapons of varying type and various small arms, but the capability needs strengthening,’ he told MPs. Britain will now consider the donation of Starstreak high-velocity manned portable anti-air missiles at the request of the Ukrainian government. Supplies of rations, medical equipment and other non-lethal military aid is also being stepped up. Mr Wallace added, ‘President Zelensky's people are fighting for their very survival and are united against the aggression, it is indeed Ukraine’s darkest hour.’ He continues to rule out a no-fly zone over Ukraine on the grounds that it would disadvantage its military. But Ukraine's president said the international community will be responsible for a ‘mass humanitarian catastrophe’ if it does not agree a no-fly zone to protect his country.

Published in British Isles

The governments of the UK, Germany and France have expressed ‘grave concern’ over Iran’s move to boost uranium enrichment to 60% in response to what Tehran says was an attack by Israel against its key nuclear facility at Natanz. The three European countries say the announcement is ‘particularly regrettable’ at a time when talks in Vienna have resumed, including the United States, to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. They also said this was showing Iran to be on the path to a nuclear weapon, adding, ‘Iran has no credible civilian need for enrichment at this level’.

Published in Europe
Friday, 29 November 2019 12:19

Nigeria: Turkey alleged to be arming Boko Haram

Egyptian TV News Report Alleges Turkey Supplying Weapons to Nigeria's Boko Haram.

Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman Fellow in Journalism at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and an expert on the Middle East and Islam, appeared on Thursday's afternoon's edition of CBN's Newswatch to talk more about Turkey's alleged ties to Islamic terrorism. Newswatch is seen weekdays on the CBN News Channel.  For a programming schedule, click here.

Turkey is clearly a terrorist state with a broad reach, according to an Egyptian television news program. Ten.tv reports Turkey is supplying weapons to Boko Haram in Nigeria.  Ten.tv host Nasha't al-Deyhi reported on a leak confirming an intercepted phone call from a few years back – confirming the action.

He reported in part: "Today's leak confirms without a doubt that Erdogan, his state, his government, and his party are transferring weapons from Turkey to – this is a shock, to where you may ask – to Nigeria; and to whom? – to the Boko Haram organization."

Raymond Ibrahim is the Shillman Fellow in Journalism at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and an expert on the Middle East and Islam. During an interview Thursday on CBN's Newswatch, Ibrahim said he's not surprised by the Ten.tv report.

"The tape was made in 2014 or 15 and it was reported widely in certain areas, in the US and the west not so much and not much came out of it," Ibrahim said. "The reason I think is that (Turkish President Recep Tayyip) Erdogan didn't have his fingers so much in Islamist politics outside of his own nation."

"But now that we've seen Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the ISIS Islamic state caliph that was killed recently, and he was found just three miles from the Turkish border, which is, in fact, the last bastion of jihadi-so-called 'freedom fighters' attacking the Syrian government," he told CBN News.

"It has brought it up again, he (Erdogan) is supporting ISIS," Ibrahim noted. "Now we're remembering and that was I think the point of the Egyptian show, we're bringing back to see that there's some continuity here. He's involved with some of the worst Islamic terror groups. If you remember, Boko Haram, whose name loosely means 'western education is forbidden', (Haram) was basically doing what ISIS was doing and is notorious for – years before ISIS was doing it.

"One of the things international observers have been noticing, especially increasingly, is that their armaments, their weapons are very sophisticated," he continued. "It's even spilled into the Fulani tribesmen in Nigeria and other parts of Africa. For example, in Burkina Faso, also in western Africa the attacks on Christians have become horrific in just the last few months."

As CBN News reported, a senior State Department official said last week that Turkey is backing forces in Syria who have the same radical ideology as ISIS.

"The problem is that the people doing the fighting are these ill-disciplined Arab militias, some of whom we've worked within the past when we were arming the opposition, but many of whom are (a) ill-disciplined, and (b) relatively radical, and their ideology is essentially Islamic ideology," the official said.

A fragile government in northern Syria called the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAA) released a statement on Tuesday saying that Erdogan seeks to subjugate them through radical Islam.

"Erdogan plans to turn our free, democratic region back into turmoil under radical Islamic occupation," the government said.

Critics of Erdogan's invasion say he is trying to revive the Ottoman Empire and establish a new caliphate. "Their open intention is to restore the original caliphate which was disbanded in 1924," said Dalton Thomas of Frontier Alliance International.

