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Friday, 31 January 2020 10:25

Global Prayer For Northeast Asia

April 7-9, 2020
Seoul, Korea
Olympic Gymnasium Arena (KSPO DOME)

It is with great honor and joy that we invite you to the Prayer Summit 2020 in His blessed name!

It is truly an act of God's grace to have a global prayer gathering in Seoul, Korea at such an hour.

The world is undergoing drastic shifts in every possible way, and the instability in Northeast Asia has made such shifts all the more precarious. For us intercessors, this means one thing - it is time to pray... to seek the Lord, to anticipate His renewing work, and hunger for revival-all with greater desperation.

Every revival was birthed in the place of prayer - the place of seeking His face. And God responding to our seeking is revival. Jesus' first coming ignited what would be an unstoppable blaze of revival sweeping through church history, fanned by His Church eagerly yearning for His Second Coming. Now we stand in the last chapter of this history. We stand as a revival generation called to await and prepare for the greatest revival history will ever witness - the return of the Lord.

So, we gather on April 7-9, 2020 in Seoul, Korea, to set aside three days to cry out in repentance and press in for unity and revival. Would you stand with us in this great privilege of bringing His Kingdom here in Northeast Asia and beyond?

In our concerted prayer, may we witness a new revival be ignited, and may the Triune God alone be glorified.

Steering Committee for Prayer Summit 2020

Contact: +82-70-7826-2020 / +82-10-4089-1069
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friday, 31 January 2020 10:24

Greetings from the secretariat of the Caribbean Prayer Summit.  We are excited about hosting the 4th Caribbean Prayer Summit (CPS) on May 21-24, 2020 at the all-inclusive Hilton Rose Hall Hotel, Montego Bay under the theme “A United Caribbean Church …a Regional Revival”.

Since its inception the CPS has been convened in Barbados (2007), Suriname (2008) and Jamaica 2009. The CPS was initiated by the International Prayer Council through Rev Maria Harbajan, their Caribbean Coordinator and Representative.

We believe that intercessory prayer changes things and in light of the myriad of issues facing the region at this time, including the challenges facing CARICOM, the CPS aims to target Intercessory Prayer leaders throughout the region and beyond with the following objectives:-

  • To provide a forum for the networking of Intercessory Prayer leaders across the Caribbean – no island is to stand alone in its spiritual war
  • Strategic planning for the setting up of National Prayer Networks on islands where there might not be any in place – every island needs one
  • To have the island representatives present the most critical needs of their nation and have the regional gathering uphold them/their nation in corporate intercession and spiritual warfare – together we will win the war
  • Development of links, networks, and initiatives in the region; exposing what already exists – exposing opportunities available for training; impartation.
  • To encourage the Caribbean youth and children to become more involved in intercession – raising up Millennials to be powerful and effective in prayer.
  • To introduce the concept of a day of National Repentance to be presented to Governments and assist in having it executed in all the islands of the region.

We would be happy to have you join us for this historic occasion. Please view this as our invitation to you and/or at least one other Intercessor who could represent your nation at the Summit. We also invite you to consider staying at the Summit venue in order to facilitate fellowship over meals, continuous interaction and networking with fellow delegates from across the region.

Early Bird Registration (Adult) (open until January 31st, 2020)  US$79.00

Regular Registration (Adult) US$99.00

To register you may contact the Secretariat by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you may call (876) 398-2299 between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.  Also, we will be creating a WhatsApp group for the flow of continuous information to all our delegates and to facilitate questions and answers (Q & A) that will benefit all who will be in attendance. Please let us know if you do not wish to be added to such a group.

Sharon Hermitt/Secretary (for)

Rev. Maria Harbajan

CPS Convener/Member, CPS Secretariat

Member, International Prayer Council

Friday, 31 January 2020 10:22

The Lord has moved the hearts of workers in Saudi Arabia and Yemen to have a special prayer focus for the Khawlan people, a tribe with their unique Semitic language living in a region that straddles the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

During a special prayer gathering in Saudi Arabia for the Khawlan Tribe in October, those present sensed that God was encouraging a call for the global church to join in a five day prayer focus for these unreached people. Would you join in? We are happy to have people pray at any time, but there will be a special prayer focus for the Khawlan people from February 14-18, 2020.

