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Displaying items by tag: leaders

Thursday, 12 August 2021 22:15

Prayer for leaders

The following is based on declarations by Suzanne Ferrett, a UK-based prophetic leader: ‘Lord, we thank You that mercy triumphs over judgment. We stand in Your grace and speak Your blessing over our nation. We pray, in the Name of Jesus, for the words and thoughts of our leaders across this land to establish Your plans and will for the UK. We pray that in these significant days, the UK will be led at all times by the men and women of Your choosing. May every seat of authority be filled by the person appointed by You for tasks in commerce, industry, politics, police, NHS and all social services. We pray that they will carry, impart, and implement God-given vision. We pray for Your voice to be heard and acted upon in every influential gateway of society.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 29 April 2021 21:13

Prayers for Downing Street and leaders

Those who work within our parliament have been put there by God. Romans 13:6 says, ‘This is why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.’ Paul’s letter to Timothy tells us to pray for those in authority so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives. With elections next week, may God inspire wise voting so that those elected produce peaceful lives for their communities. The media is reporting infighting and ignominy in Downing Street. Pray for God to inspire our MPs and advisors to promote truth with humility and honesty. Pray for anything that is hidden to be revealed and for God to use the tangle of accusations to bring positive change and honest discussions. Pray also at this time for all Christians working in politics to shine their wise Godly influence into and onto every discussion and decision. May the hallmark of our society be justice and righteousness.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 April 2020 23:17

Leadership in a time such as this

Prayer is needed for people involved in commerce, industry, charities and church. Pray for the light of Christ to shine on leaders in lockdown. May they have wisdom and clarity of thought and insight. Pray for revelation as to the best approach for each organisation in times of crisis. Pray for leaders involved in health and those involved in the economy. What people are facing right now is far bigger than the individual area that they work in; we pray that all leaders see the big picture. May there be powerful God-led leadership teams, involving new thinking and encouraging their teams’ work. May every decision be based on the compassion and care that Jesus displayed, particularly when a staff member or supplier or customer is experiencing family, work or health pressures. May they see each person as made in the image of God.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 June 2019 11:53

Leader and supporters

From Passion for the Nation: ‘As the process of choosing a new prime minister continues, we can pray that every significant seat of power in our capital city will be filled by those appointed by God, establishing heaven’s purposes and shifting this nation towards its God-given destiny. Pray that the new Prime Minister will be supported by ministers, advisors, and civil service personnel who carry Kingdom purposes and plans; and we declare God’s wisdom will both guide them and protect them from every strategy of the enemy. Pray according to Proverbs 22:29 (TPT): ‘If you are uniquely gifted in your work, you will rise and be promoted’. We decree and declare that select committees, sub-committees, ministerial and civil service posts will be filled by those skilled, gifted, wise and on whom God’s favour rests. We speak strength, honour and encouragement to them in the Name of Jesus.’ For the full declaration click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 17 January 2019 22:19

Praying for our leaders

The Evangelical Alliance writes, ‘Paul reminds Timothy that praying for our leaders “pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.’’ (1 Timothy 2:4) So we should not just be praying for competence for our leaders, but that they would know Jesus Christ. If they already say they know Jesus, we should be praying that their faith would deepen and grow. Paul’s life gives us a number of principles that can guide our prayers for those in authority. However, there is still a difficult question: how do we pray together for our politicians when we may disagree quite strongly on their policies? This question is an important one for Christian unity, and will get more acute as the Brexit debates enter a new stage.’ Nevertheless we can all recommit to praying for our political leaders to know Jesus.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 March 2017 10:09

South Africa: intercession momentum

From March to May intercessors will be praying for healing for the 'heart' of South Africa, focusing on reconciliation and deep-rooted pain and animosity harboured there. Since January, intercessors have prayed for the deep-seated emotions harboured against others, stemming from events in the past. In March many will continue to go to God with expectant hearts, asking Him to reveal any form of sin that affects others. Also, from 18 to 20 March, teens and youth leaders will unite in a dynamic programme of talks, worship, multi-media platforms, spiritual-encounter stations, workshops, discussions, counselling, fellowship and fun. The event is called #imagine and aims to see radical change by placing those who will lead in twenty years' time on the right spiritual path now. Three events,with the same content, will take place simultaneously in the Western Cape, Gauteng and the Eastern Cape. We can join the intercessors: see

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