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Displaying items by tag: Terror attack

Friday, 28 October 2022 12:15

Iran: 15 killed, 40 injured by ISIS

At least 15 people were killed and 40 others were injured in a terrorist attack at the Shahcheragh Shrine in the city of Shiraz. Two children were among the victims. Iranian security forces have arrested two of the suspected attackers, and a manhunt is underway to capture a third. The terror group ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, releasing a statement through its affiliated Amaq news agency that said one of its members had ‘targeted groups of Sunni refusal infidels inside the shrine with his Kalashnikov machine gun, causing the death of tens of them.’ The attack happened on the same day that clashes broke out throughout Iran and thousands of people came to the burial site of Kurdish Mahsa Amini to mark 40 days since her death. Iranian news ISNA said it’s unclear if the attack was related to the protests.

Published in Worldwide
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Friday, 06 November 2020 00:26

Security alert upgraded

The UK terrorism threat has been upgraded to ‘severe’ after terror attacks in Vienna and France. This is its second-highest level, meaning that an attack is ‘highly likely’. Previously it was simply deemed ‘likely’. Home secretary Priti Patel said people should be alert but not alarmed, as it is a precautionary measure following the horrific events in Europe recently. The tipping point was the attack in Austria’s capital, where five people died in a country not known for being targeted by Islamists. It is well established that terror attacks in one country encourage copycats elsewhere. Pray for people to remain vigilant but not under any cloud of fear, and to report suspicious activity to the police without any fearful thoughts of crying ‘wolf’. Pray for MI5 and all security services monitoring suspected Islamist extremists.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 06 November 2020 00:14

Austria: terror attack in Vienna

A 20-year-old gunman, Kujtim Fejzulai, previously convicted of trying to travel to Syria to join IS, was killed by police after he had gone on a shooting spree, killing four different people at different locations in Vienna. 23 people including a policeman were wounded; three of them are still in a critical condition. The victims were in an area near the central synagogue, full of people in bars and restaurants. Several arrests were made during searches. The IS group claimed responsibility, but there is no evidence of any accomplice. Fejzulai had been freed from prison in December 2019 after completing a de-radicalisation programme.

Published in Europe
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Catholic charity CAFOD is asking communities not to become divided after al-Shabaab attacked the DusitD2 hotel complex in Nairobi on 15 January. CAFOD's Catherine Ogolla described the attacks as ‘horrifying and worrying’. She explained, ‘What terrorists of any type want to do is to divide communities and sow violence. Therefore, all people must stand together for peace and unity in this time of trouble, sending the message out that any form of violent terror will not succeed; will not divide the Kenyan nation’. President Kenyatta said 700+ people were evacuated during the security operation, all terrorists were eliminated, and the country is safe. He urged Kenyans to ‘go back to work without fear’. Sixteen Kenyans, a Briton, and an American (a survivor of 9/11) are among the 21 dead, and 28 are in hospital. See also

Published in Worldwide
Monday, 05 June 2017 13:35

London Attack - the battle continues

“Pray without ceasing.” [1 Thess 5:17]

The second horrific attack during this election campaign should make it abundantly clear, if we didn’t know already, that there is a mighty battle going on in the spiritual realms for the future of the UK – what we see ‘on the ground’ is but a reflection of what is happening beyond our natural sight. As the political parties have been campaigning for our votes the cry ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ has been resounding throughout the land – and as that prayer is answered the ‘kingdoms’ that do not acknowledge Jesus as Lord are being dislodged – but they will not leave quietly!

There is a ‘shift in the atmosphere’ taking place over the UK, with many places reporting an openness to the Gospel that has not been experienced for a long time. It is early days, but as we press in with continued prayer and intercession, we will see change coming.

After the Manchester attack the terrorist threat level was raised from ‘severe’ to ‘critical’, then reduced again. As we saw on Saturday night – the ‘severe’ level means that the Police are still at a very high state of readiness to respond swiftly to any incident.

Church – we need to raise the prayer level from ‘severe’ to ‘critical’! Our prayers for the safety and security of our communities and the nation are crucial in the ongoing battle to defeat the enemy’s plans to disrupt, not only this election, but our whole way of life.

As never before in recent history, we need to ‘stand in the gap’ for our families, neighbourhoods, communities, towns and cities – for all of society, but especially for those who would form our new Westminster Parliament and Government, and for all those at Holyrood.

This is the new ‘Battle for Britain’ – the Church responded ‘As One’ during World War II – may we do so with even greater energy and fervour in these days!

Please pray for:
• for the safety, security and protection of every community, especially for places where large numbers gather for sport or social events, and for transport systems;
• our political leaders – that they would have God’s wisdom to know what to say and do in these days, and for the protection of all in public office, their staff and their families;
• the safety and protection of the Police and security services, and of any Army personnel involved, who are on the ‘front line’ and face the prospect of giving their lives to ensure our safety;
• that every single plan of the enemy would be uncovered and foiled before it can be implemented;
• the Church, that we would, like that mighty army, be mobilised to ‘rise up and pray’ as never before until victory is achieved;
• the Muslims in our towns and cities – that they would have dreams, visions and other divine encounters with Jesus, revealing to them just who He is and transforming their lives;
• that, while those planning evil need to be ‘rooted out’, there would be no violent backlash against Muslim communities in general, but instead that we would show them the Father’s love, His grace and his mercy – drawing them to Christ through our words and actions.


Source:  Pray for Scotland

Published in WPC News
Tuesday, 23 May 2017 14:01

Manchester - The terrorists will never win

Monday night a suicide bomber killed 22 people, including children, and injured another 59 in an explosion that targeted fans leaving a pop concert in the Manchester Arena. By Tuesday lunch time a large cordon was still in place around the area. Pray for the police carrying out forensic work to have the support they need to perfectly complete their task.  Ask God to heal and bring comfort to the young people and their parents whose bodies and emotions have been damaged by a bomb of nuts and bolts and a terrifying experience. Lord, we ask for healing, comfort and strength to every person injured and the relatives of all those killed. Father we ask you to provide a powerful spiritual hedge around our nation and the key targets for terrorists within our borders. We ask for you to give incredible wisdom to Cobra, Police and government at this time. Ask God to strengthen doctors and nurses saving lives and caring for the wounded.  Pray for the friends and relatives experiencing unimaginable worry over people who are missing and not yet identified. And Lord God we your watchmen stand at the gates of cities, towns and all high profile locations and raise our voices for protection in the  Name of Jesus Christ. We declare protection over shopping malls and transport systems in the Name of Jesus.

Published in British Isles
Saturday, 07 January 2017 02:55

Portions of a letter from Germany

‘The terror attack on the Christmas market in Berlin has been reported in detail in the media. As well as praying for the bereaved and injured, please pray for the security forces, police, politicians and the justice system to work together for the security of citizens, and to better manage the challenges of tracing those who may be intent on carrying out terror attacks. Pray for God’s wisdom and protection from the rule of fear.’ Also: ‘Post-factual (or Post-truth) stands for a fundamental change in presenting news and information in society. Increasingly political and social discussions are based on emotion rather than facts. An emotional perception of what is real then replaces the factual reality. The “truth” now rests in what everybody is talking about irrespective of the underlying facts. News is increasingly created and spread through social networks. Pray for political leaders to protect citizens from the deliberate manipulation of facts and make the spreading of untrue information a punishable offence.’

Published in Europe