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Friday, 01 November 2019 07:19

Indigenous tribes see the Catholic church as a key ally in the ecological fight – and an unprecedented synod is focused on how to stop the destruction.

by Dan Collyns in Puerto Maldonado

A hundred years ago the Harakmbut people were nearly wiped out.

Inhabitants of a vast jungle region where Peru intersects with Brazil and Bolivia, the tribespeople were enslaved by rubber barons and murdered en masse, only surviving thanks to the help of Dominican missionaries.

Now a new threat of extinction looms, and once again they are appealing to the Catholic church.

As wildfires and de-forestation drive the Amazon rainforest towards a tipping point beyond which it cannot recover, Yesica Patiachi, a Harakmbut leader from Peru, is heading to Rome to take part in an unprecedented synod of Catholic bishops from across the region.

Although she is not a practising Catholic, the 32-year-old schoolteacher sees the church as a key ally to save the rainforest.

“Eden is here in the Amazon and we are destroying it,” she said. “We cannot pray to God when we are destroying his creation.”

Starting on Sunday, bishops from the nine South American nations that share the Amazon will meet in the Vatican to try and muster the spiritual and earthly forces to pull the world’s largest rainforest back from the brink of destruction.

One of the synod’s organisers, Father Peter Hughes, said the three-week gathering would set out a new view of ecology based on Christian faith in God as the creator of a “common home”. Hughes said the Catholic church should firmly place itself alongside the region’s indigenous people and defending their territorial rights and way of life.

“The life of the [Amazon] people is intrinsically, inherently part of the territory. If the territory is injured, the people are injured,” he said.

Organizers insist that the church is not simply fighting for its share in the market of souls. Cardinal Claudio Hummes, the president of the synod, said this week that the Amazon was facing a crisis in which ecological problems were inseparable from social issues.

To find a solution, the world must hear “both the cry of the earth and that of the poor”, he said.

Additional reporting by Angela Giuffrida in Rome


Pray: that the plundering and destruction of these natural resources will stop.

Pray: for the voices of the indigenous people to be heard and acted upon.

Pray: for the people of the Amazon region whose lives and livelihoods have been affected.

Friday, 01 November 2019 07:19

This is now the third year of Stop Child Witch Accusation’s (SCWA’s) Standing in the Gap annual prayer campaign for children accused of being witches.

Multiple thousands of children worldwide experience unspeakable abuse because they are perceived to be witches. But we give thanks to God that we are beginning to see change as the understanding, attitudes and practices of those in churches and local communities are being wonderfully transformed through Bible-based teaching and training, and the illuminating power of the Holy Spirit.

God is also graciously responding to the prayers and intercessions of our praying friends, bringing longed-for breakthrough that goes above and beyond human effort.

Thank you so much for joining us in this year’s Standing in the Gap prayer campaign, as we pray over the next three months for God to bring even greater breakthrough into this issue and for his deep healing and restoration to impact communities affected by it. To help guide your prayers, here is the link to the second prayer bulletin:

Let’s continue to pray with expectancy at what God will do through our prayers, by his grace and to his glory!

Pray: For all children to be able to live, learn and grow freely, without dark influences on their lives.

Pray: That any powers of darkness and malevolant spiritual influences will flee from these precious Children of God, in Jesus' name.

Pray: Protection over the vulnerable and those who seek to advocate for them.

Friday, 01 November 2019 07:19

Global Outreach Day is a Global Missions Network that calls the Church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the Gospel with the un-churched in the month of May each year.

This coming year, May 2020 the vision is to mobilise 100 million people in united prayer. 

We are calling this initiative Go2020!

Already, Christians in 250,000 churches across 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfilment of God's great commission.

IPC's Exec and Leadership Team member, Tom Victor and a number of colleagues will be taking part in the upcoming World Evangelical Alliance General Assembly (WEA). Thousands of leaders representing national church networks in 130 nations will gather in Jakarta, Indonesia from November 7th-13th 2019. 

Please pray for them as they share the GO2020 vision and the GO2020 Kids vision in different plenary sessions and seminars.

Pray: for Werner Nachtigal and Beat Baumann, Go 2020 Global Leaders, as they network with others at the WEA.

Pray: for Bishop Efraim Tendero, global leader of the WEA as he encourages his colleagues to participate in Go 2020. Bishop Efraim is a big champion of Go 2020.

Pray: for Tom Victor as he works with others at the WEA to mobilize for Go 2020 Kids.Pray: for Candy Marballi as she teaches the Prayer Covenant for Children at the WEA.

Pray: for Rick and Becky Olmstead as they lead a 4 to 14 Window Workshop at the WEA.  Pray for them also as they provide overall leadership to the 4 to 14

Window Global Movement.

Pray: for God to raise up strong Go 2020 Kids national and regional leadership teams to mobilize and implement the vision around the world. Write down the revelation and make it plain on tables so that a herald may run with it. (Habakkuk 2:2)

Pray: for God to anoint key leaders in technology and communications as we work on the digital platform to empower children to become Go 2020 Kids.

