Displaying items by tag: China

Friday, 13 April 2018 04:53

China: Religious freedom

China presented a ‘religion white paper’ guaranteeing protection for religious freedom four days after banning online sale of Bibles. The paper was publicised at a press conference after Chinese believers found that online searches for the ‘Holy Bible’ got no results. JD.com, Amazon.cn and China's biggest online marketplaces did not include the Bible in their search results. Online merchants said copies can be obtained through private message. Sensitive religious topics and groups are among the most censored in China. Chinese authorities increasingly use more high-tech methods to control religion and punish believers - including surveillance and arrest of believers for sharing information online. These developments follow February’s new ‘religion regulations’ which some Churches said violated religious freedom. World Watch Monitor reported in October 2017 that the estimated number of Christians in China could reach 247 million by 2030, ‘making it the world’s largest congregation’.
See  http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2018/april/bible-ban-gods-word-disappears-from-online-stores-in-china

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 28 March 2018 13:31

Pray for Christians in China

For decades we have strived to openly share news and prayer requests from Asia, as we seek to help God's people extend the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

In this newsletter we have a deep burden to share with you, and we ask for your fervent prayers and intercession for our brothers and sisters in the Chinese house churches. They are now undergoing a fiery trial that is more fierce than anything experienced in China since the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s.

In the past 18 months, the situation for Christians in China has dramatically worsened. At the start, we hesitated to publicly share new information from China for a few reasons. Some of the news we have received from church leaders is so dire that most believers around the world simply wouldn't believe it if we told them. We also wanted to make sure these things were not part of a short-term crackdown, as over the years we have seen numerous seasons of persecution come and go in China. However, we believe it is now time to present the known facts, to help people understand what our fellow believers are experiencing right now.

We have also shared several links to web pages in this message, to help people learn more about the situation from other sources. Please take the time to read these articles.

* President Xi Jinping—who is about to have the constitution amended so he can remain in power for as long as he wishes—first raised concerns among Christians about three years ago when he spoke about the need to control "illegal religion". Persecution has markedly worsened since then, and hundreds of house church pastors have vanished over the past few years. Many are assumed to have been killed. Others may be held in "black jails" — secret facilities where they are tortured mercilessly. When someone enters a black jail they are usually never heard from again. Their families have no idea of their whereabouts, and all communication ceases.

* You are unlikely to hear much fresh information from the Church in China, because most mission organizations working in China have been targeted in recent years. Thousands of foreign Christians have been expelled from the country, while the large 'persecution' ministries have seen their Chinese contacts arrested. The result is that news about the Church in China is becoming difficult to access. The government appears to be trying to throw a blanket over the Church, so that the rest of the world can't see or hear what's going on inside the country.

* Christian activity in China has been strictly monitored, due to the presence of tens of millions of facial- recognition cameras that have sprung up in every city and town, and now even in villages. The data from these cameras is fed into a massive computer network around the clock. Using 'artificial intelligence', alerts are sent to the police if the computers detect any suspicious activity, such as a group of Christians gathering at a location for worship or Bible study. We encourage you to watch the following short video from the BBC. It is sobering, but will help you understand the challenges facing our brothers and sisters in China:

* For decades, most members of Three-Self churches in China thought they were safe because they had registered with the government. Many looked down on the illegal house church networks and chided them for not "obeying the laws of the land." The distinctions between the two groups are now blurred. Hundreds of Three-Self pastors have also been arrested in the last few years, and church buildings have been demolished by special paramilitary forces. The largest single worship center in China, the Golden Lampstand Church in Shanxi Province, had a congregation of more than 50,000 members. The building, which was constructed with official permission, was recently blown up by the Chinese authorities and is now a pile of rubble:

* Last year the government announced draconian new laws designed to punish "illegal religion" (i.e. all worship or activity outside the control of the atheistic Communist Party). These new laws, which came into force last month, include fines of up to US$30,000 for holding prayer meetings or Bible studies, while Christians who travel out of the country (including to Hong Kong) to attend conferences or other Christian events may be arrested and fined up to US$50,000. These amounts are more than a lifetime's income for many Chinese believers. Pressure is also being applied to those who associate with Christians. For example, landlords face heavy fines if they rent a property to any believers who subsequently use it for meetings.

