Displaying items by tag: Hospital

Friday, 05 July 2024 11:32

Lucy Letby found guilty of another murder

Former nurse Lucy Letby has been found guilty of attempting to murder a premature baby girl, Baby K, following a retrial. Baby K’s family described their ordeal as a ‘long, torturous and emotional journey – twice’, expressing their continued distress. Last August, Letby was convicted of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder six others at the Countess of Chester Hospital. The retrial jury determined she tried to murder Baby K by dislodging her breathing tube. A consultant who intervened to resuscitate Baby K testified that Letby did nothing to help. The baby died three days later due to extreme prematurity and severe respiratory distress syndrome. The hospital has since made significant changes to its services. A public inquiry will begin in September, and a police investigation is ongoing.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 September 2022 10:14

New strain of monkeypox found in UK

Current guidance states that if a case of monkeypox is known to be imported from West Africa, a region where it has been endemic for decades, then the individual must be admitted to a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) hospital unit for monitoring. Recently, an individual was admitted to the HCID ward at Royal Liverpool University Hospital. Preliminary analysis revealed the type of monkeypox virus they contracted is a different strain from the one widely currently circulating in the UK with 3,279 known cases (79 were identified in the last week). Dr Sophia Maki said, ‘We are working to contact the individuals who have had close contact with the person infected with the new variant prior to confirmation of their infection. We will assess them as necessary and provide advice.’ See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 August 2022 00:33

Scotland: patients locked in secure hospitals

The BBC have discovered that Scots with learning disabilities and autism have been locked in secure hospitals and psychiatric wards for decades, unable to get out despite ministers saying 22 years ago they should be living independently in the community. One person with a learning disability had been behind locked doors for 25 years. Another was cleared for release eight years ago but is still in hospital. Families said their relatives had been left to rot. The Scottish government said the findings were unacceptable and that local services must do more to get people into their own homes. Freedom of Information requests revealed that 15 Scots with learning disabilities and autism had been living for twenty years or more in hospital, 40 for over ten years and 129 for over a year. Nine autistic people with learning disabilities who had never committed a crime were in a high-security psychiatric hospital which houses Scotland's most serious criminals.

Published in British Isles

A disturbing but common feature of modern warfare is incidents of violence against hospitals, patients and healthcare workers. A recent report cites 806 incidents of violence against or obstruction of healthcare in 43 countries and territories in ongoing wars and violent conflicts in 2020, ranging from the bombing of hospitals in Yemen to the abduction of doctors in Nigeria. At least 185 health workers were killed and 117 kidnapped. Attacks continue with impunity, as several states fail to act on global commitments and frameworks intended to safeguard medical professionals saving lives. The nature of conflict now includes more non-state armed groups, but they all attack healthcare. Pray for health workers alone, with very little support, suffering trauma from violence.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 18 March 2021 20:35

Duke of Edinburgh leaves hospital

The 99-year-old Duke of Edinburgh is said to be in good spirits after a month-long stay in hospital being treated for an infection and a pre-existing heart condition. He left through a side entrance of the hospital in a wheelchair, and was helped into the rear passenger seat of a waiting car. A statement said, ‘His Royal Highness wishes to thank all the medical staff who looked after him ... and everyone who has sent their good wishes.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 18 February 2021 20:58

Prince Philip in hospital

The Duke of Edinburgh was admitted to hospital as a ‘precautionary measure’ after feeling unwell on the evening of 16 February. The following day a Buckingham Palace spokesperson said the 99-year-old is ‘expected to remain in hospital for a few days of observation and rest’. It is understood the decision to admit him was taken with an ‘abundance’ of caution by his doctor and he is said to be in good spirits. He does not have a coronavirus-related illness, and walked into the hospital unaided.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 09 July 2020 20:54

Lebanon: main hospital closing wards

The main coronavirus hospital in Lebanon has been forced to close operating rooms and delay surgeries amid lengthy power cuts caused by a spiralling economic crisis. Dr Firass Abiad said Lebanon’s largest public healthcare facility was ‘barely making ends meet’ and running out of fuel to power generators for power cuts now lasting 15 hours. Despite soaring summer temperatures the hospital has turned off air-conditioning units in the administrative offices and in the corridors to ensure wards and intensive care units can be cooled, as they treat over 90% of the country’s two thousand confirmed coronavirus cases. He warned that if the crippling power cuts continue, the hospital would have just enough fuel to man the generators for three weeks. The crisis at the hospital is part of the fallout of an unprecedented financial crisis and deteriorating economic conditions in the country.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 April 2020 23:37

Fake news causes fear of doctors

Smartphones and social media have connected families who are separated in lockdown. They have also generated a blizzard of dangerous fake news. In Bradford online posts of non-white patients being left to die in hospitals are being shared thousands of times among black, Asian, and minority ethnic communities. One reason for the high number of deaths in this people group is that they often live in densely overcrowded housing. Many have diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease - all high risk factors. Dr John Wright of Bradford Royal Infirmary said, ‘I know from my work in African epidemics that where there is fear and panic, and patients become isolated from their families, it doesn't take long for rumours and fake news stories to start circulating. We have noticed that some patients are scared to be admitted, and some want to self-discharge, because they think doctors are trying to kill them.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 05 September 2019 21:27

DR Congo: militants kidnap 200+, loot hospital

Over 200 people including women and children were abducted and a church mission hospital and shops were looted when Islamist extremists raided the town of Boga, in this majority-Christian country. Bishop William Bahemuka said the Muslim ADF militia had attacked the town in the early hours. During the three-hour assault, there are conflicting reports about how much the army resisted the militants, as no casualties were reported. People are terrified. Families are traumatised and grieving over their abducted loved ones. The ADF has never been active in Boga, so people are confused and can’t understand the current situation. Bishop Bahemuka said, ‘I appeal to people of good will everywhere to lobby their home governments to put pressure on our government to stabilise the security situation. We also appeal for a massive outpouring of sustained prayer from Christians everywhere.’

Published in Worldwide

An eye surgeon from the Diocese of Peshawar, Khushbakht Peters, celebrates the work of the Christian hospital at Tank in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. She writes: ‘Tank is a city in the south of our province. The war against terrorism has been going on for a long time here; many people, both soldiers and civilians, have lost their lives. Yet even when things were at their worst, the dedicated staff at the Christian Hospital persisted in providing healthcare services. A few years ago, even the Taliban refused to attack the hospital, as this is where all their women and children go for treatment. For the past 150 years the hospital has been following the footsteps of the Good Samaritan, providing a healing touch for those in need. They have been helping the poorest of the poor, the underprivileged of society, giving them their only chance to better health. Following the living example of the hospital, let us be obedient to our calling to the Lord, and become a blessing for many.’

Published in Praise Reports
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