The 3:16 Mission Featured

Written by Natasha Ruddock 19 Jan 2016
The 3:16 Mission

Mark your calendar for Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 3:16pm, to say, pray, and share John 3:16, just one minute out of our busy day, simultaneously around the world.

There's nothing "magic" about this day or time, it's just easy to remember and realize that we are one in Christ.

The main idea is to communicate God's word back to God. If you saw the movie "War Room" you'll remember that quoting scripture is an effective part of prayer. So it's not really all about social media, it's about corporate media is just a tool to post some of your awesome ideas, stories, photos, and video.

The mission

Tell your family, friends, youth group, life group, Bible study, missions, about sharing the love of John 3:16. #the316mission


Encourage one another with photos, video, and stories. How has God used John 3:16 in your life? Share the love! Stories, photos, video! :)

Visit the website and share your video.

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John 3:16 One minute around the world