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Displaying items by tag: New Wine

On 21 November David Pytches, co-founder of New Wine, died after a sustained period of illness. David and his wife Mary started New Wine in 1989, seeking to help churches experience renewal in the power of the Spirit. Their ministry has touched many lives over the years. John and Anne Coles, who led New Wine for many years after David and Mary, have said: 'David entitled his memoirs “Living on the Edge”, and we thank God for the way in which he lived like that and showed us and countless others how to do so also. He humbly, lovingly, and courageously pioneered aspects of church life and mission in the power of the Spirit, which not only changed his own church and parish but also became models for hundreds of church leaders and churches around the world. This included his pioneering of New Wine as both a summer gathering inspiring thousands of church members and a network of church leaders for mutual encouragement in ministry. His love for Jesus and the Bible, his commitment to personal holiness, his persistence in prayer, his personal prophecies, and his willingness to give away everything with which God blessed him were an inspiration to us personally, and we will miss his role in our lives as a true “Father in God”.’ Read the full article in the link below.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 19 August 2022 00:40

Deaf four-year-old healed

A four-year-old boy was able to hear for the first time whilst attending the New Wine festival at the beginning of August. Although he has not been publicly named, crowds rejoiced when being told the news from the festival stage. Rev Kate Wharton, New Wine’s assistant director, said: ‘He was born deaf, but after he was prayed for during the week, he was able to hear for the first time. His mum told this delightful story of him staying awake whispering to his brother all night.’ The festival, held at Peterborough, saw 14,000 people gather to grow in their faith. Due to the pandemic, this was the first live New Wine festival since 2019.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 March 2021 20:54

Support Christian festivals

The leaders of seven well-known Christian festivals and events are encouraging people to support them this year. They say, ‘We are asking for you to stand with us; we need your help more than ever. Some of us have postponed events, some have moved to free digital alternatives, or chargeable digital and hybrid events. We have all had to decide what is best for us in our unique situation now; we all need the wisdom of the Lord. Please pray regularly for us as we lead our organisations, listen to His leading, and do all we can to serve Him and you. Please join 2021 events and buy tickets. If you wait until 2022, your preferred event may not have the finances to be there.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 18 February 2021 21:10

Online Easter gatherings

As the cold lockdown season comes to an end, the church will have opportunities to attend online conferences to connect with God and each other as well as hear from encouraging speakers. New Wine has created a digital journal to accompany its programme, and from 1 March is releasing a thought for the day from different New Wine leaders, to help delegates to come together prepared, hungry, and ready to encourage each other. See Meanwhile the usual huge Spring Harvest events at Minehead and Skegness have been cancelled to make way for a safe socially distanced and online event that delivers what it should in a new way. These are just two of a new season of Easter celebrations that are about to break out across the nation.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 10 August 2018 03:44

New Wine testimonies

God spoke to us, used us to pray for others and healed some of us during this first week of New Wine 2018.  Ben Williamson from Christchurch Woking said, 'I prayed for someone whose hands had no movement or feeling and both were healed and restored while I prayed. It was awesome to see God's power at work so clearly in front of my own eyes.' Steve said, ‘I want to praise God and thank New Wine for providing a ‘thin place’ where I have felt the healing power of the Spirit. Six months of kidney and back pain gone completely, I feel so liberated.’ Sanna said, ‘I came here, widowed 10 months ago, broken-hearted and missing my other half and best friend. To my surprise, my venue was all about restoration. I have been so blessed and I’m so very happy that I picked up the courage to come here with my teenagers.’

Published in Praise Reports