* As a result of this massive suppression, in the past year almost all house church networks we serve have stopped holding large gatherings, and most have broken down into tiny groups of no more than 4 or 5 believers. Even small meetings like this carry risk of detection and police action, so great is the control being exerted.

* In some parts of the country, thousands of Chinese Christians have been arrested. The worst of all is in northwest China, where the government has cast a wide net to demolish the threat of Islam, with at least 120,000 people currently believed to be held in concentration camps in the region:

Many Christians in Xinjiang, both Han Chinese and ethnic minority believers, have been rounded up and sent to the same concentration camps. Church leaders we work with have told us things there are "worse than during the Cultural Revolution."https://www.worldwatchmonitor.org/2018/02/china-100-christians-sent-re-education-camps-xinjiang/

The supply of Bibles to Chinese Christians has been severely reduced.The house churches have never been officially allowed to access Bibles, but now the registered churches are also reporting a great shortage. Last year, the few remaining Bible courier ministries that were operating from Hong Kong also closed down. A decade ago, Asia Harvest was one of about a dozen known ministries providing Bibles to the house churches of China. Most of those groups have since been forced out of the country through threats, intimidation, seduction, and other means.

We have received reports of some who carried Bibles into China recently being stopped at the border. In the past, officials would confiscate the Bibles and allow the person to continue on their journey. Now, those caught with Chinese Bibles have been interrogated for up to 12 hours, expelled from China, and banned from coming back for 10 years. We believe the overall purpose is to isolate the children of God in China by strangling the supply of God's Word. Many Chinese Christian websites, Bible apps and other resources have also been blocked by the government.

China is also extending its anti-Christian influence into neighboring countries. We have received reports of believers in Nepal, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam being warned not to spread the Gospel across their borders into China, or they will face severe consequences.

Summary: Few Christians around the world imagined that China would ever return to its intense anti-Christian persecutions like during Mao's rule, but things are lining up for a brutal and prolonged period of struggle for Christians in China. In many ways, because of new technology, believers face an even greater challenge than during the dark days of the Cultural Revolution. Many in the West thought that Communism collapsed with the breakup of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. Politicians were certain that free market reforms would cause China to open up and embrace democracy. They were wrong. The dark forces of aggressive, God-hating atheism are alive and well in China, North Korea, and other parts of the world.

Please Pray for China

Praise God that He has done a wonderful work of grace in China during nearly 70 years of Communist rule! Today there are at least 100 million Christians in the country, many of whom love the Lord Jesus with all their hearts and are willing to lay down their lives for the Gospel. Pray this persecution will cause the Church to rise up and claim even more of their country for the kingdom of God.

Please pray the kingdom of Jesus Christ would be strengthened and would grow even larger as a result of the current anti-Christian campaign. Pray that Satan would not have his way, but that God's children would be covered by the Blood of Jesus and would come through the tribulations refined like pure gold.

* Ask God to glorify His Name once again among the people of China, and that by breaking down into tiny groups of believers, the churches will get back to the basics of the faith and introduce more people to the Lord than ever before.

* Most of the younger generation of Christian leaders in China have never experienced severe, physical persecution. Understandably, many are nervous. Please pray our Heavenly Father would reveal Christ's all-sufficiency to them, and they would come through to the other side closer to God and better equipped to lead His people.

Pray the Holy Spirit would give His children heavenly wisdom and strategies to know what to do in this crisis, and that the transformative power of the Gospel will continue to be shared to the one billion people in China who have not yet bowed their knee to the Lord.

* By God's hand, Asia Harvest has provided almost 11 million Bibles to the house churches in China over the years. We wish it was many millions more! The pressure is intense, but please pray the Lord will continue to hold open the door for us to continue. Please intercede for our Chinese co-workers who oversee the projects. As long as there is a slight opening, we want to faithfully continue to obey what God first called us to do 30 years ago.

