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Friday, 01 March 2019 04:36

“Former Labour leader Tony Blair has admitted there is a ‘nascent alliance’ between Islamists and the political left in Britain.” This alliance has actually been established for a long time. Many Leftists have been found to be working closely with Islamic supremacist organizations with established connections to jihad terror groups such as Hamas, including the American and Canadian supporters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and its allies.

It is peculiar, however, to see Tony Blair admit that this is happening across Europe:

And you can see this not just here in the UK, you can see it across Europe — and yes, it gives rise to anti-Semitism. It’s not your old traditional anti-Semitism of the old kind of right-wing nature of, you know, not wanting Jewish people in golf clubs and that type of thing, but it’s every bit as pernicious and, you know, to have a situation where you’ve got Labour MPs worried because they happen to be Jewish, I mean…”

It is critical to note is that CAIR and other such groups are stealth purveyors of anti-Semitism; their links to Hamas are just one indication of this. Western Leftists who ally themselves with such groups should be marginalized. Instead, they themselves work to silence those who speak the truth.

“Tony Blair Admits to ‘Nascent Alliance’ Between Islamist and Left-wing Politics,” by Jack Montgomery, Breitbart, February 12, 2019:

Former Labour leader Tony Blair has admitted there is a “nascent alliance” between Islamists and the political left in Britain.

In a wide-ranging interview focusing mainly on his desire to overturn the British public’s vote for Brexit in 2016, the controversial 65-year-old told Sophy Ridge of Sky News: “There is, I’m afraid, there is a kind of nascent alliance between what I would call bits of the sort of Islamist type of politics and the left.”

“And you can see this not just here in the UK, you can see it across Europe — and yes, it gives rise to anti-Semitism. It’s not your old traditional anti-Semitism of the old kind of right-wing nature of, you know, not wanting Jewish people in golf clubs and that type of thing, but it’s every bit as pernicious and, you know, to have a situation where you’ve got Labour MPs worried because they happen to be Jewish, I mean…” Blair added, trailing off.

Several of Labour’s Muslim politicians have been implicated in anti-Semitism scandals in recent years, such as Shadow Minister of State for Women and Equalities Naz Shah.

Shah was briefly suspended from the party over posting anti-Semitic remarks such as “The Jews are rallying” on social media — although she was not disciplined for liking and retweeting a comment saying that “abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths for the good of diversity” at a later date.

Hard-left party leader Jeremy Corbyn, too, has come under fire for previous remarks that British-born “Zionists” struggle to understand “English irony”, and for allegedlyparticipating in a Tunisian wreath-laying ceremony for the Black September terrorists who murdered Jewish athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.

Blair seemed confident that there would be no issues with Labour and anti-Semitism if he was still in charge, asking Ridge: “Can you imagine that, when I was leader of the Labour Party, having a conversation with me about whether anti-Semitism is in the Labour Party or not?”

Pray for this alliance between Leftists and the political Left in Europe and the Americas to be exposed, disrupted and brought to an end.

Pray that the false ideologies of Socialism and Islam will be shown up for the destructive forces they are and rejected across our world.



Friday, 01 March 2019 04:34

And Things Could Get Worse

“The steadily deteriorating state of religious freedom in China has been a frequent topic of late, both here on BreakPoint and other media outlets. The picture is bleak. An estimated one million Muslim Uighurs have been detained in what are essentially re-education camps, as part of an attempt to erase their religious and cultural identity.

There’s also been a strong assault on Chinese Christianity. What little freedom Chinese Christians had is now being taken away: Provincial officials have demolished crosses, cracked down on house churches, arrested pastors, and put officially-recognized churches under tighter control.

Thus, the recent report out of Liaoning province, a region near the border with North Korea, shouldn’t surprise us. It should trouble and appall us, but not surprise us.

According to the Australian website MercatorNet, the Education Bureau of Lishan district” in Liaoning “issued a plan for the campaign to resist religious beliefs in kindergartens.”

The plan prohibits schools from “hiring [new] teachers who hold religious beliefs.” With regard to existing teachers, it calls for increased supervision, including “comprehensive inspections of teachers’ preparation for lessons in order to root out any and all religious content.”

But the plan doesn’t stop with teachers. Students, as well as teachers, are now required to “sign a commitment statement promising they won’t browse religious websites or participate in religious forums.” The statement reads in part, “I will adhere to the correct political direction, advocate science, promote atheism, and oppose theism.”

