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Displaying items by tag: trade deals

Thursday, 18 April 2024 21:50

Germany / China: Scholz’s balancing act

German chancellor Olaf Scholz has tried to strike a delicate balance on a trip to China. He wanted to promote business ties but also to raise concerns over China's export surge to Europe and its support for Russia’s war in Ukraine. Meeting with top leaders including Xi Jinping, he adopted a conciliatory tone in his discussions, emphasising partnership while acknowledging China as a competitor and systemic rival. This marked his first visit since Germany categorised China as such and called for reduced dependency on Chinese goods. Germany faces economic challenges, exacerbated by rising energy prices due to the Ukraine war. Scholz also urged Jinping to press Russia to end its ‘senseless’ war with Ukraine: see

Published in Europe
Friday, 19 April 2019 15:55

EU: Macron and US animosity

Emmanuel Macron is launching a bid to block EU/US trade talks because of Donald Trump’s refusal to sign up to the Paris climate agreement. Trump enraged Brussels when he described the EU as ‘brutal trading partners’ in a tweet offering support to Britain after the Brexit summit, which also stated, ‘Things are about to change’. Brussels wants to keep new trade deals simple, but is unsure of unpredictable Trump. The US ambassador to the EU warned that Washington would fight ‘unfair barriers’ against American companies. An official said that France is opposed to the initiation of any trade negotiations with countries outside the Paris climate agreement. This stance is at odds with Germany’s position, and could lead to more friction between Paris and Berlin.

Published in Europe

The Trade Justice Movement has welcomed the Government’s recognition, in its white paper, that our trade policy should be ‘transparent and inclusive’. However it has criticised its commitments so far as woefully inadequate, in particular the lack of any clear role for parliament in scrutinising trade deals. The white paper outlines the contents of the forthcoming trade bill, a cornerstone of the Government’s planning for Brexit. Trade deals have profound effects across domestic policy: health, environment, jobs, inequality, and climate. As a result, campaigners are calling for a democratic and transparent process for negotiating and agreeing trade deals after Brexit, with parliamentary oversight at its heart. So far 90 MPs have signed an early day motion supporting the campaign, calling for clear legislative frameworks guaranteeing the role of Parliament in trade policy.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 01 September 2017 11:00

Intercessor Focus: Brexit trade deals

New trade deals struck between the UK and third-party countries will depend on what Brexit secretary David Davis negotiates with Brussels. Pray for God to use him to shape and establish a Godly future for Britain’s commerce and industry. A free-trade area (FTA) is the region encompassing a trade bloc whose member countries have signed a free-trade agreement. These agreements involve cooperation to reduce trade barriers of import quotas and tariffs, to increase trade of goods and services with each other. Britain’s international trade minister is Liam Fox. Pray for God to strengthen him with wisdom as he seeks both international and EU trade deals. Britain could have to wait until Brexit is finalised to strike a deal with the USA, as Donald Trump has been ‘advised to wait and see’ what effects Brexit will have on the US economy. Pray for God to put His words in the mouths of the president’s advisors.

(Linda Digby, Prayer Alert team)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 11 August 2017 10:04

Brexit and Agriculture

Brexit could injure food and farming or reform it; depending on whether we adopt, amend, or abolish about 4,500 EU regulations. If Michael Gove can highlight the future of our food and farming in negotiation and not reduce it to a bargaining chip, he could make interventions to change our food system for the better. Using government procurement for schools, hospitals, the military and prisons to favour healthy British food. He could adopt a joined-up policy and target subsidies to increase production of the sort we need for health – more fruit and vegetables, less sugar and intensive meat production. He could ensure new trade deals are built on maintaining welfare and environmental standards, not lowering them to compete in new markets. He could insist that continued access to foreign labour is tied to the industry, improving what are often appalling working conditions and pay so that British workers are drawn back to jobs they now shun. See also the Bishop of St Albans comments on ‘Food Security’ at https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/aug/09/food-security-has-to-be-a-brexit-priority?CMP=twt_gu

Published in British Isles