* Satan and wicked men have continually tried to destroy God's people in China over the centuries, but God's plans have progressed regardless. Pray the King of Kings would confound the present generation of rulers, and they would learn the lesson that many before have discovered, dating back to the time of Pharaoh's persecution of God's children, when the Bible says, "The more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread; so the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites" (Exodus 1:12).

Please feel free to share this message with any concerned believers, or to post it on social media etc.

Until All have Heard of Jesus,
The team at Asia Harvest

Friday, 09 March 2018 09:49

China: unlimited presidency and neighbours

Oh Ei Sun, of the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute, has said that scrapping the two-term limit on the Chinese presidency will have profound ramifications for the region. But it looks likely to happen, and Asia may have to accept that a more assertive China is here to stay. On 5 March China’s biggest two-week political meeting, Two Seasons, began. Thousands of advisors and legislative deputies will consider the election of state leaders, revising the constitution, and structural reforms. China’s elite members of the National People’s Congress will be there to rubber-stamp the end of two-term-limit of presidents. President Xi Jinping will soon be president for life - which brings cautious optimism regarding the tense situation surrounding North Korea. For when dealing with the most protracted issue - Pyongyang’s repeated attempts at developing nuclear weapons - China has, under Xi, demonstrated flexibility in its foreign policy by taking concrete actions to enforce some of the UN Security Council resolutions sanctioning the Kim regime.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 February 2018 09:33

Maldives: flashpoint in Indo-Chinese rivalry

A power struggle in the Maldives is taking centre stage in a battle for regional influence between India and China. Maldives President Yameen declared a state of emergency after the supreme court ordered him to free political prisoners and opposition politicians he jailed. Security forces then stormed the court and arrested two judges and a former leader. The remaining judges annulled a previous ruling. It is being called an assault on democracy. The political drama sparked concern in India, which issued a strong statement saying it is imperative for the government to adhere to a free trade agreement it made with the Maldives. India views China as a geopolitical foe in Asia and is pushing to maintain geo-strategic supremacy in the Indian Ocean, with backing from the US and Japan. Meanwhile, it has expanded its influence by building ports in Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Djibouti (now home to its first overseas military base). See also

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 02 February 2018 09:21

PM urged to challenge China

Theresa May is currently on a three-day state visit to China, to discuss expanding trade between the two countries. CSW says that while such talks are important, they shouldn’t come at the expense of challenging President Xi on his treatment of Christians. Mrs May’s visit coincides with new restrictions on churches. The government wants all churches to be registered, and to control the appointment of pastors and what they teach. Some Christians simply cannot do that. Christians who are not part of the official, government-sanctioned, church are branded as evil cults. This month in Yunnan Province, six members of an unregistered church were sentenced to up to 13 years in prison for ‘using an evil cult to organise and undermine law enforcement’, and a 500-member church in Shanxi Province was demolished with dynamite.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 30 November 2017 11:25

China’s surging military prowess

The Washington Free Beacon reports China is developing an array of advanced, high technology weapons designed to specifically defeat the U.S. in a future conflict.

“China is pursuing a range of advanced weapons with disruptive military potential,” states the annual report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.

That report outlines six types of advanced arms programs that Beijing has made a priority development in seeking “dominance” in the high-tech weapons area which include: manoeuvrable missile warheads, hypersonic weapons, laser and beam weapons, electromagnetic railguns, counter-space weapons, and artificial intelligence—directed robots.  

Note: I address this growing and very serious threat in my 2016 book, Future War.   These are no-kidding realities and much of the technology is stolen from the U.S. and yes, I believe there will be a major Asian war involving China in the next couple decades.

Robert Maginnis
National Security Foreign Affairs Update - From Report #69
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pray: for an end to this race to develop advanced weapons of mass destruction.
Pray: for the United Nations as they negotiate global and regional treaties on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Pray: for peace between China and its neighbours.

