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Wednesday, 01 May 2019 04:06

The 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World began in 1993 with a group of Christians who felt inspired to challenge the way they understood Muslim people. What if they saw Muslims in the same way God does?


The 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World, is an international movement that began in 1993. It calls the church to make a deliberate but respectful effort to learn about, pray for and reach out to our world’s Muslim neighbors. It coincides annually with the important Islamic month of religious observation — Ramadan, a time of the year when Muslims are much more deeply aware of spiritual matters.

While Media sound bites about Islamic extremism can too easily incite anger, fear and even hatred towards Muslims, we seek to resist this temptation to generalize, and instead, resolve to respond and pray with the mind and heart of Christ.

Join the millions of Christians around the world, and churches and ministries from many denominations, who regularly participate in this largest ongoing prayer focus on the Muslim world. A new full-color prayer guide booklet — available each year in both adult and kids versions — is a proven tool to help Christians to understand and to persistently pray for Muslim neighbors and nations.

There's still time to get your booklets before Ramadan!

Click Here:

Tuesday, 23 April 2019 14:48

Go2020, a global initiative for prayer and outreach taking place the whole month of May, 2020 has a goal of 100 Million believers prayiing for and witnessing to 1 billion souls! 50% of this 100 Million could be children.

As a kick-off to May 2020, our May 2019 World Shapers Club calendar focuses completely on G02020. We will help to lay the prayer foundation for this initiative, pray for creative ideas for outreach and inspire other children and youth to participate.

Translations available for Arabic, Spanish, Urdu and Finnish - want to be involved - send us a message

The English language calendar pdf can be downloaded from here

Prayer Calendar Spanish

Urdu Prayer Calendar

WSC Chinese

WSC May2019 Finnish

WSC May 2019 GO2020 arabic

Saturday, 30 March 2019 05:10

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge" (Psalm 19:1-2).

I am always amazed when I read and study the vastness of creation!   My son and I just finished studying a book called Indescribable, by Louie Giglio and Matt Redman.

We learned that astronomers now estimate there to be around 70 million millionmillion stars in the visible universe alone.

According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe. And our solar system is tiny compared to our Milky Way galaxy. By way of comparison, scientists say the size of our solar system relative to the Milky Way would be roughly the size of a quarter in an area as big as North America! One of the largest stars in our known universe is the IRS 65. If our sun stood only 18 inches high, then in comparison IRS 65 would stand as tall as Mount Everest.

Next up we learned about Neutron stars. Talk about the wow factor. Some astronomers estimate that neutron stars may actually be ten trillion ties denser than steel. Some neutron stars spin at rates of up to six hundred times per second. Wow! Astronomers estimate that the sun is around 27 million degrees Fahrenheit at its core. It burns up around 4 million tons of its own mass every second. And it's so huge that even at that rate it would last another 5 to 6 billion years! And the sun is just an average star in the universe among billions of others!

Job says, "Stop and consider God's wonders..." (Job 37:14).

"He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names." (Psalm 147:4).

"I am the Lord, who has made all things, who alone stretches out the heavens" (Isa 44:24).

Genesis says that Godspoke these galaxies into existence with mere sentences. He upholds all things by the word of his power! Wow! And yet Job declares that these are the mere fringes of his works,

"how faint the whisper we hear of him? Who then can understand the thunder of his power?" (Job 26:14).

I believe the thunder of God's power speaks of God's person, not just what he does but who He is! He is the All-Consuming One, the All-Sufficient One, the All-Satisfying One, and the All-Deserving One!

As David Bryant writes,

"He defies all human categories; there is no language that can adequately describe Him. He is the incomparable One! He remains in a class by duplicates, no clones. His importance eclipses all others. He outranks every other being in Heaven, earth, or hell. He is the exalted One; for all eternity he holds the primary focus of our praises. He holds a position of unrivaled distinction, prestige, and majesty.

He will be the joy of all peoples, the desire of all nations. He is the Victorious One. None of his enemies will prevail, he will defeat all of his foes unconditionally-both human and demonic and will emerge forever unthreatened, unhindered, and victorious over all opposition, permanently and forever.

He is the Preeminent and Supreme time and space and history he lays claim to the universe, it all belongs to Him. He is the all sufficient One. Nothing can exhaust his power or resources. He will forever prove totally adequate for all of our longings, fears, needs or heart cries. He is faithful and true!"(David Bryant, Christ is All, pg. 41-42)

He is indescribable in his beauty, unfathomable in his wisdom! He is outstanding! He is the well-spring of eternity, the fountainhead of all glory; glory that flows from him and through him and back to him! He is the dazzling one, the radiant one, the chandelier of heaven, and the Light of the World! Jesus' countenance is said to be brighter than the sun. The worth of Jesus is so stunning that the angelic host of the heavens collapse under the weight of his Glory! Literally 100 million angels catch a glimpse of Glory and fall down saying, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth, and wisdom and mighty and honor and glory and blessing" (Rev. 5:12).