These are kindergartners!

It’s not only in that province. Students in other parts of China have also been coerced into signing anti-religious pledges. And there are reports of students who, because they refused to sign, have been beaten.

Unfortunately, short of divine intervention, it may be that things will get significantly worse. As I’ve told you before on BreakPoint, Xi Jinping has become the most powerful Chinese leader since Mao. Like Mao, Xi has fostered a cult of personality. He calls himself lingxiu, a reverential term for “leader” not heard since the days of Mao. It’s very similar to what Fuehrer means in German. Fawning coverage of Xi in official media borders on self-parody.

Christians have been in the crosshairs of the Xi Jinping cult. Believers in south China have been forced to take down pictures of Jesus from their walls and replace them with pictures Xi Jinping.

Not only is he a jealous would-be god, he’s also an insecure one. To understand why, you need to understand that the source of the Communist Party’s legitimacy has been economic growth. For the past forty years, the Chinese people have been asked to trade certain freedoms that we take for granted, such as freedom of speech and religion, for increasing prosperity. That trade has preserved a measure of social order.

But now, many economists see signs that the good times are coming to an end in China. In fact, that may be an understatement. It could be something even worse. As the Wall Street Journal reports, “China’s consumers and businesses are losing confidence. Car sales have plunged. The housing market is stumbling. Some factories are letting workers off for the big Lunar New Year holiday two months early.”

In other words, the Communist Party may not be able to keep up its end of the bargain. If they fail, ordinary Chinese people could remember everything they’ve had to put up with and get angry. Very angry.

So how will Xi respond to this? We already know the answer to that question. He will crack down even harder. Cult leaders don’t admit mistakes, much less give up their power voluntarily. They look for scapegoats and hunt for heretics.

In China, Christians qualify as both. As adherents to what many Chinese regard as a “Western” religion, their loyalties can be called into question. And they’ll likely not join Xi’s cult of personality, so they will be ideal targets.

All of this is why our brothers and sisters there need our prayers. And our voice. We must urge our government and U. S. corporations that do business in China to use their influence on behalf of persecuted Chinese Christians.

by: John Stonestreet & Roberto Rivera



Church sanctuaries decked with national flags and leader’s photos. The Ten Commandments edited. Bibles retranslated as state church leaders emphasize the need to free Christianity from its ‘foreign cultural captivity’. These are the reports emerging from China today. According to many Chinese religion analysts, they represent not a return to the Cultural Revolution but to something even earlier.

08c“Put the photos of 1930s German church sanctuaries and 2019 Chinese church sanctuaries side by side. Put the speeches of the leaders and officials side by side. The similarities are striking,” says the Rev. Dr. Eric Foley, CEO of Voice of the Martyrs Korea, part of a worldwide fellowship of organizations aiding persecuted Christians worldwide with roots dating back to World War II.

“Xi Jinping calls it Sinification—freeing Christianity and other religions from foreign cultural entanglement. Hitler called it Nazification. Both pledged freedom of religion to those who would hang national flags and leader’s portraits in their sanctuaries.

Both trotted out theologians who insisted the Bible needed to be retranslated to be properly understood. Both accused those who disagreed of seeking to subvert the state.”

“Think Stalin and Hitler, not Mao,” says the Rev. Dr. Bob Fu, founder and director of China Aid, a US-based organization that helps Chinese Christians and reports on human rights and religious freedom developments in China. “China is now taking a page from the 1930s totalitarian playbook. Whereas before the government’s goal was to stamp out Christianity, now all efforts are directed at co-opting the moral influence of Christianity and other faiths to advance the Communist Party’s social agenda.”

Foley and Fu see a parallel not only in the actions of the governments but in the response of the faithful Christians of both eras. They are calling on church leaders around the world to offer today’s dissident Chinese Christians things their earlier suffering German and Russian counterparts were unable to receive: solidarity and global theological endorsement.

“There was no Internet when the German ‘Confessing Church’ wrote the Barmen Declaration in opposition to Hitler’s attempt to redefine Christianity,” says Foley. “Today the Barmen Declaration and those who wrote it are revered. But at the time they were cut off from the Body of Christ around the world and forced to suffer while their ‘Confessing Church’ was crushed.”

