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Displaying items by tag: Christmas hope

Friday, 08 December 2017 12:46

Friday Focus: Christmas HOPE

When the shepherds had seen the new-born Jesus, they spread the word and amazed everyone who heard their story. This month churches will be distributing the Christmas HOPE magazine door-to-door in villages, towns and cities, spreading the Jesus story and inviting people to church. How will you and your church be reaching out to people in your community this month?

(Catherine Butcher, Hope for Every Home)

Published in British Isles
Tuesday, 21 November 2017 15:40

Make a journey to your neighbours this Christmas

HOPE is inviting Christians to make a journey this Christmas; a journey that will lead people to Jesus.

HOPE has published a glossy, give-away, evangelistic magazine called Christmas HOPE. The magazine is designed to attract attention. It features interviews with celebrities who are Christians, a feature on churches who give away Christmas hampers to residents who can’t afford the festive meal, a focus on the Response Pastors involved in some of the heart-breaking stories which left the UK reeling as tragedies unfolded in Manchester and Grenfell Tower, plus a children’s cartoon story linked to Bible Society’s Bethlehem Journey resources, a Christmas quiz, and a competition, plus prizes worth more than £2,300.

The Journey to Bethlehem is also the theme of a souvenir carols booklet which churches can use for community carol events, door-to-door carol singing, Karaoke carols in pubs and full-scale carol services in churches and cathedrals.

In the three weeks since Christmas HOPE first became available, more than 690 churches have ordered more than 300,000 copies to give away to homes in their areas. Orders are coming in at 20,000 a day with a second print run in taking copies available to half a million.

Local churches in HOPE’s extensive network across the spectrum of Christian denominations are being invited to:

  • Deliver Christmas HOPE door-to-door with an invitation to your Christmas services
  • Give Christmas HOPE to clients at your local Foodbank with an invitation to a festive meal
  • Invite Street Pastors and other community chaplains to give away copies
  • Give copies to local schools to give to families

In one village, church members will deliver copies to 3,000 local homes together with the church magazine with details of Christmas events at the church and an invitation to an Alpha course in the New Year. In another area Christmas hampers are being delivered to homes for needy families, together with a copy of Christmas HOPE. In a third area 2,100 homes will be visited over three nights. Each home will be given a goodie bag with chocolates, a Christmas invitation and the Christmas HOPE magazine. The church will also give away copies of the magazine at their Christmas Spectacular and to all those who those who attend the church’s community groups: a luncheon club, an English Language School, a toddlers’ group, and a Foodbank.

‘Many people are searching for meaning in life. They want more than the commercialism that a secular Christmas offers. The magazine Christmas HOPE gives Christians an amazing opening to talk about Jesus, and to invite friends and family to discover the hope he gives,’ says Roy Crowne, HOPE’s executive director

Work has already started on a follow-up magazine for Easter 2018. Churches will be invited to re-visit the homes reached at Christmas and to extend their deliveries to new areas. Regular updates from HOPE encourage churches to make sure that each person in the congregation is equipped to tell their story and to make Jesus known to their friends, family and work colleagues. As well as being ready with something to say, they are encouraged to give the magazine away to every home in their neighbourhood and to be intentional in inviting the people they meet to local church events, services and courses like Alpha and Christianity Explored.

To keep in touch with plans, sign up for regular updates from HOPE at www.hopetogether.org.uk/signup.


Published in WPC News