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Displaying items by tag: Downing Street

On 25 May Sue Gray’s report on the behaviour of' Downing Street staff during lockdown was published. The senior civil servant, who described how staff partied while the rest of the country was in lockdown, said many events 'should not have been allowed', and that the PM and his officials 'must bear responsibility for this culture'. Warnings about parties breaking Covid rules were ignored, the report says. Boris Johnson told MPs he took 'full responsibility for everything that took place on my watch'. He said he had been 'humbled by the whole experience' and had learned lessons.' Sue Gray said she learned of multiple examples of 'unacceptable' treatment of security and cleaning staff during her partygate investigation. Mr Johnson’s remarks are also being scrutinised by the Commons privileges committee, which must decide whether he knowingly misled Parliament, particularly when he categorically denied knowledge of rule-breaking parties. If he is found to have knowingly misled parliament, he would be in breach of the ministerial code and would in theory be expected to resign.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 31 March 2022 22:27

Fines issued over No 10 lockdown parties

Twenty fines will be issued as part of the police inquiry into Downing Street parties which breached Covid rules. The police will not be saying who is fined or confirming which events the fixed penalty notices relate to. However, Downing Street will say if the prime minister is among the recipients. Twelve parties were investigated and over a hundred people questioned under caution, resulting in officials being found guilty of breaking the law at No.10. Fixed penalty notices will need to be paid within 28 days, or contested. If someone chooses to contest the fine, the police will review the case and decide whether to withdraw the fine or take the case to court. The police say there is still a significant amount of material to be assessed, and more fines could come in the future.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 09 December 2021 21:05

Was No 10 breaking lockdown rules?

BBC Radio 5 has been broadcasting listeners' opinions on a video showing Downing Street staff joking about a Christmas party last year when everyone was on lockdown. Boris Johnson said he is ‘sickened’ by the video while maintaining there was no party and no Covid rules were broken. However the BBC was told that dozens of people partied at Downing Street during lockdown. Labour leader Keir Starmer said Boris is ‘taking the public for fools’, and the SNP called for his resignation. One backbench Tory MP said, ‘The buck stops at the top.’ Now there is to be an official investigation into Covid rule breaches at government staff parties last year. Any potential criminality uncovered would be reported to the police.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 29 April 2021 21:13

Prayers for Downing Street and leaders

Those who work within our parliament have been put there by God. Romans 13:6 says, ‘This is why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.’ Paul’s letter to Timothy tells us to pray for those in authority so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives. With elections next week, may God inspire wise voting so that those elected produce peaceful lives for their communities. The media is reporting infighting and ignominy in Downing Street. Pray for God to inspire our MPs and advisors to promote truth with humility and honesty. Pray for anything that is hidden to be revealed and for God to use the tangle of accusations to bring positive change and honest discussions. Pray also at this time for all Christians working in politics to shine their wise Godly influence into and onto every discussion and decision. May the hallmark of our society be justice and righteousness.

Published in British Isles