That has Foley and Fu calling on Christian leaders worldwide to add their names to a declaration of religious freedom written by the former law professor and now-jailed Chinese pastor of the Chengdu Early Rain Church, Wang Yi. The document, entitled “A Joint Statement by Pastors: A Declaration for the Sake of the Christian Faith”, was originally published in September 2018 with signatures from 439 Chinese pastors.

“As the author of this important document, Pastor Wang and Early Rain were also the ones responsible for gathering the signatures of pastors for it,” says Fu. “Now that Pastor Wang Yi and the Early Rain leaders are in prison and many pastors who signed the statement are facing similar difficulties, we as Christian leaders worldwide must carry on the good work they began. We must sound a global ‘amen’ that the Christianity for which they are now suffering is ‘the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.’”

The document written by Wang Yi and signed by the Chinese pastors contains four declarations:

  1. Christian churches in China believe unconditionally that the Bible is the Word and Revelation of God. It is the source and final authority of all righteousness, ethics, and salvation.
  1. Christian churches in China are eager and determined to walk the path of the cross of Christ and are more than willing to imitate the older generation of saints who suffered and were martyred for their faith.
  1. Christian churches in China are willing to obey authorities in China whom God has appointed and to respect the government's authority to govern society and human conduct.
  1. All true churches in China that belong to Christ must hold to the principle of the separation of church and state and must proclaim Christ as the sole head of the church.

The full declaration is available at, the website created by Voice of the Martyrs Korea and China Aid to enable pastors and church leaders to add their own names to those of the 439 Chinese pastors.

Those wishing to sign the declaration should do so, along with their church name, role, and a contact email, by the end of March. Voice of the Martyrs Korea and China Aid will verify each signee and present the ‘signed’ document to the Chinese Embassy in Seoul.

“It’s important to note that the declaration written by these Chinese pastors is entitled ‘A Declaration for the Sake of the Christian Faith’,” says Foley. “This is about more than China. It is about the Christian faith. An attack on the integrity of the Christian faith anywhere at any time is an attack on the integrity of the Christian faith everywhere at all times.”

“439 Chinese pastors signed this declaration,” says Fu. “We are asking the Lord for each signature to yield a hundredfold harvest, which means we are praying for 43,900 pastors and church leaders around the world brave enough to sign this document in suffering solidarity with the pastors of China.”

To make a donation to ChinaAid, please click here:

Please pray about the steadily deteriorating state of religious freedom in China and that the oppressive hand of the Chinese government as well as the cult of personality of its leader will be broken over Christ’s people and the other people of this most populous nation.

Pray for believers languishing in prison or labor camps for their faith that they will be strengthened and victorious, winning many more to Christ in the midst of their current trials.

Friday, 01 March 2019 04:33

“The present Israeli government, which held on longer than most, came to an end a few months ago (a full term would have lasted until November).  Early elections will be April 9th…

The past month has seen parties splitting or dissolving, new ones coming into being.  At present, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud [“Consolidation”] appears well in front in the polls, but a new party called

Hozenl’Yisrael [“Israel Resilience”] lead by former General and Chief of Staff of the Military Benny Ganz is rapidly gaining ground.  The YeshAtid [“There is a Future”] party of YairLapid is third.  Yet much can change within the next month-and-a-half. 

We will say here that it is not at this time clear to us who should be our next leader.  Of course, Mr Netanyahu is the only candidate with experience in the office (at this time he is Israel’s second-longest serving Prime Minister), he is a brilliant statesman, respected around the world.  He has a fierce loyalty to Israel and to the Land.  And up until now, he has been a prime minister in whom the people have trust regarding national security.  That said, his position is presently weakened by serious allegations against him related to abuse of his office—corruption, including fraud and bribery. 

The Attorney General appears set to recommend indictment, perhaps before the elections.  It this occurs, it would seriously impair his ability to continue to devote his energies to administrating his office with the integrity and freedom necessary.  Another issue which concerns us is Mr Netanyahu’s historical inclination to bring the ultra-Orthodox parties into his government, and, having done so, invariably to grant the portfolio of Ministry of the Interior to the ultra-Orthodox Shas party.  Among other things, this ministry decides “who is a Jew” for purposes of Aliyah (emigration)…

The dramatic appearance of Mr Ganz  is bringing an unexpected threat to Netanyahu and the Likud.  He is a respected military leader, he presents a likable image, reasonable and a left-of-center choice against Netanyahu’s right-of-center position.  But the problem is that so far he is keeping his cards covered regarding his position towards some of the hot issues.  He recently seemed to voice approval for the “way things were done” in the Disengagement from Gaza. 