Recently Turkey's defense minister posted a map to his social media that shows portions of Greece, Syria, and Iraq as part of a greater Turkey.

Defense Minister Hulusi Akar posted a message alongside the map: "We have no eyes on anyone's soil. We will only take what's ours."

The map reflects the 1920 Ottoman National Pact that includes lands Turkey believes it deserved at the end of World War I.

More: https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2019/november/egyptian-tv-news-report-alleges-turkey-supplying-weapons-to-nigerias-boko-haram?cid=EU_CWN-20191115-PROD_DM31096&bid=678577184&inid=553F01FE-F484-486B-8897-0CB4CC336C5F

Pray: that Turkey stops arming Boko Haram and other radical Islamic groups.

Pray: for the divine protection of Christians in the most vulnerable regions of Nigeria.
Pray: that any subversive intentions by Turkey’s government will be brought into the light.
Pray: that Nigeria and neighbouring governments will successfully redouble their efforts to disarm Boko Haram, the Fulani Herdsmen and the other Islamic terrorist groups.

Thursday, 14 February 2019 21:34

Syria: Iranian missile factory

Iran has built a new precision missile factory in the outskirts of Latakia, a port city in Syria near the Russian air force base. The Syrian government and Hezbollah reportedly assisted Iran in constructing the factory. Missile parts were ordered from Italy, China, and other Asian countries, through companies established by Syria’s scientific research centre. Meanwhile, Iran’s official news agency reported a new ballistic missile with a range of 1,000 kilometres to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. In September 2018 Israel Defence Forces issued a rare statement confirming they struck a Syrian military facility near Latakia ‘from which systems to manufacture accurate and lethal weapons were about to be transferred on behalf of Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon’.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 November 2017 11:25

China’s surging military prowess

The Washington Free Beacon reports China is developing an array of advanced, high technology weapons designed to specifically defeat the U.S. in a future conflict.

“China is pursuing a range of advanced weapons with disruptive military potential,” states the annual report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.

That report outlines six types of advanced arms programs that Beijing has made a priority development in seeking “dominance” in the high-tech weapons area which include: manoeuvrable missile warheads, hypersonic weapons, laser and beam weapons, electromagnetic railguns, counter-space weapons, and artificial intelligence—directed robots.  

Note: I address this growing and very serious threat in my 2016 book, Future War.   These are no-kidding realities and much of the technology is stolen from the U.S. and yes, I believe there will be a major Asian war involving China in the next couple decades.

Robert Maginnis
National Security Foreign Affairs Update - From Report #69
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pray: for an end to this race to develop advanced weapons of mass destruction.
Pray: for the United Nations as they negotiate global and regional treaties on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Pray: for peace between China and its neighbours.

More at: http://freebeacon.com/national-security/report-chinas-advanced-weaponry-threatens-u-s-military/

Friday, 28 July 2017 09:13

USA and UK aggression

‘A Study of War’ reports that from 1480 to 1940 England or the UK was involved in 77 of the 278 wars involving European countries. That percentage, 28%, is more than any other nation. The USA has been at war at home or somewhere in the world 219 years out of her 240 years of existence. On 24 July Donald Trump’s senior military officer warned, ‘A strike against North Korea is not unimaginable’. Pray for Donald Trump to be a man of peace facing down warmongers. Meanwhile, Theresa May has been urged to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia. An Independent survey found that an overwhelming majority of the public are against Britain supplying billions of pounds of weapons to the kingdom. Since bombing Yemen began in 2015, the UK has licensed £3.3bn worth of arms, including £1.1bn worth of ML4 licences, which relate to bombs, missiles, and other explosives. See

Published in Worldwide

Experts from Microsoft, Audi and others gathered with UN leaders and academics to debate the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Geneva. ‘AI is probably the most significant technology we will ever create,’ said Peter Diamandis, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur. Experts discussed the huge unleashed potential of AI that can heal healthcare, make travel safe, and boost wealth. There is a desire to harness AI for good, but also a stark warning that AI also has the power to harm. Weapons already in service are capable of selecting targets, and there are no technical boundaries to machines making(?) decisions to take a human life. Automation of the battlefield lowers the threshold for the use of deadly force and transparency, meaning that accountability in the use of force is needed to keep these AI tools in check.

Published in Europe