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Saturday, 12 October 2013 12:43

We are praying that 2014 would be a consolidation year where churches will work together around the Christian calendar, festivals and new mission initiatives to bring good news to our lost and broken nations starting on 18 October 2013 to 31 January 2014. To launch this year of mission, World Prayer Centre and all the partners of HOPE 2014 are encouraging us to pray together with Christians around the country using the Prayer for Today Hope Daily Prayers (published by UCB). Using the prayers and themes when praying alone, in home groups, as a church, as groups of churches or in Christian organisations. Every Sunday there is a written prayer which can be used in worship services. This Season of Prayer starts on 18th October 2013 at the Excel Centre, London at the Festival of Life night of prayer hosted by Redeemed Christian Church of God where it is expected that 40,000 people will meet to pray.

Pray: that the Church would take up the challenge to pray and make this a consolidation year of mission. (Lk.2:10)


Friday, 13 July 2012 14:54

The BBC is reporting that Edinburgh City Council in Scotland is to stop holding prayers during its meetings, reports Dan Wooding, Founder of ASSIST Ministries. ‘The local authority will instead introduce a 10-minute ‘Pause for Reflection’ sessions before meetings of the full council,’ said their story. ‘Group leaders and the Lord Provost agreed unanimously to the move. The sessions will be open to all staff, councillors and visitors who would normally be attending the full council meeting.’ The BBC said that the sessions will take place in the main council chamber 10 minutes before the monthly Thursday meeting. The BBC Scotland news website revealed that the sessions will be delivered by representatives from a wide variety of civic and community interests, including faith and belief groups, civic institutions, community and voluntary sector organisations. ’After this, the city officers will bring in the ceremonial mace and sword to mark the official start of the meeting.’

Pray: against any further moves by local government to stop holding prayer sessions before meetings. (Ps.119:169-170)


Sunday, 13 June 2010 20:12

Global Day of Prayer London convener Jonathan Oloyede calls on Christians to prepare for a National Day of Prayer at West Ham Stadium June 13 ‘As we have asked people to gather locally in our boroughs we're also asking the whole nation to come down to West Ham Stadium June 13 to prepare the nation for what is to come. We're asking God to open up a New Britain, that it no longer is to be Broken Britain, but for it to be healed. We're inviting churches to come to West Ham and send a delegation to come down as a church family and come and join thousands of other people as we pray ‘Lord heal our land.’ Worship leaders include Graham Kendrick, Noel Robinson, Godfrey Birtil, All Souls Orchestra and Beverley Trotman. ‘We're calling for every church in the nation to take one day in the month where they will pray and fast’

Pray: for God to move across our land bringing His Church into the unity of unceasing prayer for our communities and each other. (2Ch.7:14)


Friday, 07 October 2011 13:29

The Christian Peoples Alliance is opposing attempts to ban prayers at local council meetings. Two councils in East Sussex have been warned that Christian prayers are ‘not part of their duties’. The warnings come despite Christian prayer being part of the English constitution since Saxon times and said daily in the House of Commons since 1558. Mayfield Parish Council was issued the advice by the Sussex Association of Local Councils after voting to include a prayer session in its meetings. Councillors were told it was not appropriate and should be taken off the agenda. Former Newham Councillor, Alan Craig, said, ‘This demand is part of the secular-isation of our society. The most important thing is to get Christian values and Christian prayers back into our society and not take them away. Having Christian prayers is saying Christian values are good values for public life and a council meeting is a part of public life.’

Pray: for more, not less time to be spent in prayer each week in every borough and government meeting. (2Ch.7:14)


Friday, 19 July 2013 14:21

‘Ethics and Corruption’ is one of the Social Justice Issues of our time. Intercessory prayer is our responsibility to stand in the gap on behalf of the poor, the broken, the hopeless and the lost and to pray for God’s mercy to restore and transform, to make right what is wrong. The Bible is clear that God desires Christians to live just and ethical lives in every sphere of society – that includes our Church life, our business live, and our social and political life. As Christians we have a responsibility to live ethically in our personal lives, to encourage others to conduct themselves in a just and ethical manner in their sphere of influence, and to pray that God’s Kingdom, which is just, merciful, and gracious, is established in the world. Our prayer life should be the source from which we draw strength from God’s Spirit to do what is right in our homes, our community.

