Displaying items by tag: Day of Prayer

Friday, 20 September 2024 10:10

Global Day of Prayer for America - 22 September

The Global Day of Prayer for America is scheduled for 22 September, with the goal of sparking a nationwide revival. Participants are invited to join an online prayer meeting from 7:00 to 10:00 am (EST), featuring leaders from around the globe. This event focuses on uniting believers to seek a Christ-awakening, where the Holy Spirit ignites a passion for Jesus and spiritual transformation sweeps across the country. Dr Jason Hubbard emphasises the urgent need for revival in American churches, communities, and families, highlighting the spiritual stagnation and division currently present. The call is for extraordinary prayer and intercession, recognising that true revival brings societal transformation and comprehensive change. The event underscores that revival is not merely a series of meetings but a deep, God-driven movement marked by humility, repentance, and a hunger for God's presence. It is a call for America to be saturated with the power and glory of God, bringing revival from coast to coast.

Published in Praise Reports

Dr Jason Hubbard, the director of International Prayer Connect, invites us to Pentecost 2023 - a Global Day of Prayer for Jerusalem and the nations. On 27 and 28 May, a coalition of believers in Israel and elsewhere, along with mission and prayer organisations, is calling Christians everywhere to set aside an hour to pray for Jerusalem and the Jewish people. Different groups from Israel and the nations will lead a 26-hour broadcast, with different key partners leading prayer from their part of the world. This will see several high points, including a broadcast from the southern steps of the Temple in Jerusalem. You are invited to join over 110 million other believers around the world exalting Jesus, proclaiming His name over Jerusalem and the nations, praying for the peace of Jerusalem, and for the gospel to reach the ends of the earth. For info about joining the event, go to  See also

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 28 October 2021 21:41

Day of Prayer for the Media - 31 October

Christians in Media is a UK community supporting, encouraging and inspiring Christians working in, and with, media: producers, journalists, photographers, editors, content creators, social media managers, press officers, war correspondents. Through local meet-ups and a flourishing online network, they help, encourage and inspire each other to be disciples whilst meeting the demands of the industry. Their vision is to see Christians in the industry flourish and become key influencers, to see churches engaging positively with the media, and to see the life-affirming Gospel message of faith, hope and love increasingly reflected in the UK media. 31st October is a day of prayer for Christians in the media; a call to churches to set aside time in their meetings to pray for local, regional, national and social media. To inspire this time of prayer, Christians in Media have produced a new short video that can be used as an introduction to prayer. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 May 2021 09:29

USA: pray for America

6 May is the National Day of Prayer in the USA. It comes at a complex time in American history, with political division, racial tension and violence, and a global pandemic and its devastating consequences. The deep divisions feel insurmountable. The hurts and griefs seem unresolvable. Many Americans feel powerless. But we serve an all-powerful God. With one word from His mouth, America’s entire spiritual trajectory can be reversed. If a move of God is America’s only hope, then prayer is the most important thing we can do. Pray for a move of the Holy Spirit that replaces national indifference with widespread repentance. Pray for radical love for God and people to heal and unite a divided Church. Pray for godly men and women to take courageous and humble leadership. Pray for vast resources to be leveraged for God’s glory among all nations.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 22 October 2020 22:31

Abortion: day of prayer

On 27 October Christians will pray for the unborn children who will not reach their God-given potential. Since 1967 9.5 million babies have been aborted in the UK. Every three minutes, a precious life is destroyed. Our nation has one of the most liberal abortion laws in Europe. Pray for the Church to make her voice heard for the lives of our youngest ones. Cry out that she will have God’s heart on this issue, for deep repentance, and a compassionate, decisive move to stop this evil from spreading further in our land. Pray for workers providing abortion to have a change of heart and mind. https://www.worldprayer.org.uk/blog/day-of-prayer-about-abortion Also the pro-abortion argument has raged for over a century. Offensive pro-abortion slogans include, ‘What makes you religious fanatics think you can tell me what to do with my uterus?’ Pray for communities to recognise infant loss and heart-break that follows abortion.

