Displaying items by tag: miracle

Friday, 22 February 2019 10:02

China: elderly woman miraculously healed

Brother John and his friends met villagers playing music on a mountainside. John shared the hymn Amazing Grace with them and started talking about God’s grace, while a team member prayed silently. The team member said, ‘I think one of these older ladies has a painful knee’. One woman said, ‘Yes, I do, it’s terrible’, and her sister said, ‘Both my knees have problems.’ John said ‘The Creator God can heal those knees, can we touch them and ask Him to heal them? They agreed, and then John said, ‘In the name of Jesus, be well’. One elderly lady looked surprised and started doing deep knee bends. ‘What just happened? Is the pain gone?’ ‘Yes, the pain is gone!’ was the reply. The team prayed again and she was filled with the Spirit. Three ladies gave their lives to Jesus, received Bibles, and were taught how to study God’s word.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 22 February 2019 10:00

God opens prison door, just like Acts

President Putin’s Faustian bargain with the Orthodox Church has allowed persecution to increase in Russia. Evgeniy, a Ukrainian believer, was imprisoned twice by pro-Russian separatists while attempting to deliver humanitarian aid. The first time was for fifteen days. ‘Then they found a Bible in my car and said I was an American spy. If you are a Christian or a spy it’s the same! They told me I should be killed! During my second time in prison, it was a miracle. On the third day we somehow escaped. It was like the book of Acts when an angel opened the doors of the prison cell,’ he told Mercy Projects. ‘Today, I am grateful that God continues to use me in this ministry. We can laugh now, but it was very dangerous and very serious then.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 December 2018 11:52

A testament to God's power

The trailer for a Franklin Entertainment faith-based film Breakthrough broke records with 40 million views in one week. It is a real-life story of an adopted son falling through ice into the freezing waters of a Missouri lake. He lay without any signs of life for over an hour. His mother began to pray fervently for a miracle. Miraculously, his heart started beating again, astounding everyone present and defying every scientific prediction. Only days after the accident, he left the hospital, fully healed. The author, who is also CEO of Franklin Entertainment, said, ‘It's a testament to God's power, and proof that people are hungry for hope and inspiration’.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 September 2018 10:01

India: back from the dead

‘See, as your Jesus was beaten and killed, so have we killed your pastor now. His body is in a ditch in the forest. Find him and bury him!’ Militants had tied up the Christian pastor and beaten him until he had bloody wounds all over his body. They made him crawl up a mountain, still beating him with their sticks to force him forwards. When Tilak took his last breath, they sent for the village doctor to confirm his death and then threw his body in a ditch. There was no way he could have survived. The Christians from Tilak’s village found his body and brought it home. Laying him in a hut and paying their last respects they did not expect him to start to move and open his eyes. Tilak was alive! Some of his attackers were present when he came back to life. They must have been the most shocked of all.

Published in Praise Reports
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