It is unclear what his stance is regarding Israeli sovereignty of the land—Judea and Samaria, and the current Israeli presence there.  Might he countenance further “disengagements” from the very land in which the divine covenants were made?   Ehud Barak was the most-decorated soldier in modern Israeli history, yet proved a terrible Prime Minister, who was willing to barter away almost all of the territory gained by Israel in 1967. 

We believe that it is essential at each election to come to Our Lord seeking His counsels for choosing the next leader, whatever our own personal leanings. It is He who knows what lies ahead, who is more equipped to lead the country in His ways.  It is He who establishes rulers, who knows who will be more likely to receive His wisdom; He knows what lies hidden, and Light dwells with him (Daniel 2:21-22).

In Exodus 18:21, when Moses’ father-in-law is expounding to him the tenets of a system of government which will bring order and righteous judgment into the leadership of the society, he instructs him, “You shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain.”  The word “select” or “choose” is an interesting word in the Hebrew, techeze.  It isn’t the regular  Hebrew word for “choose” as appears later in verse 25, but rather a prophetic word, related to clarity of vision.  As the Everett Fox translation puts it, “You are to have the vision (to select) from all the people men of caliber, holding God in awe, men of truth, hating gain...”  

There is only one Source for such vision – for the insight necessary to make the proper choice for our leaders.”


  • For the Lord to raise up the party and leaders for the next government in Israel—and that He in mercy grant vision to a majority of the electorate to select the leaders of His own choosing—among them a Prime Minister who will lead in humility, integrity, righteousness.
  • That a strong government come into place in Israel—one which will lead the people and govern all of the Land God has entrusted to them with equity, justice, integrity and truth.
  • That Benjamin Netanyahu fulfill the days which the LORD (upon whose shoulders rest all government) has allotted to him to govern the land and people.  That if there is “dishonest gain” which warrants exposure, it come to light; if not, that he be vindicated.

Martin & Norma Sarvis


Friday, 01 March 2019 04:33

In this video from his Extreme World documentary, Kemp tracked down and interviewed Mr. Kahn, a child trafficker in India who is being investigated for over 25 different offences.

Kahn says he has been trafficking for 7 years, and that he has “trafficked” 3,000 or 4,000 young girls, “maybe more”. He goes to poor communities, often in Muslim or “tribal” areas, and looks for “real beauties”. The girls are auctioned and go to the highest bidder. The most Kahn got for a sale was a million taka, the currency of Bangladesh — the equivalent of £8,500 or US$10,935.

Kemp asks if it’s true that Kahn has sold girls as young as nine for sex, to which the man replies, “I’ve sold girls who are 12.”

Kemp then asks if Kahn had ever returned any of the children to their communities, to which Kahn replies, “No”.

Kemp asks a follow-up question if it’s true that Kahn kills the children that he can’t sell. Kahn replies:

“If they try to run away, or if there’s any trouble selling them, they are killed and buried. If our bribed police can’t handle it, it goes to the CID, then we kill the girls. We don’t count them. About four or five hundred. I’m telling you the truth.”

Speaking about the encounter afterward, Kemp said he had to fight back the tears and was “shocked” and “horrified” by what Kahn told him: “Interviewing a guy who admits to killing 400 to 500 kids but doesn’t know exactly how many – that did make me cry.”

Ross Kemp, 54, is an English actor, author and investigative journalist who has received international recognition as a journalist for the BAFTA Award-winning documentary series Ross Kemp on Gangs on modern gang culture in the UK and around the world.

Pray that these evil people doing the child (and adult) trafficking will be brought to justice

Pray for the families of those affected

Pray for an end to police corruption that allows such criminals to continue to operate

Pray for the trafficking that is taking place across the world to be stopped - it's not just Asia.


Friday, 01 March 2019 04:32

Esther 8:6 For how can I endure to see the calamity which will befall my people, and how can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred?

Proverbs 21:1 The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.

Please pray and fast for the people of Syria on March 1-3, 2019. People across the Middle East, in the US, and around the world will be praying with you.


