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Displaying items by tag: new believers

Thursday, 09 July 2020 21:49

Covid conversions

Jonas is a Kenyan church planter and respected leader in his village. When Kenya shut down due to coronavirus villagers lost their jobs and income, food prices rose and families struggled. Jonas saw that they not only needed Jesus, they needed help. He used his wages to buy food for the needy. Others were inspired by his generosity and donated food to be distributed to vulnerable families. Other church planters joined him in food aid and sharing Jesus' love. The results were astounding. 863 people heard the Good News, 211 received Christ. A Muslim man named Aasir lost his job and his home. Jonas took them in. Aasir saw what it was like to walk in a relationship with Jesus, day in and day out, and he also surrendered his life to Christ.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 20 September 2019 09:52

Afghanistan, Iran: suffering but growing church

We praise God that hundreds of new Iranian and Afghan believers have been baptised in recent months in cities across the region. In Iran, these include teenagers who were deeply impacted recently by an Elam youth discipleship conference. The baptisms have been occasions of great joy and celebration, often lasting from morning to evening. Over 100 more new believers will be baptised soon at a service in Afghanistan. Please pray that all these new believers will grow in love and knowledge of Christ, and that God will protect them and give them wisdom as they witness to family and friends.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 30 August 2019 10:22

God at work in Afghanistan

Christian workers report several encouraging developments in the demanding Afghanistan mission field. Seven new believers recently formed a house church after being baptised, translators are working on three new Bible projects for minority languages, and followers of Christ are now present in every one of the country’s 34 provinces. As we celebrate God at work in Afghanistan, we are also asked to pray for the future success of various media projects such as films, radio, satellite TV, and social media outreach, so that every one of the currently unreached people groups is touched by the Holy Spirit.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 26 October 2018 00:22

Syria: new believers fill churches

A Syrian SAT-7 team recently found churches full of displaced people learning about Jesus for the first time. Almost a thousand children, including hundreds from non-Christian backgrounds, gathered in Tartus, Bloudan, and As-Suwayda to see ‘Family of Jesus’, a children’s show of music, teaching biblical values and prayer. In Bloudan 200 children were so excited and happy to see the team they didn’t want to leave, but church leaders made them go straight after the service for their safety. The congregation in As-Suwayda was almost entirely Druze people, most of the Christians having fled Syria. In Tartus the team sang, prayed and filmed with 300 Alawite children, hungry for the word of God. The churches are crowded with new believers.

Published in Praise Reports

Algeria’s population is 40.3 million - 99% Muslim, 1% Christian. Literacy: 87% men, 73% women. The country was home to St Augustine, one of the Church’s foremost theologians (354-430). Christianity flourished between the fifth and seventh centuries but disappeared after Arab invasions. Since independence in 1962, an entirely local church has been born among the Berber people. Its astonishing growth in the last few decades is thought to be the fastest in the Arab world, with several thousand new believers baptised every year. Church growth is exciting and challenging. In this ‘first-generation Church’ there is a great need for discipleship, strong biblical teaching and encouragement for believers to live out their new-found faith every day. Such a radical change in their worldview means that new Christians are often left with questions and face many challenges. SAT-7 broadcasts across the airwaves, and is responding to this need with a range of programmes to encourage and disciple Algerian believers.

Published in Worldwide