STI increase - questions sex education

Written by Super User 27 Aug 2010

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) reported 482,696 cases of sexually transmitted infections in UK health clinics in 2009, a 3% increase on 2008, with teenagers and young adults accounting for the majority. According to HPA young women aged 19 and men aged between 20 and 23 are at the greatest risk and of the 12,000 additional cases reported last year over two thirds were women under 25. The figures also revealed that re-infection is a serious issue, with at least 11% of women and 12% of men aged 16 to 19 becoming re-infected with an STI within one year of being treated for a previous one. Despite the increase in infections, which many attribute to an increase in sex education, there have still been calls to increase sex education in schools. Helen Jenkins from Marie Stopes International, stated: ‘We fear that STI rates may continue to rise without increasing access to comprehensive sex and relationships education in all British schools’.

Pray: for our young to be strengthened morally by the examples of parents and respected teachers. (Mt.19:16)


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