Pray: for God to raise up and call to himself millions of children around the world as “prayer filled - multiplying disciples” for Go 2020 Kids. Jesus told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Luke 10:2)

More info and sign up for GO2020 at:

Let’s also be lifting up Dick Eastman who is a keynote speaker at the WEA - for favour with his Oikos strategy as they contend to see the gospel reach every home in every nation in the next 20 years!

We pray also for John 17 unity and oneness across the leadership of the WEA, the nations and the generations that will be attending!

Friday, 01 November 2019 07:17

Invitation to a Holy Convocation to WELCOME the KING of GLORY into FLORIDA

Orlando, Florida ~ November 8, 9,10, 2019

“But to you who fear My Name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.” Malachi 4:2

God is moving powerfully in the United States of America…manifesting His intention to bring us back to the very foundations upon which He brought us forth 243 years ago! As we approach the elections of 2020, we see that the battlegrounds are many, and one state that is absolutely critical at this hour is FLORIDA!

We are being summoned there, where darkness is making a stand, and martialing it’s forces, attempting to take and control the state, the rest of our country.

The battle lines are drawn, and the Lord of Hosts Himself will confront the enemy in FLORIDA. He will “rise and shine” His LIGHT into the darkness and open the doors for those who want to be delivered from captivity.

On behalf of the people of our nation, as representatives of the Ekklesia, the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is calling for a Holy Convocation to WELCOME the KING of GLORY into FLORIDA on November 8, 9, 10, 2019 at the Orlando International Worship Center, 4700 Goddard Avenue, Orlando, FL 32804.

We are reaching out to you, seeking your blessing, endorsement and prayerful participation. This is your personal invitation to join us on behalf of this nation, to stand with us in this endeavour.

Thank you for the way in which you are serving our Lord...and hopefully, for your willingness to be our “companion on this journey.”

More info and sign up at:

WELCOME the KING of GLORY into FLORIDA Coordinating Team:

Audra Smith, Orlando International Worship Center, Maureen Bravo and Pastor Ioan Peia

Friday, 01 November 2019 07:17

Australia Calls the World to Pray for the Nations

Australia Christian prayer leaders invite their brothers and sisters in Christ, prayer groups, prayer networks and churches to join with them all over the world to pray at sunrise on New Year's Day 2020 at a public location such as a hill, lookout or landmark in your city or town.

This year our focus is to pray for the nations. Over the last two years we had registrations from 50 different countries including USA, South Africa, Namibia, Pakistan, Japan, United Kingdom, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Zealand, and Australia.   

Warwick Marsh, coordinator for Australia’s National Day of Prayer & Fasting said, “David said in Psalm 108:2, “I will wake the dawn with my song.” During this time of prayer, we want to focus on giving great praise to God. We also want to pray for revival and transformation, that God will bring healing to each of our nations: 2 Chronicles 7:14. Let us all pray for a great harvest of souls for the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Marsh continued, “In declaring Jesus Christ as Lord at this worldwide Sunrise Prayer Relay we are circling the globe with prayer, praise and worship and surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ for the glory of God. Psalms 113:3 says, “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” This year we want to challenge people to pray for the nations. Use the prayer resources on the website and social media and register your location at:  

Our prayer is that with your help, this worldwide Prayer and Praise Relay will go viral.”

Pat Steele, a prayer & evangelist leader in Wollongong Australia, said, “We encourage you to pray the Lord's Prayer together aloud as the sun rises and make a declaration that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life, your family, your region and your nation. Let’s also join to pray for the nations.

At your location we encourage you to include praise and worship, prayers, and scripture readings. We suggest 30 minutes, but you can pray for longer. You could even take communion, shine a torch, or light a candle. What you do for your sunrise celebration is up to you.”

Share photos and videos from your location on social media.

Use the hashtag: #sunriseprayerrelay 





Contact: Warwick Marsh 61 418 225212 or Pat Steele by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Friday, 01 November 2019 07:15

Hindu World 15 Days of Prayer - 20 Oct - 3 Nov 2019

Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church – Sun 3 Nov 2019

WEA General Assembly 2019 - 7-12 Nov 2019 - Jakarta

The Balkan Call - Nov 7-9, 2019 - Thessaloniki, Greece

Welcoming the King of Glory into Florida – 8-10 Nov 2019

Finishing the Task Conference 3-5 December 2019

Sunrise Prayer Relay 1st Jan 2020   

Seek God for the City Feb 26–Apr 5, 2020  

Go 2020 – Reaching 1 Billion for Christ - May 2020

One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020

13bUPRising Events Calendar

UPRising Magpet - November 8-9, 2019 - North Cotabato, Philippines

UPRising Mexico - November 7-10, 2019 - Juarez, Mexico

UPRising Australia - July 14-18, 2020 - Sydney, Australia

UPRising New England - November 19-21, 2020 - New England, USA

Friday, 01 November 2019 07:15

Jesus promised: "This gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to all ethnē (people groups), and then the end will come."

