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Displaying items by tag: Switzerland

Swiss women, known as ‘climate seniors’, who won a historic ruling on climate change from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), feel shocked and betrayed by their own parliament's decision not to comply. The women argued that Switzerland's inadequate response to climate change has harmed their health and life. The ECHR agreed, ordering Switzerland to intensify its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Despite the ruling being binding, the parliament voted to reject it, claiming the country already has an effective climate strategy. The parliamentary debate was emotional, with right-wing politicians criticising ‘foreign judges’ and Green Party members calling the discussion ‘shameful’. Switzerland, although sensitive to global warming, is not on track to meet its Paris Climate Agreement goals. Public opinion is divided; many Swiss object to the ECHR involvement, believing current measures are sufficient. The final decision on compliance rests with the government, which may present its existing measures to the ECHR in hopes of satisfying the court.

Published in Europe

Joe Biden will not be at the Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland on 15 and 16 June; instead, vice-president Kamala Harris and national security advisor Jake Sullivan will attend. The decision comes despite Biden’s attendance at France's D-Day anniversary celebrations and a G7 meeting in Italy in the next few days; on 15 June he will be at a Hollywood fundraising event. However, the White House stated that no other national leader had done more to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and peace. Over a hundred countries have promised to attend the summit, but some key states - notably China - have decided not to do so because Russia has not been invited. Volodymyr Zelensky criticised these decisions, and stressed the importance of Biden's presence for influencing other leaders. Meanwhile, Russian dissident Boris Kagarlitsky has been sent back to prison after only two months of freedom for his continuing opposition to the war. See

Published in Europe
Thursday, 17 June 2021 21:25

USA / Russia: relations warming

Before talking in Geneva relations between the USA and Russia were at rock bottom. After talking, both presidents praised their talks but have made little concrete progress at the first such meeting since 2018. Disagreements were stated, said Joe Biden, but not in a hyperbolic way, and he said Russia did not want a new cold war. Vladimir Putin said Mr Biden was an experienced statesman and the two ‘spoke the same language’. They agreed to begin a dialogue on nuclear arms control and said they would return ambassadors to each other's capitals. However, there was little sign of agreement on cyber-security, Ukraine, or the fate of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who is currently serving a two-and-a-half-year sentence in a penal colony. Mr Biden said there would be ‘devastating consequences’ for Russia if Navalny died in prison. Mr Putin hinted at a possible deal on exchanging prisoners, saying he believed compromises could be found.

Published in Worldwide

US president Joe Biden and Russia's president Vladimir Putin will hold their first summit on 16 June in Geneva, setting the stage for a new chapter in their fraught relationship. The leaders will discuss the full range of pressing issues, seeking to restore predictability and stability to the US-Russia relationship. The Kremlin said that Putin and Biden would be discussing ‘issues of strategic stability,’ as well as ‘resolving regional conflicts’ and the Covid-19 pandemic. Biden, making his first international trip as president, will go to Geneva immediately after separate summits with his key Western allies in the G7, NATO, and the EU. To prepare the ground, US secretary of state Antony Blinken and veteran Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov met last week in Reykjavik. After their meeting, a Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said that repairing ties ‘will not be easy’, but he saw ‘a positive signal’.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 23 January 2020 21:43

Switzerland: Davos - climate change

The World Economic Forum annual meeting of 3,000 of the world's richest and most powerful people took place this week in Davos. One of the speakers was Greta Thunberg, who opened a debate entitled, ‘How to avert a climate apocalypse’. Attendees were not able to avoid climate change, as the theme was ‘Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World.’ Meanwhile let us pray for Canadian residents cleaning-up after a monstrous winter storm that brought thirty inches of snow, causing chaos; for Australians dealing with the aftermath of severe thunderstorms, floods and hail the size of golf balls in different areas, while fire weather warnings cover parts of Western Australia; and for tens of thousands living near the restless Philippines volcano ‘recharging’ with fresh magma and toxic gas. The forum is asking all companies in Davos to commit to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 22 August 2019 23:03

Switzerland: UN summit on extinction threats

Amid growing alarm over accelerating extinctions, a major two-week international conference opened in Geneva on 17 August. 183 member states aim to tighten rules on trade in elephant ivory and other endangered animal and plant species. One million species are now at risk of extinction due to human activities. One of the 56 proposals on the agenda aims to prevent traffickers from passing off illegal elephant ivory as coming from mammoths, by listing the long-extinct mammals as a threatened species and thus subject to regulated trade. White rhinos, the American crocodile, and a range of shark and ray species are also on the agenda, as is the giraffe. The future of biodiversity is at stake, and we have a unique opportunity to change its course. WWF reported that Earth’s animal population has plummeted 60% in 44 years.

Published in Europe
Friday, 21 June 2019 11:03

Facebook’s new currency

Facebook will launch a Swiss-based cryptocurrency and payment system, called Libra, which could ‘reinvent money’. It is a huge political gamble, but the rewards could be enormous. Facebook is asking its 2.5 billion users and government regulators to entrust it with a power that governments jealously protect - access to money. Currently ‘Big Tech’ has become powerful but is not doing enough to protect the privacy of users or put a stop to fake news. Nevertheless it wants to launch a project that could give Silicon Valley the ability to track not just what people say and like but how they spend their money. If Libra overcomes political and regulatory storms and develops trustworthy technology and financial stability, it would attract 1.7 billion people around the world who currently lack access to traditional bank accounts. It is claimed that they could use their smartphone to make payments, as inexpensively as sending a text message.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 18 October 2018 23:27

Afghanistan: convert faces death if deported

It is illegal to be anything other than a Muslim in Afghanistan, a tribal society where leaving Islam is seen as a betrayal of the tribe. Christians who are discovered may be sent to a psychiatric hospital, on the grounds that no sane person would leave Islam. Baptism is punishable by death. Radical Islamic militants rule in over 40% of the country. If the Swiss government succeeds in deporting an Afghan Christian convert (known as AA), he faces persecution, imprisonment, or death. A religious liberty advocacy group appealed to the European Court of Human Rights on his behalf on 18 October, after the Swiss authorities refused his application for asylum. The Swiss were accused of ‘turning a blind eye to the situation of religious minorities in Afghanistan’.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 April 2018 22:34

Switzerland: Congo aid conference

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) boycotted a UN donor conference in Geneva that was seeking to raise £1.2bn for the country. Over 13 million Congolese need humanitarian aid. It is a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. Aid agencies say 4.5 million people have been forced from their homes by violence, hunger and instability. Tens of thousands of Congolese have sought refuge in western Uganda. DRC is rich in mineral and other resources, but is affected by armed conflicts, corruption and a political crisis. In the past two years, more people have been displaced in DRC than in any other country. Many believe the international community is ignoring the crisis, where two million children are at risk of starvation.

Published in Europe
Friday, 26 January 2018 09:31

Switzerland: Davos economic forum

Theresa May’s speech at Davos spoke of the UK as a centre of Artificial Intelligence, stating that in the past few years a new AI startup has been created in the UK every week, and technologies like the internet were developed with a philosophy that connecting us together would improve people’s lives. She said that the UK is developing a digital charter, at the heart of which is a set of principles that the same rights people have offline should be protected online; the internet should remain free, open and accessible; people should understand the rules that apply to them when they are online; personal data should be respected and used appropriately; and protections should be in place to help keep people safe online, especially children.

Published in Europe
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