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Displaying items by tag: Bible Translations

Thursday, 30 September 2021 23:42

Bible translated into its 700th language

A new milestone has been reached by Wycliffe Bible Translators as the Bible is translated into its 700th language. The acceleration that is happening in the work of Bible translation means it is impossible to state which translation was actually the 700th, as there were several launches of physical Bibles as well as several being made available online and via apps, all at about the same time. Every time the Bible is translated into another language, we know that people in that language group can fully access the complete picture of God’s story. Now 5.7 billion people who speak 700 languages have the Bible in the language that speaks to them best. That is a remarkable figure, which continues to grow.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 30 August 2019 10:22

God at work in Afghanistan

Christian workers report several encouraging developments in the demanding Afghanistan mission field. Seven new believers recently formed a house church after being baptised, translators are working on three new Bible projects for minority languages, and followers of Christ are now present in every one of the country’s 34 provinces. As we celebrate God at work in Afghanistan, we are also asked to pray for the future success of various media projects such as films, radio, satellite TV, and social media outreach, so that every one of the currently unreached people groups is touched by the Holy Spirit.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 08 February 2019 00:20

619 new Bible translation projects in 2019

Wycliffe Associates is advancing Bible translation and has received requests to launch 619 translation projects worldwide, including groups in DRC, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Nigeria. ‘When they hear that the entire New Testament can now be translated in just months through ground-breaking technology, they are astonished, and they plead for a chance,’ said Wycliffe’s CEO. Traditionally, translations of the New Testament into another language have taken as long as 25 to 30 years. Pray for God's protection over Bible translation workshops for mother-tongue speakers, and for adequate funding for technology resources. Pray for God to keep translators safe when working discreetly in places where Christians face intense persecution. To date, the organisation has installed 90 print-on-demand units in 31 countries. By God’s grace they have distributed 5,485 tablets in 67 countries so far.

Published in British Isles
Tuesday, 31 January 2017 23:58

Praying for: Oral and Oral Bible-less Peoples

Bible Translations

Having the Bible translated into the local language is an important resource for reaching an unreached people group. The written word in their own language adds validity and acceptance to the message, as well as making it more available.

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. -Hebrews 4:12

Lord Jesus,

You are the God of all, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love You and keep Your commandments. Lord we want to see the Oral and Oral Bible-less Peoples be some of those who love You and keep Your commandments.

Father we thank You for Your Word, and for those who sacrificed so much over the years so that we could have the Bible in our own language. What a blessing it is to read Your truth anytime we want. We pray Lord that you would provide that same blessing to the Every & All, to each of the Oral and Oral Bible-less Peoples around the globe.

We ask that you would accelerate the translation and distribution process for their language. We bless those who are working on this in Jesus name. We ask that You would release Your favor and grace upon them, and upon each project in the making. We ask for You to abundantly provide the funds they need to get Your Word out to the Oral and Oral Bible-less Peoples. In Jesus name, amen.

Linda Bemis

International Orality Network

[International Council Member]

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ION Prayer Blog: IONPrayer.com  

International Orality Network

- Influencing the body of Christ to make disciples of all oral learners 

       - 80% of the world (5.7 billion) are oral learners / 1/2 are children! ~Visit: Orality.net 