Published in British Isles

National Day of Worship, Prayer and Fasting for an end to the Pandemic

Sunday 2 August 2020

“Jesus answered, the Scriptures says: Worship the Lord

your God and serve only Him!" Matthew 4:8

“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:13,14

1. Worship the Lord & pray for our nation that we will come back to the Lord in a true spirit of repentance.

2. Pray for Australia & particularly Victoria for an end to the Pandemic!

3. Pray for America, Brazil, India and the rest of the world with over 16 Million COVID-19 cases recorded.

This National Day of Worship, Prayer & Fasting has been called by the National Day of Prayer & Fasting team in consultation with Australian Prayer Leaders to support the Day of Prayer called by Bishop Philip Huggins & the National Council of Churches in Australia regarding the Pandemic for Sunday 2 August 2020.  Draft 1-26/07/20


Warwick Marsh

National Day of Prayer & Fasting


PO Box 378

Unanderra NSW 2526

Thursday, 14 May 2020 21:27

Canada: day of prayer for the harvest

Canadian intercessors have invited the nations to join them in an online seven-hour prayer meeting to pray for the mobilising of the Church into the Great Commission as we emerge from the coronavirus restrictions. Numerous Canadian ministries and churches are linking arms to sponsor this full-day initiative. Prayer will be led by a wide variety of teams of senior leaders from across Canada, but every voice joining in and participating adds powerfully to the whole. This day of prayer will be on 21 May, Ascension Day, remembering when Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission, the mandate that has burned in the heart of the Church ever since.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 March 2020 23:50

Churches, prayer and technology

A national day of prayer and action for the global pandemic of coronavirus has been organised for this Sunday. The organisers are Archbishop Justin Welby, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Revd Dr Hugh Osgood (the Free Churches Moderator), Archbishop Angaelos of London (the Orthodox Church) and Pastor Agu Irukwu, the Pentecostal representative. They write, ‘This Mothering Sunday we are calling all churches to a national day of prayer and action. At this time, when so many are fearful and there is great uncertainty, we are reminded of our dependence on our loving Heavenly Father and the future that he holds. At 7pm this Sunday, light a candle of hope in the windows of your homes as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source and hope in prayer.’ Also churches are looking to livestream services. The Baptist Union hosted an online prayer broadcast, with 2,300 joining in, and has a number of resources online.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 05 March 2020 21:44

Global day of prayer to end coronavirus

A coalition of Christians across denominational lines has united to pray for an end to the coronavirus. Cindy Jacobs says, ‘We believe strongly that since this is a worldwide issue, it is going to take the whole Church to cry out together for the mercy and healing power of God to contain it.’ Church leaders stood united to fast and pray on 3 March to petition the Sovereign Lord for His mercy. Let us continue to knock on Heaven’s door, praying Psalm 91 over families and nations, binding fear, knowing that God has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). Pray for wisdom for our leaders and safety for emergency responders working to protect people and prevent the virus spreading. Pray for Christians to have a calm courage to share the Word effectively through this time of crisis. For the prayer petition click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 01 November 2019 07:15

IPC Calendar

Hindu World 15 Days of Prayer - 20 Oct - 3 Nov 2019


Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church – Sun 3 Nov 2019


WEA General Assembly 2019 - 7-12 Nov 2019 - Jakarta


The Balkan Call - Nov 7-9, 2019 - Thessaloniki, Greece


Welcoming the King of Glory into Florida – 8-10 Nov 2019

Finishing the Task Conference 3-5 December 2019


Sunrise Prayer Relay 1st Jan 2020


Seek God for the City Feb 26–Apr 5, 2020


Go 2020 – Reaching 1 Billion for Christ - May 2020


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


13bUPRising Events Calendar

UPRising Magpet - November 8-9, 2019 - North Cotabato, Philippines

UPRising Mexico - November 7-10, 2019 - Juarez, Mexico

UPRising Australia - July 14-18, 2020 - Sydney, Australia

UPRising New England - November 19-21, 2020 - New England, USA

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