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Displaying items by tag: David Pytches

On 21 November David Pytches, co-founder of New Wine, died after a sustained period of illness. David and his wife Mary started New Wine in 1989, seeking to help churches experience renewal in the power of the Spirit. Their ministry has touched many lives over the years. John and Anne Coles, who led New Wine for many years after David and Mary, have said: 'David entitled his memoirs “Living on the Edge”, and we thank God for the way in which he lived like that and showed us and countless others how to do so also. He humbly, lovingly, and courageously pioneered aspects of church life and mission in the power of the Spirit, which not only changed his own church and parish but also became models for hundreds of church leaders and churches around the world. This included his pioneering of New Wine as both a summer gathering inspiring thousands of church members and a network of church leaders for mutual encouragement in ministry. His love for Jesus and the Bible, his commitment to personal holiness, his persistence in prayer, his personal prophecies, and his willingness to give away everything with which God blessed him were an inspiration to us personally, and we will miss his role in our lives as a true “Father in God”.’ Read the full article in the link below.

Published in Praise Reports