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Displaying items by tag: highly likely

Friday, 06 November 2020 00:26

Security alert upgraded

The UK terrorism threat has been upgraded to ‘severe’ after terror attacks in Vienna and France. This is its second-highest level, meaning that an attack is ‘highly likely’. Previously it was simply deemed ‘likely’. Home secretary Priti Patel said people should be alert but not alarmed, as it is a precautionary measure following the horrific events in Europe recently. The tipping point was the attack in Austria’s capital, where five people died in a country not known for being targeted by Islamists. It is well established that terror attacks in one country encourage copycats elsewhere. Pray for people to remain vigilant but not under any cloud of fear, and to report suspicious activity to the police without any fearful thoughts of crying ‘wolf’. Pray for MI5 and all security services monitoring suspected Islamist extremists.

Published in British Isles