Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Thursday, 28 March 2024 22:56

Chinese-backed cyber attacks 'unacceptable'

The Government has publicly accused China of cyber attacks on the electoral commission and MPs, a move described as an 'unacceptable' assault on UK democracy. Intelligence services suggest these attacks, likely conducted by Chinese spies, were aimed at targeting critics of Xi Jinping’s regime. In response, the UK has sanctioned individuals and a company associated with the hacking group and summoned China’s ambassador. The attacks, first identified in October 2022, had breached the electoral commission’s systems since August 2021, potentially exposing voter data. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) believes they were part of China’s large-scale espionage efforts. While they did not impact the UK’s paper-based electoral system, they posed significant threats to individual security. Rishi Sunak described China as presenting an 'epoch-defining challenge’, echoing concerns over its aggressive international behaviour.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 March 2024 22:49

Cabinet mini-reshuffle after two ministers quit

Rishi Sunak has had to make a cabinet reshuffle after two Tory ministers announced their resignations. Robert Halfon, the skills minister, has decided to step down at the next general election. Known for his advocacy of blue-collar Conservatism, he has been a prominent figure in the party. James Heappey has resigned as armed forces minister, having already announced plans to leave parliament. He praised the armed forces and MOD civil servants, reflecting on his tenure and the ongoing need to support Ukraine. The reshuffle includes moving Nus Ghani to be minister for Europe and Leo Docherty to the ministry of defence. To date 63 Conservative MPs, including notable figures like Theresa May and Sajid Javid, have said they plan not to contest the next election. Sunak commended Heappey's contribution to the Government's defence agenda and acknowledged Halfon's commitment to apprenticeships and social mobility. The departures add to the challenges facing Sunak, as the Conservative Party trails significantly behind Labour in polls. See

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 March 2024 22:45

Pupil behaviour getting worse, say teachers

A BBC-commissioned survey reveals a worrying trend in England's schools. Nearly one in five teachers experienced physical aggression from pupils this year. Incidents of spitting, swearing, and chair-throwing are increasingly common, with a rise in pupil violence and abuse since the Covid pandemic. Teachers like Lorraine Meah, with 35 years of experience, have observed a deterioration in student behaviour, especially among younger children. In response, schools like St John Fisher Catholic Academy in West Yorkshire are implementing strict behaviour policies, including rewards for good attendance, restricted corridor access, and banning mobile phones. The survey found that 30% of teachers witnessed pupil fighting, and 15% of secondary teachers experienced sexual harassment from students. Patrick Roach of the NASUWT union has said the rise in violence has been exacerbated by cuts to specialist behaviour and mental health services. The DfE is taking measures to improve pupil behaviour, including expanding mental health and wellbeing programmes.

Published in British Isles

Abdul Ezedi, the Clapham chemical attacker, received a Muslim funeral and burial in London, despite previously claiming to have converted to Christianity. Ezedi, who was granted asylum in the UK based on his supposed Christian faith, was found dead in the Thames following the attack on his ex-girlfriend and her children. He had been a controversial figure, with doubts cast over his religious conversion. Court documents revealed he failed to correctly answer Home Office queries about his faith. However, an immigration judge granted him asylum, influenced by testimony from Rev Roy Merrin, who believed in his genuine conversion. Ezedi, who had a criminal history including sexual assault, had been placed on the sex offender register and needed to be escorted during church services. His case has stirred debate on the process of deciding asylum claims, with concerns raised about potential exploitation of religious conversion. Justin Welby recently addressed these concerns, stating there was no evidence of the Church of England facilitating fraudulent conversions.

Published in British Isles

UK farmers, feeling betrayed post-Brexit, have protested in London against trade deals and new regulations that jeopardise their livelihoods. The demonstrators, accompanied by tractors, converged on Parliament Square, voicing their distress over trade agreements that permit imports of lower-standard foods, undercutting local agriculture. Liz Webster, founder of Save British Farming, criticised the Government for securing 'the worst trade deals in the world’, leading to severe challenges for farmers. The Brexit transition has brought significant upheaval to the UK's agricultural sector, causing bureaucratic issues, exporting challenges, and a decrease in available labour due to reduced migrant workers. The pandemic worsened these effects. Despite initially supporting Brexit to escape the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, farmers now face intense competition from cheaper imports from countries like Australia and New Zealand. The protest also criticised misleading labels that allow non-UK products to bear the Union flag. A recent survey shows a majority in the UK now believe Brexit was economically detrimental, with few feeling personal or national benefits.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 21 March 2024 21:54

