Refugees in UK need so much

Written by David Fletcher 02 Sep 2021
Refugees in UK need so much

A Brighton doctor helping recently-arrived Afghan refugees in the UK said it was ‘very emotional’ witnessing children beginning to play and smile again. ‘Many arrived dehydrated, malnourished and exhausted after days waiting outside the airport in Kabul,’ said 27-year-old Dr Luke Tester. ‘I can't imagine the suffering they must have gone through.’ He praised the resilience of the refugees, with many arriving unwell and without any possessions. ‘People are exhausted and ill, having gone through the unimaginable, but are still comforting each other. Children who are realising they're safe are beginning to play and smile again. There's been such amazing support for these people from the public; I just hope it continues.’ he said. The British Red Cross said that over £1m had been raised so far to help provide the refugees with essentials such as food, warm clothing, blankets and wash stuff.

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  • Pray: for the churches, aid agencies, social services, NHS and others to have all the manpower and provisions they need to enable them to bring relief to every refugee. (Proverbs 19:17)