More at: http://freebeacon.com/national-security/report-chinas-advanced-weaponry-threatens-u-s-military/

Friday, 24 November 2017 13:53

China: Crackdown on human-rights

Jiang Tianyong, a prominent Chinese human rights lawyer has been jailed for two years, the latest conviction in Beijing's crackdown on rights activists. He was found guilty of inciting subversion of state power and defaming China's political system. His wife told Reuters that the verdict was unacceptable. Amnesty International dismissed the trial as a ‘sham’. It is estimated that over 300 lawyers, legal assistants and activists have been questioned, and more than two dozen of these pursued as formal investigations. Mr Jiang defended human rights activists and fellow rights lawyers as well as also Falun Gong meditation practitioners and Tibetan protesters. The court also found him guilty of using social media to attack the Chinese government and of inciting others to demonstrate in public. China tortures people in prison see also  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-china-blog-41661862

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 01 November 2017 06:27

Praying for North Korea (Nov 2017)

No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord.  Is 54:17

In this edition of IPC Connections, we are once again highlighting the extremely volatile situation on the Korean Peninsula, that needs our prayers.  

Last month, we prayed about the potential of military options, which could cause many deaths. There is still the danger of provocative actions which we continue to pray against.  We also highlighted the significant relationship with China, who has the power and influence to broker a peaceful resolution to the crisis.  

Since then, an interview (reported here) with an academic with close relations to the Chinese government has warned that a war between China and North Korea was 'on the table'.  Chong Sho-Hu, a professor from Renmin University, Beijing said that the relationship with North Korea was now worse than it had been with both the Soviet Union and Vietnam at the time of the wars with those countries in the past.

In his words: "North Korea is standing on the edge of a deep cliff, one light blow could push this country off the cliff."   When asked whether this meant one more missile test could trigger war, the professor agreed.

Let's pray for continued peace and a 'breakthrough intervention' in the relationship between China and North Korea that will open the door for a U-turn and for positive de-nuclearization negotiations.

We also report in this edition on the real threat that the continued development of intercontinental ballistic rockets by North Korea's regime is creating. North Korea’s deputy U.N. ambassador called his country’s nuclear and missile arsenal “a precious strategic asset that cannot be reversed or bartered for anything.” A UK Daily Mail article also included in this month's edition quotes North Korean official's ambitions - both defensive and offensive capability that will hold the whole of the United States within it's range.  

As I have been writing this, a notification has arrived of an un-confirmed tunnel collapse in September at the North Korean nuclear test site that resulted in 200 deaths of 100 workers and a further 100 rescuers who were killed in a second collapse.  Whilst any loss of life is regrettable, there is no doubt that such an incident will have hampered the efforts of the regime in their attempts to develop these nuclear weapons.  http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-missiles-tunnel/tunnel-collapse-may-have-killed-200-after-north-korea-nuclear-test-japanese-broadcaster-idUSKBN1D018L?il=0

Pray on for the nuclear ambitions of North Korea to be thwarted. (Is 54:17) Let's also pray into the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and other United Nations efforts to restrict and reduce the development of nuclear arsenals globally.

Many Christians are suffering in North Korea for their faith.  Choi Kwanghyuk (55) escaped a work camp where he was sent after being targeted and persecuted by the government for his Christian faith. Read about his harrowing experiences below.

Robert Park, a US prisoner of the Kim Jong-il regime from December 2009 to February 2010 estimates that there are up to 400,000 believers worshipping secretly in North Korea.  He reminds us of the fact that thousands of the imprisoned Christians are in prison camps that are located close to military targets such as weapons facilities and test sites.  Read Robert's moving plea for a workable and peaceable solution addressed to the Korean President below.

Pray on for those being persecuted, raped, beaten, tortured for their faith. (Matt 5:11-12).  Pray for their release and an end to the oppression of believers of all faiths.  Pray for a solution to the crisis that does not endanger lives, either side of the border.  

On a more positive note, let’s be thankful for news of a growing Christian Church in North Korea, reported in this month's edition and for the innovative means being used to make the word of God available to them, through 'Bible Balloons containing text from the Bible or flash drives containing the whole Bible - Praise God!

Pray for the continuing efforts to encourage, equip and educate new believers in North Korea and for those who are taking great risks both in these efforts from South Korea and those who are nurturing God's people within North Korea.  Pray for one, united Korea.

May God bless and encourage you all as you join us in praying both for Korea and these other important global matters.