On the PTAP website, there is a prayer video and a 5-day prayer guide available.

Also, you are free to use the material if you find it useful. PTAP has prepared this material to be used, so please distribute it in any format that suits you and your organization. These materials have been translated into English, Korean and Spanish. Also Arabic, Chinese and Portuguese translations will be available soon.

More information can be found at

Friday, 31 January 2020 10:20

2020 a year of evangelism across the UK

Global Gathering of networks engaged in church planting - Thailand - 3-8 February. (Invite only)

5 Days of Prayer for the Khawlan Tribe - 14-18th Feb

Seek God for the City Feb 26–Apr 5, 2020 

The World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK, National Conference 9-11 March 

Watchmen Gathering - Seoul, South Korea, 25th-28th March

North East Asia Prayer Summit, Seoul, South Korea, April 7-9, 2020

Go 2020 – Reaching 1 Billion for Christ - May 2020

4th Caribbean Prayer Summit, Montego Bay, 21st-24th May,

EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

10 days Spring - May 21- 31

One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020

The Graham tour 2020. 9 cities celebrating Billy Graham crusades across the UK

17th SEA PRAYER Council in Hanoi, Vietnam - 6-9 October

National Prayer Assembly (USA), Washington, D.C., October 14-15

UPRising Events Calendar

12bUPRISING EUROPE (Battle, UK) – July 6-10, 2020
FB: Uprising Europe
IG: @uprisingeurope

UPRISING AUSTRALIA (Sydney, Australia) --  July 14-18, 2020
FB: UPRising Australia
IG: @uprising.australia

UPRISING NEW ENGLAND (New England, USA)--  Nov 19-21, 2020
FB: United Prayer Rising - New England

- UPRISING MINDANAO (Mindanao, Philippines)-- dates TBA
- UPRISING BUKIDNON (Northern Mindanao)
- UPRISING CARAGA (Butuan, Bislig, and Surigao)
- UPRISING DIGOS (Davao Del Sur)
- UPRISING CENTRAL MINDANAO (South Cotabato, Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, and General Santos)
FB: United Prayer Rising Mindanao
FB: United Prayer Rising North Mindanao
IG: @uprisingmindanao

Friday, 31 January 2020 10:20

Luke 11 opens with the disciples’ simple request, Lord teach us to pray. Since its first publication in 2014, when Tom Victor invited us to launch this book at the 4/14 Best Practices Conference in NYC, God has used The Prayer Covenant for Children to share the gospel message and disciple the hearts of children while teaching them to pray. As children experience the power of answered prayer, they are excited, their faith is strengthened, and they want to pray more.

Prayer is one of the most important spiritual disciplines we can teach our children because prayer nurtures their relationship with Jesus and produces faith that will last a lifetime. The more time they spend with Jesus, the more they become like Jesus—full of his grace, love, compassion and forgiveness. In becoming more like Jesus, they begin to see the world through his eyes and are burdened for those around them. Daily they are praying, “Use me for your glory and to invite others to follow you.” And Jesus is answering their prayers. It is why we have partnered with Go2020 and are excited to see this untapped harvest force being used by God to reach the world for Christ.

God is using The Prayer Covenant to facilitate a movement of prayer and evangelism among children and youth worldwide.  As children embark on this prayer journey, they are experiencing God in powerful ways. They are learning how to obey him and respond to the promptings of his Holy Spirit.

Learning to listen is something children are discovering as they grow in a lifestyle of prayer. Our listening to God is as important as our prayers. He speaks through his Word, and often through the gentle promptings of his Holy Spirit. Young Samuel in the Bible learned to discern his voice and God was able to use him to lead a nation.