People in Syria’s Northeast (Kurds, Christians, Yazidis, and Arabs) have fought ISIS since 2014. They have a homegrown pluralistic democracy giving equal rights to all, including religious minorities and women—a stark contrast to ISIS. A battlefield victory is near, due to US-led Global Coalition Support.

But they still face serious threats of invasion from Turkey and the Assad regime, backed by Iran and Russia. ISIS will likely try to regroup. Managing captured ISIS fighters and their families, uncovering genocide and war crimes, and the destruction and causalities of five years of war are huge challenges. 

Recent changes in US policy have confused and terrified these people. They thought the US would stay and help them clear up remaining ISIS fighters and deal with the aftermath of a horrific war. They thought the US presence would help them negotiate a good peace with their neighbors so they could keep their hard won freedoms.

President Donald Trump suddenly announced a complete US departure in December, drawing criticism from leaders in the region, Global Coalition allies, the US Congress, and US military leaders.  On February 21, 2019, he reversed course saying some troops will stay.  But details are still unclear.

A power vacuum created by a poorly planned US departure could result in new wars and in chaos affecting the entire region. This area is the only thing keeping Iran from having a highway right up to Israel’s Northern border.

Iran poses an existential threat to Israel and to Christians in Syria and Iraq. Turkey poses an existential threat to all residents of the Northeast—threatening a repeat of its war crimes and genocide in Afrin that started a year ago.


Pray for wisdom for President Trump, his military and diplomatic advisers, the Congress, other world leaders, and leaders of the Self-Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria (SANES), including the SDF.

Pray that good decisions are made leading to peace and stability for people who have endured unimaginable horrors.

Pray against deception and intimidation by Turkey, Iran, Assad, Russia, and Islamist terrorists.

Pray that the sacrifices made by the SDF and others in the region will be rewarded.

Pray that their dreams of freedom, including religious freedom, will come to pass.

Pray that all nations fall in line with God’s plans for this area. 

In Isaiah 19, the Lord speaks of a “highway” between Syria, Israel, and Egypt. Pray that roadblocks will be torn down and replaced with a spirit of reconciliation.

Pray that the Lord’s name can be known throughout this region and that He will be glorified

How to Pray?

Pray for at least one hour on each of the days. Fast as the Lord leads you. A true Esther fast requires abstaining from both food and water for three days.  This is not healthy or wise for many people.  The Lord looks at the heart, not what we eat or wear.

We are fasting from Midnight AM on 3/1 to Midnight PM on 3/3 EST.



Letter of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable to President Trump dated January 9, 2019 with appeals from Christians and Yazidis and maps:

Jerusalem Dateline: 2/1/19 Exclusive: Christians in NE Syria Warn of Genocide and follow on videos:

A New Democratic Government Emerges Out of Syria – But Will it Last?:

700 Club 2-20-2019 at minute 12:16:

Respected NGO Genocide Watch issues genocide warning if Turkey invades the NE:

Friday, 01 March 2019 04:32

We all know people around us who do not know Jesus personally. They might have heard about him, they might have a wrong image of who he is, or they might not recognize their need of him in their lives. Nevertheless, Jesus LOVES them! Jesus says in John 17 that he doesn’t pray for the World but for those the Father has entrusted him with (John 17:6-9). To us as well, the Father entrusts us with people, friends that do not know him yet. As Christians,  we are called to pray for them so that they may one day encounter Jesus.

This is our mission! This is why we pray for the harvest.

Do you want to see the people around you encounter Jesus? Check out a great way below to start or to continue praying for them!

40 days to “Pray & Declare”

From March 1st to April 9th, we will have 40 days of prayer and declaration!

We will pray for the people God has entrusted us with, for those who do not know Jesus yet, for our nations, for our governments and for Jesus to be known all over Europe.

Prayer is key to see changes in people’s lives and in our own lives.

We will also fast for 10 days during this time. If you haven't joined yet, you can still join now and receive empowering messages in your inbox about prayer.

Together let’s pray for the harvest in Europe!

Blessings, Your ESBS team

If you want to join the 40 days of prayer and declaration! Click Here:

Friday, 01 March 2019 04:31

The 24:14 Prayer task force has put together a prayer tool to engage global prayer for a thrusting out of more workers to engage with unreached groups in order to see a multiplying movement initiated. 