In His service,

John Robb, IPC Chairman

Wednesday, 01 November 2017 06:17

North Korea - Shock warning of Chinese BLITZ

A CHINESE academic with close links to officials inside the country's defence establishment has revealed that China is prepared to "go to war" with North Korea.

In a shocking bombshell interview, an academic with close ties to the Chinese government has warned war with North Korea was on the table.

Chong Sho-Hu, who is a professor of international relations at the Renmin University, in Beijing, said North Korea was "seeking death".

He also confirmed the long-lasting era of Chinese friendship with North Korea has ended.

Despite historic ties between the two countries, president Xi Jinping has reportedly become "fed up" with the erratic behaviour of the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un.

Speaking to the BBC, the professor warned that one more missile test would be the move "to push the country off the cliff".

President Jinping was said to be "boiling with fury" after North Korea recently tested a missile just as China was gearing up to host a pivotal global economic conference.

The former US ambassador to China Max Baucus recently claimed the only time he saw the Chinese leader use "undiplomatic language" was in relation to Kim Jong-Un.

Professor Sho-Hu, who has ties to China's defence and foreign affairs establishment, suggested that the time may have come for a military solution to the problem.

He said: "The Chinese government is mad, China’s top leader is mad. China wants to punish North Korea.

"China once had special relations with the Soviet Union but they had war with that country.

"They also had a very special relationship with Vietnam but then they had a war with them in 1979

"The relationship between China and North Korea is worse than both of those.

"I will say, there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies."

The professor added: "North Korea is in an awkward situation. No country has ever encountered such tough sanctions before.

"If they do nothing, they will starve to death. If they do another ICBM test, they will seek to die.

"North Korea is standing on the edge of a deep cliff, one light blow could push this country of the cliff."

When asked whether this meant one more missile test could trigger war, the professor agreed.

This week the China's leader Xi Jinping outlined his plans to make China the most powerful nation in the world.

In a three and a half hour speech at the Chinese Communist Party Congress, he said he would build the biggest army in the world, but wanted to avoid a conflict with US President Donald Trump over North Korea.

But, speaking of the People's Liberation Army, he said: “A military is built to fight.”

He told delegates: “By 2050 China will become a global leader in terms of comprehensive national strength and international influence with the rule of law, innovative companies, a clean environment, an expanding middle class, adequate public transportation and reduced disparities between urban and rural areas.

“Chinese people will enjoy greater happiness and well-being, and the Chinese nation will stand taller and firmer in the world.

“China is approaching the centre of the world stage.”

A cyber security expert told Express.co.uk China could strike the US by pretending to be North Korea.

Matt Morris, vice president of NexDefense, said hackers knew the digital footprints of other states and were mimicking them to use as a decoy.

CIA chief Mike Pompeo said on Thursday that North Korea could be only “months” away from gaining the ability to hit the United States with nuclear weapons.

US President Donald Trump is expected to try and pressure the Chinese president when they meet next month.

The White House want China to do more to rein in North Korea, following the president's consolidation of power at the Communist Party Congress.

More: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/869329/North-Korea-latest-Chinese-military-expert-Beijing-offensive-Kim-Jong-Un

Wednesday, 01 November 2017 05:41

Pray for Taiwan Video

IPC’s good friend Charles Huang has sent us this prayer briefing to encourage us to pray for Taiwan.

I recently came back from attending ‘Yeshua153’ in Taiwan in which 1,750 people prayed and worshiped in front of the Presidential Palace of Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.) and then went on a 3 days 2 nights cruise (counter-clock direction for prophetic breakthroughs) around Taiwan interceding and praying for Taiwan.  The first day we had more than 300 shofar blowers on Rosh Hashannah/ Jewish New Year/ Feast of Trumpet blowing Shofar in front of the Presidential palace and then later on got on the big cruise ship and sailed southward and then to an island territory west of Taiwan called Pon-Hu Island (a province of Taiwan) where the governor is a born-again Christian who welcomed Jesus into his land as King.

We had parade, praise & worship on the island and then continued the travel around Taiwan till we returned back to the port in northern Taiwan.

See the following link for 12 minutes YouTube from the GoodNews Christian TV of Taiwan http://goodtvnews.goodtv.tv/goodtvnews/2017video53/

Mainland China: official name is PROC (People’s Republic of China).

