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Displaying items by tag: Glasgow

Angus Cameron, a Christian street preacher in Glasgow, Scotland, has won a substantial settlement after being wrongfully arrested for alleged 'homophobic language' in January 2022.  Police Scotland agreed to pay over £5,500 and £9,400 in legal fees, following a legal challenge by the Christian Institute, which represented Cameron. The incident began when Cameron was stopped by police, searched, handcuffed, and accused of a 'breach of the peace with homophobic aggravation’, a claim he firmly denied. Despite being released after an hour, a 'non-crime hate incident report' was filed against him, later leading to legal action for wrongful arrest, discrimination, and human rights breach. The Christian Institute revealed that the arrest lacked just cause, emphasising Cameron's peaceful preaching without targeting individuals or using offensive language. As a result, Police Scotland settled the case out-of-court, paying damages and legal costs, and removed the report from their records. This case highlights ongoing concerns about the rights of evangelical Christians to express religious views in Glasgow, referencing a similar case in 2022 involving Franklin Graham.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 28 September 2023 22:52

UK's first drug consumption room go-ahead

Officials in Glasgow are expected to approve plans for the UK's first drug consumption room. The facility, known as the Safe Drug Consumption Facility (SDFC), would allow users to take their own drugs under the supervision of health professionals. Campaigners believe the facility could be ‘life-changing’ in addressing Scotland's high drug death rate, which remains the highest in Europe. The UK government does not support the plans but has stated it will not block the pilot. The proposed location for the facility is in Glasgow's east end, where a heroin assisted treatment service has been operating since 2019. The Scottish government has committed funding for the first year of operation, and Glasgow's Health and Social Care Partnership will cover building costs and necessary redesign. The plans will be presented to the city council's Integration Joint Board for approval. The move comes after the city council became the first local authority in the UK to formally support the decriminalisation of drug consumption.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 04 November 2021 22:30

COP26 - prayers

Hundreds of ‘climate pilgrims’ have trekked miles from across the UK and Europe to Glasgow’s COP26. Some waved flags, others played musical instruments; many carried religious banners. Numerous intercessors prayed as they journeyed and will continue praying in Glasgow streets throughout the two weeks of COP26. We can pray along with them. Pray for world leaders to agree to act swiftly and justly transitioning the global economy from fossil fuels toward renewables. Pray for communities already affected by climate change to be fairly compensated. Pray for delegates to have the wisdom, compassion, humility and courage necessary to work in unity to safeguard the future of all life on this fragile planet. Pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire political leaders to embrace every single change needed to cultivate a more sustainable society, and may we all acknowledge the responsibilities God has placed upon us as stewards of His creation.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 04 November 2021 22:27

COP26 - promises and refusals

The Earth is sending a message to COP26. Delegates must commit to zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. China, the world's largest emitter, committed to achieve this by 2060 and India, the third largest emitter, by 2070. Ask God to convict delegates of greed and pride. May they re-assess all commitments and actions according to Micah 6:8 and act justly, love mercy and walk humbly under God’s authority. The Least Developed Countries group said, ‘Raising global ambition and increasing climate finance is paramount to our survival’. Pray that after COP26 the actions of powerful nations will reaffirm their positive pledges. In recent years more than two out of three deaths in the least developed countries were caused by droughts, wildfires, and floods. Pray that this crisis is treated like a crisis, and in the midst of the many voices clamouring to be heard important issues will be understood and positively acted on by decision-makers.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 October 2021 21:50

COP26: road closures, strikes, activists, Covid

The COP26 climate conference (31 October - 12 November) is expected to draw 25,000 delegates plus 100,000 protesters to Glasgow. Major road closures will last until 15 November, causing disruption. The biggest disturbance will be on 6 November - the Global Day For Climate Justice. A breakdown in union talks means workers will strike from 1-12 November. Pray for pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, and passengers to have composure and patience as they face difficulties when commuting to work. Also 1,500 refuse collection and cleansing staff are striking over a pay dispute. Concerns are also raised regarding COP26’s impact on Covid cases. Many of those attending will not be fully vaccinated, and the magnitude of the event will cause increased cases in an already fragile situation. It could trigger the need for further pandemic restrictions.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 October 2021 10:17