The mission of The Prayer Covenant is our passion: leading children and adults to follow Jesus through the power of the Prayer Covenant. As we are equipping children with this tool, God is miraculously working in and through them in powerful ways. We have reached over 4 million children in 53 countries worldwide— 4 million children following Jesus together! 4 million children learning to hear and obey his voice!

The Prayer Covenant is not just about establishing a lifestyle of prayer, but about raising life-long disciples of Jesus Christ. It is not just a prayer to pray for the sake of praying, it is an active prayer, seeking results in our lives. 

Dear heavenly Father,
Thank you for loving me and making me one of your children.
Help me love and obey you.
Help me love others the way you love me.
I am sorry for my sins. Wash me clean.
I will praise you with my whole heart!
Jesus, I want to follow you as my Lord. Change me any way you want.
Fill me with your Holy Spirit. I want to know your plans for me.
Make me a messenger of your grace, truth and justice.
Use me for your glory and to invite others to follow you.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Manjeet Kaur, from North India, is fruit of the Sunday school where she learned about Jesus Christ through The Power of the Prayer Covenant for Children.  Our leader there shared:

“Manjeet was born and brought up in a Hindu family. Being Hindu they used to worship idols and believing all rituals. Her father used to drink and always fought with her mother and beat her. Once our coach visited her house and invited her to Sunday school. For one year Manjeet attended regularly and learned about Jesus and received him into her life. She invited her teacher to come to her house and talk with her father. He prayed for her father and said, ‘Jesus will give you living water if you will believe in Him.’ After listening, her Father responded positively and showed interest to know more about Jesus. A few days later her father left his drinking habit and believed in Jesus Christ. His life has changed and is experiencing the true peace only Jesus can give. Their entire family has become Christ followers.”

One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty…. Psalm 145:4,5

Together let us seize the eternally purposed opportunity to lead our hearts and the hearts of our children directly to all that is true and good: to Christ Himself. 

Candy Marballi – IPC Leadership Team

Friday, 31 January 2020 10:19

In 2019 over 300 people groups received the Bible in their language for the first time!

Brothers and sisters within the International Prayer Council network this would not have happened without your prayers, thank you!

Pray for ZERO Movement 2020 is partnering with Youth With a Mission, GO2020 and another 120 ministries to mobilize 1 million intercessors for the 2,000 Unreached Bibleless peoples of the world. 

Within this flood of prayer we are looking especially for those who would Prayer Walk amongst the Unreached Bibleless.

There are currently 197 countries where the Bibleless currently exist, so there is much opportunity for those willing to partner.  In December 800 missionaries were sent to prayer walk amongst 292 Unreached Bibleless peoples! 

Please download and pray into the new Pray for ZERO Card 2020 and if you interested in creatively designed prayer walk resources as well as more information about contributing to the goal of 2,020 prayer walks in 2020, then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you!

Download the Pray for Zero Prayer Card HERE

Adopt an unreached people group. Intercede for the Bibleless. Visit #prayforZERO

Tuesday, 31 December 2019 02:50


Calendar January 2020 Spanish


Calendar January 2020 English


Calendar January 2020 Chinese

Friday, 29 November 2019 12:14

Dr Jason Hubbard, IPC’s Executive Co-ordinator has written this short devotional booklet which takes us through the greatest love story of all time, when God’s own Son shed his garments of glory to become Bethlehem’s lamb.

It’s a 39 page booklet that will bring a fresh perspective on the Christmas Story and enrich, challenge and teach us more about the significance of the feasts, the history and the message of Hope for all mankind that Jesus brought.

It’s a compelling read.

Download ‘Re-kindling the Glory of Christmas Devotional’ HERE

Friday, 29 November 2019 14:45

Global Outreach Day is a Global Missions Network that calls the Church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the Gospel with the un-churched in the month of May each year.

This coming year, May 2020 the vision is to mobilise 100 million people in united prayer. 