TAIWAN: official name is ROC (Republic of China) and called by the Dutch as “Formosa” (beautiful island).

Similar to North and South Korea, East and West Germany.  One is controlled by one communist party in China but Taiwan has multiple political parties and is a democracy.

Christian population in mainland China according to estimate is: 10%.
Communism is based on atheism and mainland Chinese churches have been growing in spite of persecutions and governmental restrictions in the past.

Christian population In Taiwan is about 6.53% with Han Chinese and other ethnic groups and more than 90% of the indigeneous people/ or the Natives of Taiwan are born-again Christians.

There are now more than 50 mega-churches in Taiwan with more than 1,000 members each.

The churches in Taiwan have become more influential than before and the GoodNewsTV station has become blessings to the churches Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, and even many people in mainland China are listening and watching the television broadcasts.  So Taiwan’s many Christians are blessings mainland China.

Christian influences in China

The founding father of ROC (founded in 1911 after overthrowing the Chin清 Dynasty) Dr. Sun Yat Sen was a Christian medical doctor.  He along with some of his revolutionary members were Christians. Dr. Sun even openly preached sermons.  After him, the first President after him Ching Kai Shek was a Christian who had converted from Budhism because of his Christian wife.   The most influential person was a pastor in China by the name of Charlie Song who had 2 daughters (both married to the founding father and the 1st President of Republic of China).

Pray for Taiwan Video

Taiwan is a key: many missionaries have to go there to receive language training.
Recently hosted International University Students Sports events on the island in Taipei with 135 nations.
Many pastors and churches love Israel and go to Israel yearly for the feasts.
There are 2 Jewish synagogues in Taiwan.
There is a Holocaust museum in southern Taiwan built by a Taiwanese Native pastor.

Christianity first spread to China around 唐(Tang) dynasty (year 635) at the time through Nestorianism from Persia.  During the Han dynasty there was already a Silk Road that crossed to the west. There was communications between the Chinese and Indians, Persians, Jewish people, and the Romans.  Protestants mission began in the early 19th century, 200 years after the Catholics.  1624-1662 Holland occupied Taiwan and began to send missionaries there in 1626 and many many converts (mainly Natives) and established schools.  From 1807 Robert Morrison from England went to China for 27 years and built a firm foundation for Christianity in China.
Later, London Mission Society sent William Milne (England), Walter Medhurst (England).
Elijah Bridgman (1801~1961) was the 1st American Missionary sent to China in 1830 inspired by Robert Morrison.  

According to an older Taiwanese-American Pastor who lives in California and has ministered to believers and leaders both in Taiwan and mainland China:“China during the Dynasties of 夏商&周 was actually a God-fearing nation so it was called “God’s Country” and so there was a heavenly altar in Peking, the altar there did not have any idols but only worship of the true God in heaven.  It was not until after the Communists took over, Marxism came into the country.  Then, in 1949 all the missionaries were kicked out of the country, closed down the churches.  It was in the 1950s all the churches were closed down and all the ministers were asked to leave, no Bibles, no Hymns and the population of Christians was about 700,000 and grew to about 100 times now to at least 70 million~ 100 million.  Also, more people in China not only the countryside but many intellectuals went outside the country to study approximately 1/10 of all the people believes in Jesus and some already returned to the universities and in the future some will be working in the government playing important roles and University as professors. Now there are a lot of businessmen all who have become Christians. So, not only country side, there are city churches, and churches for the intellectuals.  China is becoming a mission church, later there will be the most missionaries coming from China.  Even through “One Belt, One Road” from the ocean, ground, bringing the gospel back to Jerusalem.   China will become the nation sending the most missionaries in the world. God is with China and Chinese people will become the blessings for all the nations.

Chinese people, the yellow race will become blessings to the world.

Even though there is more governmental restrictions coming from the Communist government of China but it will result in the church being purified and remove all the drosses and impurities.

So every Christian in China knows that they need to pay a price to be a believer and not just be a Christian which will harm the church and not benefit.  To be serious about being a Christian.”


Charles Huang