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Displaying items by tag: Afghan refugees

Friday, 17 March 2023 04:49

UAE: Detaining 2,400 Afghan asylum seekers

Human Rights Watch reported the United Arab Emirates is detaining 2,400+ Afghan asylum seekers at makeshift facilities after being evacuated from Kabul following the 2021 Taliban takeover. They are living in cramped, miserable conditions and stranded in limbo, with no hope of being resettled. The UAE denied conditions were poor and said they were working with the US to finish resettlement processes. Over 10,000 other Afghans who were flown to the UAE have been resettled in America, Canada and elsewhere. A further 70,000 were evacuated directly to the US before American troops left Kabul. The Afghans are housed in two converted apartment complexes known as Emirates Humanitarian City and Tasameem Workers City. Some Afghans had previously worked for US government-affiliated entities or programmes in Afghanistan. They reported constraints on their freedom of movement, limited access to fair refugee status, lack of adequate access to legal counsel or children’s education plus no psychosocial support.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 September 2021 23:02

Refugees in UK need so much

A Brighton doctor helping recently-arrived Afghan refugees in the UK said it was ‘very emotional’ witnessing children beginning to play and smile again. ‘Many arrived dehydrated, malnourished and exhausted after days waiting outside the airport in Kabul,’ said 27-year-old Dr Luke Tester. ‘I can't imagine the suffering they must have gone through.’ He praised the resilience of the refugees, with many arriving unwell and without any possessions. ‘People are exhausted and ill, having gone through the unimaginable, but are still comforting each other. Children who are realising they're safe are beginning to play and smile again. There's been such amazing support for these people from the public; I just hope it continues.’ he said. The British Red Cross said that over £1m had been raised so far to help provide the refugees with essentials such as food, warm clothing, blankets and wash stuff.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 August 2021 21:12

100+ churches help Afghan refugees

Over 100 churches have joined forces to help Afghan refugees settle in the UK. Christian charities Welcome Churches and the Hospitality Pledge are encouraging churches to join them in supporting refugees - particularly in areas where the resettlements will be. Dr Krish Kandiah, founder of adoption charity Home for Good and leader of the Hospitality Pledge project, said, ‘It has been so amazing to see churches step forward and get involved. We have identified some of the regions where resettlement hotels will be and are working with the Home Office to provide practical support.’ People arrive with very little, and lightweight clothing - they are cold, even in summer. Churches are sourcing clothing and prams, but the biggest need is accommodation. Groups of 100 are put in hotels, not the best place for families. Dr Kandiah hopes to utilise Christian retreats and conference centres for families, and has launched an emergency Afghan fund.

Published in British Isles