The Prayer Guide is for 21 days of Prayer For the Church Planting Movement CPM)

Download it from here:

We would like to March Forth... on March 4th to 25th, 2019.

The 24:14 Coalition is challenging prayer partners to join 21 days of prayer and fasting as God leads for the acceleration of movement engagement among every people and place.

The simple 21-Day Prayer Guide will focus our prayer and also provide specific prayer points for the CPM. It is simple by design so that many many nations can translate it and copy it within their local teams, so we have avoided complicated graphics and long texts.

The Translations will be hosted at this site

Please help us distribute this 21 days of prayer as widely and as globally as possible. Post this on your websites, ministry sites, at church, on facebook.... we would like to raise up a chorus of global intercession to see multiplication of disciples, churches and movements amongst the unreached groups.

You might be saying to yourself, "I have just done a 21 day prayer fast, there seem to be many at the moment", this is correct. Currently, there are many 21 day cycles of prayer taking place across the globe, we are in season of 21 day fasts and prayer like that which Daniel did. God is calling us to take 21 days to seek Him for the lost and see disciples making disciples, churches planting churches and movements multiplying movements.

Friday, 01 March 2019 04:31

We would encourage our prayer partners to watch, and share the links to these excellent newly re-mastered videos entitled ‘Reaching the Unreached – Prayer that Empowers Missions’ - that focus us on the need to pray for the 4,700 unreached peoples' groups.  They were produced by the acclaimed Videographer / Director, Michael Lienau, a friend of IPC.  There is a 3 minute and 9 minute version: 

Play / Download 3 minute version:

Play / Download 9 minute version:

Friday, 01 March 2019 04:31

One fourth of the world's households live in Frontier People Groups - with virtually no contact with believers, and no sign yet of a gospel movement bringing God's promised blessing to their families.

Half of these households live in these 31 largest Frontier People Groups.

This is a Prayer Guide for the 31 – an invitation to the

Body of Christ to Pray for the Harvest.

Download the PDF guide from this link below.  Print copies are available.

Friday, 01 March 2019 04:28

An invitation is going out across Europe for a unique gathering of 3,000 young people from all 51 nations of the continent, taking place in July 2019.  United Prayer Rising (UPRising) Europe will draw together believers for 72 hours of united worship and prayer with a mandate to contend for a youth awakening across Europe.

JJ Waters, Director of UPRising Europe said, “Following God’s lead, we are incredibly excited to gather together people from every nation in Europe to contend for a youth awakening. This is such a critical time for Europe – much is being shaken whilst at the same time God is moving powerfully in many nations. We believe He is doing something beautiful in the hearts of young people, in what is now one of the most unreached continents on earth. Now is the time to come together from different nations, across denominations, honouring fathers and mothers, and to worship and pray for a mighty move of God in Europe.”

We want to invite young people and anyone with a heart for Europe, to save the dates – 8th to 11th July 2019 and to plan to be part of this event.

The backbone of UPRising Europe will be 72 hours of non-stop worship and prayer led by worship teams of young people from all over Europe. We want to see young people from each of their nations bringing their own unique flavour, style of music and worship songs in their own language alongside English songs. These are the grassroots, passionate worship and prayer leaders who are faithful to where God has placed them and willing to contend for Europe.

Out of this will flow prayer and intercession for Europe, with occasional inspiration from speakers in our main sessions and seminars. There will also be prayer for these young people to be sent with a lasting fire to see their cities and nations changed by Jesus.

UPRising Europe is part of the global UPRising movement that was birthed out of the World Prayer Assembly in 2012 in Indonesia.  The first UPRising event was in Seoul, South Korea in July 2016. Since then, there have been UPRising events in the Philippines, South Africa, Mongolia, Bolivia, Malaysia, Canada, Chile, Mexico and California.

UPRising Europe will take place at Ashburnham Place, Battle, East Sussex – a Christian retreat and conference centre set in beautiful grounds with three lakes, gardens and an abundance of nature.  Delegates will be able to stay in Ashburnham place itself or camp in the spacious grounds.

We want to bring together young people from every nation in Europe and to make this event accessible to all. In order to do this, we intend to make ticket prices reasonable for those from all parts of Europe. If anyone or any church wishes to help subsidise these costs, please contact us via the website.

Anyone interested in finding out more and pre-registering for UPRising Europe can do so at the website:  Also, follow us on social media.  Pricing and tickets will be released shortly.