Pray: that as the people of God we pray that the Holy Spirit will anoint our prayers. (Micah 6:8)



Thursday, 20 June 2013 12:55

The senior chaplains in the Armed Forces, together with the Armed Forces, bishops are encouraging congregations throughout the country to remember the men and women of the Armed Forces in their prayers, particularly on the Sunday after the Armed Forces Day. This is an important development of the vision of the Military Christian Organisations to get the nation praying, individually, in organisations, fellowships and churches in intercession for our Armed Forces and in support of our Chaplains. We are asked to pray that Churches throughout the nation will include prayer for the Armed Forces on Sunday 30 June following the Armed Forces Day and that this will become set into the church calendar.

Pray: for a nation-wide focus on the Armed Forces during the week leading up to this day and that Christians throughout the country will be praying daily for them. (1Th 5:16-18)



Thursday, 05 May 2011 15:34

The vision of Pray for Schools fortnight, 8-23rd May, is to bring together people from local churches and those involved in education – parents, students, teachers, meals supervisors, Governors and anyone else with a heart for young people – to pray strategically for schools in their area and those involved in them. They have developed resources for the fortnight around ‘Praying the Bible’. Also a brand new video will be available to download and show at your event. Pray for Schools in Wales which is teaming up with 24/7 prayer to cover Wales in prayer. A week of continuous prayer for schools is planned for the 8-15th May, and you can choose your slot and sign up at Pray for Schools fortnight is supported by CARE, Youth for Christ, Scripture Union, New Generation, Churches Together England, The Association of Christian Teachers – and Christians all over the UK who want to pray for schools.

Pray: strategically for the schools in your area, those who have influence over our young people. (Ac.2:17)


Monday, 24 May 2010 12:07

Last week’s general election has brought a change in the political direction of our nation and is being heralded as a ‘new era’. The new partnership has the potential to cause our government to re assess commitments and look again at previously rejected options. As the new members of parliament step into their roles of authority let us pray that decisions made are based on sound biblical values full of truth and justice, and not driven by political convenience or attractive presentations. Many of our politicians now need God’s wisdom and vision for a prosperous and peaceful society. Christain Concern for our Nation are asking Christians to pray for those elected to parliament asking that they may be good governors; giving thanks for the Christian MPs amongst them and to bathe them in prayer so they may stand firm in the truth of the gospel from the outset.

Pray: that the LORD would have mercy on our nation, turning hearts to Him and raising up godly leaders. (Ro.15:5)


Tuesday, 26 July 2011 11:29

Islamic extremists have put up posters in an east London borough declaring it a ‘Sharia controlled zone’. The posters boldly claim: ‘You are entering a Sharia controlled zone. Islamic rules enforced.’ Underneath are images indicating that smoking, alcohol and music are banned. The posters are understood to have been discovered in the borough of Tower Hamlets last week, and they are identical to ones found in the boroughs of Waltham Forest and Newham. A police spokeswoman said: ‘Officers are working closely with the local authority to have the posters removed as soon as possible.’ The posters come as a Bill in the House of Lords seeks to stop Sharia law taking root as a parallel legal system. Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, who grew up in Pakistan and is the former Bishop of Rochester, is backing the Bill. He said: ‘The problem with Sharia is that it is inherently unequal for certain kinds of people.’

Pray: for the authorities to work quickly to stop the actions of such extremists in the UK. . (Ho.10:4)


Thursday, 02 June 2011 14:27

The Church in Wales will be handing out postcards this Sunday as part of a major drive to boost the number of vicars. The bilingual cards invite people to think about whether they, or anyone else they know, would consider a career in the Church in Wales. Those interested can respond to the calling using the postcard. As well as the postcards, special prayers will be said for people considering ordination and a website will be launched to help those who want to find out more about vocations. The Bishop of St Asaph, Gregory Cameron, who spearheads the Church’s vocations strategy, said that with a third of the clergy - 166 - due to retire in the next five years, the Church was facing a ‘growing need’ to find more ministers. ‘God has not stopped calling people but we need to search out and develop new ways of identifying leaders to sustain our life,’ he said.

Pray: that in this busy, noisy world, there will be those that hear the 'still, small voice of calm' calling them to a different way of life. (Ps.95:7)
