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Displaying items by tag: Weapons Fair

Friday, 29 June 2018 05:55

Glasgow Arms Fair

Scotland’s largest council was condemned when it decided to sponsor the arms fair that ran from 26 – 28 June in Glasgow. Christians protested with members of the Sink the Arms Fair Coalition and activist groups from across Scotland from CND, Palestine solidarity activists, Kurdistan solidarity activists and Quakers for Peace. See #UDT2018 Rev Dr Richard Frazer was disappointed that Glasgow supports an international festival of the arms trade, ‘To facilitate such a gathering is deeply uncomfortable at a time when so many innocent people around the world are suffering from effects of war and the damage and destruction caused by weapons.’ Dr Frazer said that public bodies in Scotland should not support or benefit from a conference which facilitates conflict and destruction. ‘Humanitarian catastrophes are taking place all around the world and some companies here are cashing in on the plight of those fleeing suffering by equipping oppressive states to stop refugees from reaching safety.’

Published in British Isles