The 24:14 Vision is to see the gospel shared with every people group on earth in our generation.

We long to be in the generation that finishes what Jesus began and other faithful workers before us have given their lives to.

Examples of kingdom movements can be found dotted throughout church history, yet God is doing something unique in our day. Movements are more numerous and widely spread than ever before.

We long to see the gospel proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all people groups in our lifetime.

We hope you will catch that vision as you read and join us in praying and serving to start kingdom movements in every unreached people and place.

Order online:

Friday, 01 November 2019 07:13

This is a second edition of this widely read and highly acclaimed book written by the respected father of the worldwide Prayer Movement - Brian Mills.

Have you ever wondered just why the darkness in the world today seems to be getting darker, and what can be done about it?

This book sheds fresh light on this topic, and on the spiritual nature of this darkness. It shines the light of Scripture on the evil one and on the way in which so many have become bewitched. This is a clarion call to the church and individual Christians to get ready to do battle with the powers of darkness, and to shine Christ's light more powerfully.

Brian Mills writes out of many years of experience in international prayer ministry. He is a senior advisor in the International Prayer Council and is one of the leaders in the International Reconciliation movement. He has ministered in over 75 nations and authored nine books to date. He is also part of a global group that is seeking to understand more about the dark spiritual powers at work in the world.

Excerpts from some recent reviews:

"An informative book on the operation of spiritual darkness and the need for Christ’s people to stand against it." (John D Robb - Chairman, IPC Prayer)

'Thought provoking insights into the spiritual aspects of today's world and reminder of our role to pray. Well worth a read.' JRB - Amazon

'An easily read and timely call to vigilance and to personal holiness. Much needed. We've bought a number of copies for passing on to friends.' RC - Amazon

'Strategic book for understanding tactics of the enemy! I have now read this twice it is so appropriate for preparation for mission, for church leaders and intercessors!' Anon - Amazon

This version includes some minor revisions, lay-out changes and is increased to 150 pages.

Order ‘Window on the Darkness’ by Brian Mills in print or Kindle formats from:

Amazon USA  $11.36 Paperback | $3.74 Kindle

Amazon UK   £8.99 Paperback | £2.99 Kindle

Sunday, 06 October 2019 06:00

Duis vitae dapibus quam. Aliquam nec ex vel libero maximus suscipit sed quis risus. Maecenas ullamcorper dui quis lectus mollis consectetur quis et orci. Ut sapien arcu, posuere id rutrum eget, elementum eu leo.

Sed fermentum tincidunt purus et accumsan. Aliquam posuere mattis posuere. Cras a vestibulum leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc quis mi eros. Vivamus ac arcu vel lorem tempor ultricies. Sed urna augue, tempus nec molestie eget, pharetra vel ante. Etiam eu blandit nulla. Duis sit amet leo eu massa posuere lobortis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus hendrerit placerat mattis. Vestibulum turpis tellus, semper nec consequat quis, finibus ac enim. Cras luctus lorem eget dui finibus, sed porta ligula sollicitudin. Proin ac elit eget lacus eleifend eleifend.

Sunday, 08 September 2019 05:58

Etiam eu blandit nulla. Duis sit amet leo eu massa posuere lobortis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus hendrerit placerat mattis. Vestibulum turpis tellus, semper nec consequat quis, finibus ac enim. Cras luctus lorem eget dui finibus, sed porta ligula sollicitudin. Proin ac elit eget lacus eleifend eleifend.

In elementum fermentum ornare. Proin in tortor vitae justo fringilla viverra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin malesuada posuere mauris consequat fringilla. Phasellus non lacus ultrices, aliquam tortor sed, pellentesque tortor. Maecenas a dui aliquam, vestibulum arcu at, laoreet nunc. Aenean eros turpis, pretium non laoreet in, viverra vel ligula. Aenean tincidunt, mi eu pharetra viverra, tellus lectus hendrerit nunc, commodo vehicula mi ex ac dolor. In ac nisl sit amet eros pretium ultrices. Fusce tristique enim nec massa semper pellentesque.

Fusce neque orci, molestie et accumsan et, viverra ut mi. Aliquam quis odio a ipsum auctor pulvinar. Nam varius convallis metus quis tempus. Cras consectetur viverra mi. Sed venenatis nec nibh vitae pellentesque. Nam imperdiet nisl vitae dui vulputate scelerisque. Fusce porta fermentum nunc. Nulla facilisi. Sed mattis nulla mauris, et auctor purus molestie at. Vivamus accumsan quam vitae rutrum tempor. Cras aliquam suscipit ornare. Pellentesque sapien est, consequat ac ex in, accumsan finibus dolor. Quisque vitae tincidunt diam, eu finibus massa. Phasellus eleifend, magna quis lobortis dignissim, eros nulla malesuada ipsum, lacinia elementum nunc tellus eu mauris. Praesent sit amet diam dapibus, viverra quam sed, pellentesque leo.