Displaying items by tag: Philippines

Friday, 20 September 2024 09:35

Philippines / China: standoff in South China Sea

After a five-month standoff with China over Sabina Shoal in the South China Sea, the Philippines have had to withdraw a coastguard vessel from the area because of bad weather, crew health issues and  damage due to a collision with a Chinese vessel in August. Some commentators have warned that China could seize control of the shoal, repeating an incident in 2012 at Scarborough Shoal, but not everyone agrees. Manila insists it hasn’t abandoned Sabina, which is vital for resupplying troops at Second Thomas Shoal. Analysts have urged the Philippines to maintain a consistent presence, given its limited patrol capacity. Though tensions remain high, both nations are working to de-escalate the situation. The Philippines have said they are planning to send a replacement vessel, but have not given details.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 11 July 2024 21:17

Japan / Philippines: mutual defence agreement

The Philippines and Japan have agreed a Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) to enhance defence cooperation. Aiming for an independent foreign policy, Ferdinand Marcos Jr is aiming to diversify the country’s security partnerships. Both countries have considerable concerns over China’s maritime assertiveness in the area. Once ratified, the pact will pave the way for large-scale joint exercises and defence equipment transfers. Although it is not a defence treaty, it is an effort to further ‘promote security and defence cooperation between the two countries and firmly support peace and stability in the region’. It focuses on enhancing readiness for potential contingencies, particularly around Taiwan. Japan's favourable standing in the Philippines, coupled with its role as a major trade partner and investor, underscores the strategic importance of this pact.

Published in Worldwide

Efforts to restart peace talks between the Philippine government and the communist New People’s Army have faltered as clashes continue. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr surprised many when he initiated talks, facilitated by the Norwegian government, with the National Democratic Front (NDF), the rebels’ political front. These resulted in an agreement in which both parties acknowledged the underlying grievances at the heart of the conflict and agreed to seek reforms. However, military operations persist, including airstrikes in December in Mindanao which killed nine alleged rebels. The conflict, spanning more than fifty years, has claimed more than 40,000 lives, peaking during the martial law era of Ferdinand Marcos Sr. Peace talks have repeatedly collapsed over the years.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 13 October 2022 20:18

USA / Philippines / Japan: military drills

2,500 US stealth fighters and Philippine marines have blasted imaginary enemies in combat drills, mock amphibious assaults, and other coastal tactics. These drills were the first joint large-scale military exercise under the newly elected president. His predecessor was an outspoken critic who threatened to cut ties with Washington and was against military exercises which could offend Beijing. Held simultaneously with these drills were exercises between US and Japanese forces around Hokkaido island, involving 3,000 military personnel. The USA said the drills ensured that it was ‘prepared to respond rapidly to crises throughout the Indo-Pacific’. Japan’s Ground Self-Defence Force said they would strengthen response capabilities. These drills came as Washington and Beijing engage in heated rhetoric over the status of Taiwan and claims to islands and waters in the South China Sea. See the next article, Taiwan billionaire.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 17 June 2022 10:35

Predators caught and convicted

Praise God for the conviction of an Australian man who was found guilty of online sexual exploitation of children. He has been sentenced to 14.5 years in jail after paying almost a half a million dollars to exploit Filipino children sexually online. Please continue to pray for the fifteen victims rescued in this case, and that his conviction will bring them peace and comfort as they continue the road of healing. Meanwhile in India, a sex trafficker was sentenced to seven years in prison for exploiting women and girls, and a brothel was permanently closed in Mumbai, releasing the survivors of sex trafficking who are now receiving rehabilitation at an aftercare shelter.

Published in Praise Reports
Wednesday, 22 December 2021 21:00

Philippines: typhoon devastation

The Philippines has an average of twenty storms and typhoons annually, wiping out harvests, homes and infrastructure. The strongest this year, Typhoon Rai, killed 375 people and more deaths are expected as rescue operations continue. Pray for God to comfort all who mourn. Pray for adequate relief housing for the 300,000 who fled their homes and beachfront resorts. Pray for clear organisation and speedy delivery of water, food and medicines by the Red Cross and other relief groups. Pray for families living with no electricity or means of communication to be found and helped. Pray for God to give wisdom and endurance to the thousands of military, police, coast guards and fire personnel assisting in search and rescue efforts. They are describing scenes of ‘complete carnage’. Establishing the scale of the loss of life is difficult in areas where landslides and flooding may have claimed more lives. See also

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 March 2021 20:40

South China Sea: fake fishing fleet

On 22 March the Philippines demanded China withdraw its massive ‘fishing fleet’, controlled by its navy, from waters that Manila has exclusive economic rights over. These boats have been nicknamed ‘little blue men’ because their role is similar to Putin's famous ‘little green men’ (Russian soldiers without official insignia who invaded eastern Ukraine on behalf of Moscow in 2014). For the Chinese navy to masquerade as fisherfolk is nothing new. But this time the sheer scale of the flotilla, a whopping 220 vessels, totally outnumbers the ill-equipped Philippine navy, coastguards, and local fishing boats which have long complained of China chasing them out of their own waters. As China's power rises, so too has Beijing's determination to dominate the South China Sea despite American intervention in the past, and the Philippines’ attempts to prevent illegal control.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 November 2020 21:47

Philippines: IJM success

Praise God for the rescue of three teenage girls from online child sexual exploitation in the Philippines. They are receiving trauma-informed care from the city social welfare department. Also, a group of 13 women and men were struggling to rebuild life in freedom after being rescued. An NGO bought new bicycles for them and helped them set up small businesses delivering milk and cloth in their community - where they now earn steady incomes. Pray for more creative ways to support survivors long-term. Praise God that there have been over 100 convictions by government prosecutors for cases of online exploitation of children.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 05 November 2020 23:39

Philippines: Typhoon Goni

The Philippines is used to powerful storms, but this year preparations are being complicated by Covid-19 which has killed 7,221 people so far. On 1 November, in preparation for Typhoon Goni, 361,000 people were evacuated to tents inside school gymnasiums and government-run evacuation centres. Coronavirus patients are treated in isolation tents. Goni damaged 90% of the buildings in Virac, the first town it struck. Pray for the 70,000 residents who have lost so much, including lives. Pray for those in several other towns still inaccessible on 5 November. Pray for successful relief efforts being complicated by the pandemic. Pray for the 370,000 displaced people not knowing what they will find when they return home. Tens of thousands of homes are completely destroyed. Goni is the worst typhoon to hit the Philippines in seven years. With communication not yet completely restored it is difficult to obtain information. Pray for speedy repairs to electricity, water, and cellular networks.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 22 October 2020 22:53

Slaves rescued

Recently the Ghana police, working with the department of social welfare and IJM, rescued nine children and arrested five suspects. We are thankful to the resilient and brave team who made this rescue possible. Please pray for further Ghana rescues. Four Filipino children were also rescued thanks to another multi-agency effort led by the Philippines Women and Children Centre. One suspect, believed to be a child’s relative, was arrested. Finally in South Asia ten people, including children, were rescued from bonded labour at a brick kiln.

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