Christian phone line relaunched after cash boost

DailyHOPE, a free national telephone service providing music, prayers, and reflections from the Church of England, has been relaunched following a significant donation. Initially established in April 2020 to assist older individuals without online access during the coronavirus lockdowns, DailyHOPE became a crucial spiritual resource for many. Run in partnership with Faith in Later Life, it had closed in January 2023 due to funding issues but has now resumed. Faith in Later Life’s CEO has stressed the line's importance, noting its role as a lifeline for older people, particularly during the pandemic when many lost mobility and confidence. With nearly half of the over-65s in the country unable or unwilling to use the internet, DailyHOPE fulfils a vital need. Plans are under way to expand its content and appeal to a broader audience of Christians and older people exploring faith. In 2023, the service recorded over 100,000 calls.

Published in Praise Reports

UK inflation has dropped to 3.4%, the lowest in over two and a half years, potentially signalling a Bank of England (BoE) interest rate cut this summer. This decrease, primarily driven by slower food price increases, may lead to cheaper mortgages, providing relief to homeowners. Initially predicted at 3.5%, the February inflation rate was pleasantly surprising, especially as food inflation fell to 5% from 7% in January. The decline supports Rishi Sunak's commitment to reduce inflation, and aligns with the BoE's target of 2%. This news prompted NatWest to lower mortgage rates even before the BoE's decision. Financial markets expect the BoE to maintain the current 5.25% interest rate, but the reduced inflation increases the likelihood of a summer cut, which could significantly lower mortgage payments. However, renters face contrasting challenges, with rental costs rising at record rates due to market constraints. The average UK rent soared by 9% over the past year. As homeowners anticipate potential financial relief, renters continue to struggle with escalating living expenses.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 21 March 2024 21:44

MPs warn of 'unsustainable' social care crisis

A critical report from the Commons public accounts committee has warned of a deepening crisis in adult social care, leaving millions vulnerable. Chronic understaffing, rising waiting lists, and inconsistent funding have put immense pressure on councils. The sector, grappling with a shortage of essential staff and financial strain, is described as being 'on its knees'. Local authorities supported over a million people at a cost of £23.7 billion in 2022/23, yet concerns persist about funding effectiveness and the exploitation of care sector staff. The department of health has been urged to provide stable funding and clear leadership to address these challenges and to fulfil its ten-year vision for sector reform. Meanwhile, in the ongoing Covid inquiry a key role is being played by organisations which represent those affected by the pandemic, particularly in the care sector, including families and carers, many still dealing with trauma. Their efforts include pushing for Gloria’s Law, inspired by the plight of actress Ruthie Henshall’s mother, Gloria, who experienced isolation and deterioration in care during the lockdown.

Published in British Isles

The Church of England is defending its appointment of 'racial justice enablers' to tackle racial inequality and 'white fragility’, amid criticism that it might alienate worshippers. In Birmingham and York, these positions focus on addressing issues like deconstructing whiteness and unconscious bias. The Rev Guy Hewitt, head of the church’s Racial Justice Unit, underscores the gospel's call to confront racism, while critics like Rev Dr Ian Paul argue the approach could create more division, reflecting American cultural conflicts. The initiative has broad support within church synods, though some parishioners have expressed concern over resource allocation. These roles are part of a wider effort to make the Church more inclusive and tackle racism. Church leaders stress the importance of addressing the sin of racism and its impact, aligning with the Church's mission to be a church for all tribes and nations.

Published in British Isles

The Government has banned 15 synthetic opioids, including 14 nitazenes, classifying them as Class A drugs. These opioids, far stronger than heroin, have been linked to numerous fatalities. Nitazenes, frequently misidentified in other drugs, cause dangerous respiratory depression and are often unknowingly consumed. Home secretary James Cleverly stated the government's commitment to combating these drugs, with the classification resulting in strict penalties for production, distribution, and possession, including potential life imprisonment or unlimited fines. This move follows rising numbers of drug deaths in Scotland and widespread opioid addiction concerns. However, there are calls for quicker action in tracking overdoses and understanding drug spread. Originally developed in the 1950s, nitazenes were never approved for medical use due to high potency and addiction risks, making them a significant public health concern. The Government's classification aims to curb the impact of these potent drugs on public health.

Published in British Isles
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