We are calling this initiative Go2020!

Already, Christians in 250,000 churches across 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfilment of God's great commission.

GO 2020 - Year of the Upper Room – Preparing Hearts Prayer Guide

We in the IPC are helping to coordinate the international prayer mobilization for the GO 2020 initiative - with the aim of helping the various partnering prayer for mission projects to flow together.

The ‘Preparing Hearts’ prayer guide is a resource to help that process of integrated praying.  It runs from 1st January to 9th February 2020.  We trust that it will help up to 100 million people to focus their prayers on the harvest in a user-friendly way as we seek to see 1 billion saved for Christ in May 2020.

It is the first of nine 40-day prayer guides through the coming year that will focus on Go 2020 and other prayer initiatives for the unreached of our world.

To download the April 2020 Year of the Upper Room Prayer Guide - Click this Link

More info and sign up for GO2020 at:

Friday, 29 November 2019 12:22

‘Calling the whole Body of Christ to prayer and action for a lost world ‘

Christians around the world soon will celebrate once again the awesome light of Christ that has penetrated and continues to shine in the darkness of human history. At the same time, hundreds of millions of people still have yet to see that light and receive the abundant and eternal life it makes possible. They are without hope and without God, living lives of desperation and meaninglessness.

After being arrested by His light and filled with His Spirit, the early church turned the world upside down. Following Jesus’ command, as a first step they stayed in Jerusalem and “joined constantly together in prayer”.

That culture of united prayer brought the empowering of the Holy Spirit and ignited remarkable spiritual breakthroughs as the Gospel began to spread throughout the then known world. This same pattern of prayer preceding evangelism has been a consistent pattern in all the great revivals and mission advances from then on through church history.

Now, tens of thousands of churches with hundreds of mission organizations and prayer movements are joining forces for an epic prayer and mission initiative unlike anything the world has known. It is called Go 2020. The goal is to reach one billion who are still unreached by Christ’s Good News. Together, by May 2020, we aim to mobilize 100 million Christians to pray for those in their communities that do not know the Lord as well as those across the seas that are part of unreached people groups.

No one organization or movement can accomplish such a staggering feat, but if we flow together like tributaries in one unstoppable river, this can be achieved! Getting God’s heart of love for the lost through prayer will lead to our sharing Jesus with them in the power and sensitivity of the Holy Spirit just as the early church experienced.

Would you and your church or ministry organization consider joining with millions of other Christ followers in such an awesome undertaking for His glory and so that everyone may encounter His great light?

Together, as we pray, mobilize, and trust the One who has all power, we can see the following happen by the end of May next year:

One billion people being reached with the Gospel and millions upon millions getting saved all over the world through May 2020.

Unreached people groups hearing the Gospel for the first time and planting new churches among them.

100 million Christians inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit to pray and share the Gospel with as many as possible in their own communities and to the ends of the earth.

50 million new believers integrated into existing and new churches.

Personal Prayer: Lord here I am, use me! I will pray for and share the Gospel with others who need to hear it.

01aA suggested five-fold strategy to mobilize believers for prayer and outreach is described in this four-minute video.  

GO2020 video: 

This brochure can also be used to give others the vision of Go 2020 (some translations are also available).

Further information and helpful resources can be found at Please have a look at these resources and share them with others in your unique network of relationships.

Imagine how God could use you, your friends, and colleagues to ignite a movement for Jesus in your city and beyond!

All through 2020, a series of 40-day prayer guides will help us pray daily for those still unreached and for the harvest to be brought in. Here is the link to that guide which we hope you will share with those in your network or organization.

Please let us know if you are willing to help with this mobilization process.

The fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission is closer than we realize if we can join our prayers and efforts together to make Him known through Go 2020.

Click on this link to get helpful resources and information updates.

Yours in Christ,

Jason Hubbard - Executive Coordinator
John D Robb – Chairma
International Prayer Council and International Prayer Connect