Glasgow street outreach during COP26

During COP26 Glasgow streets will see hundreds of people gather there to make their concerns known to world leaders through protests and petitions. God knows each and every one of them as immensely valuable, and He wants them to know that. During the conference YWAM volunteers will be based in one of the churches close to the main conference venue. Each day teams will be on Glasgow streets bringing the Good News of Jesus to those they meet. Pray for God’s anointing on each person as they engage with those to whom God leads them. Each of them also has a deep concern for the direction the world is going, and knows that God wants to see His creation flourish. Pray for God to build many bridges between His youth with a mission and those who have come for COP26. Pray also for peace on the streets if emotions run high.

Published in British Isles

A partnership between Romanian police and Glasgow Airport aimed at tackling human trafficking more effectively has been suspended. Flights between Romania and the UK have been identified as high risk for trafficking. Romanian officers had been travelling to Scotland and London to deal with the ‘high-risk’ flights from their country, as part of a collaboration described in an inspection report as ‘extremely useful’. Inspectors were told as long ago as February that the Scottish arrangement with the Romanian police had been suspended. Staff believed that this was due to the uncertainty caused by Brexit, but the Glasgow safeguarding and modern slavery team was hopeful that it would recommence at some point.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 30 August 2019 10:00

Scotland: exploring conflict and faith

This year marks the tenth anniversary of Place for Hope, a Scottish charity responding to the need for mediators within faith groups and congregations in Scotland. In October they are hosting a three-day event, ‘Gathering in Glasgow on Conflict and Faith’, to explore the nature of conflict faced by churches and faith communities, and ways of working together in conflict transformation. The event, aiming to respond to the hunger for reconciliation and peace in churches and communities, will give delegates the opportunity to network while developing the art of conflict transformation, reconciliation, and peacebuilding across faith communities. Victoria Mason, part of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s reconciliation team, will lead one of the workshops. ‘Knowing how to transform conflict is crucial for following Jesus in a world that is ever more complex and divided,’ she said.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 July 2018 22:33

Scotland: priest 'spat on and threatened’

Four people were arrested when an estimated 4,500 people marched through the streets of Glasgow on on 7 July as part of the annual Orange Walk. A priest was attacked outside St Alphonsus’ church on Stevenson Street as the congregation gathered for afternoon mass while the marchers passed by. A worshipper who saw the incident said, ‘The priest was spat at, verbally abused, and also assaulted by a baton. I was disgusted. I eventually got hold of an officer after screaming at her to get resources to protect him.’ It is not known if the priest reported the incident to the police, or if it was another member of the public. A police spokesperson said, ‘We can confirm we are investigating reports of an assault on a man outside a church in Glasgow at around 4.20 pm on Saturday’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 29 June 2018 05:55

Glasgow Arms Fair

Scotland’s largest council was condemned when it decided to sponsor the arms fair that ran from 26 – 28 June in Glasgow. Christians protested with members of the Sink the Arms Fair Coalition and activist groups from across Scotland from CND, Palestine solidarity activists, Kurdistan solidarity activists and Quakers for Peace. See #UDT2018 Rev Dr Richard Frazer was disappointed that Glasgow supports an international festival of the arms trade, ‘To facilitate such a gathering is deeply uncomfortable at a time when so many innocent people around the world are suffering from effects of war and the damage and destruction caused by weapons.’ Dr Frazer said that public bodies in Scotland should not support or benefit from a conference which facilitates conflict and destruction. ‘Humanitarian catastrophes are taking place all around the world and some companies here are cashing in on the plight of those fleeing suffering by equipping oppressive states to stop refugees from reaching safety.’

Published in British Isles
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