One of the most astounding verses in Scripture is found in Revelation 20:11,

"Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them."

The entire universe flees away and is no more when God turns his face towards creation at the end of the age! Wow! There are simply no words to adequately describe the awesome power, presence and glory of the uncreated God. The more we understand the Scriptures, the more majestic and magnificent and awesome Jesus Christ is.  May our worship, prayer and service to Him be a direct reflection of that wonder and awe!

And to think that this God is the God who pursues us, who takes delight in us, who enjoys us even in our weakness! As Zephaniah 3:17 (ESV) declares, "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he rejoices over you with gladness; he quiets you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing."

I believe it is God's aim to ravish the affections of the human race with irresistible displays of his GLORY!

We were made to know and experience the Glory of God! To enjoy and treasure the Glory of God! His glory becomes our JOY! He is our great Treasure. He is our exceeding Joy! (Psalm 34).

Amen and Amen!

Dr Jason Hubbard- Executive Coordinator
IPC Connect

Saturday, 30 March 2019 05:09

“Year of the Frontier” is a time to pray in agreement for the largest gaps in work among the unreached! Frontier Peoples are those unreached groups which have fewer than 1 in 1,000 believers and little work among them.

These groups represent huge gaps for the gospel. In particular, Year of the Frontier will focus on the approx. 400 Frontier people groups over 500,000 in size each for daily specific prayer May 2019-June 2020.      

This steps up from The Thirty-One booklet (which covered the 31 largest Frontier Peoples).

The 400 Frontier People Groups (over 500,000 in population):

  • 1 in 5 of all people live in the 400 largest FPGs.
  • 1 in 3 of all who don't identify with Jesus live in the 400 largest FPGs.
  • 9 of every 10 who live in Frontier People Groups live in the 400 largest FPGs.

Until Jesus-followers unite in obeying His commission, these masses have no hope of hearing about and being introduced to Jesus before they die.

The Great Injustice:

  • 1 in 9,000 living in the 400 largest FPGs identifies with Jesus in any way.
  • 1 in 15,000 living in the 400 largest FPGs is estimated to follow Jesus.
  • 1 in 100 cross-cultural laborers is estimated to work among these 400 FPGs.

Try out these Resource Options in support of this initiative:

More information:

Printable prayer guides & Abbreviated Calendars:


To get daily prayer materials via email:

or  Then submit your email in the top right-hand box.

For the podcast:

Go to iTunes and search for “Global Prayer Digest” or try this link:

To download the App:

For Android:

For iPhones:

UPG of the Day Widget to customize for your website:

Draw close to God by embracing His urgent passion to bless these frontier People Groups.
Your prayers are vital to ending this Great Injustice.

For the joy set before us...

Liz Adleta

Global Prayer Strategist

Fellowship of Prayer Strategists, the Ethne Movement, & the 24:14 Coalition


Saturday, 30 March 2019 05:08

As this incense of worship and prayer has begun to rise across the Middle East, an unprecedented harvest is taking place among Muslim peoples. We have heard the same testimony in multiple nations across the region,

“As soon as we started the House of Prayer, we started seeing more salvations, healings and deliverance than ever before.”

Up until last year we had been doing these 50/100 hour Prayer and Worship gatherings together in Turkey and N. Iraq. Last year, the Lord gathered multiple nations across the Middle East to join in a symphony of prayer and worship together for 50 hours.

The dates for this year are April 11-13.  


As of now, there are multiple locations that are planning on hosting a 50 hours this April.

Turkey- ISTHOP

Jordan- JHOP

  1. N. Iraq- MHOP


Egypt- The Upper Room - Alexandria (for 12 hours)


We want there to be as much agreement as possible between the locations as we gather together. We will be contending together for five promises that the Lord has been speaking to us over the past few years.

We encourage you to take focused time over the 50 hours to pray through these promises as well as the numerous prophetic promises that are over your House of Prayer specifically.

  1. Children/youth revival across the region.
    This is becoming a major focus for this 50 hours. In the vision Rick Ridings had before the first 50 hours in 2014, he saw that a youth/children's revival arising out of the ME as the altar of worship and prayer was established. We are praying for Young Leaders (Timothys) to be raised up in the region and for spiritual fathers and mothers to mentor and come alongside them. 
  2. The nation of Syria.
    Once again, we are surrounding this nation in prayer and worship. We believe there is a significant transition coming to Syria, possibly even during the 50 hours. We are praying for the rebuilding of the devastates cities (Isaiah 61) and for Mercy the people suffering in the nation..This 50 hours we will be praying for power in the evangelism happening in Syria and praying all the Syrians fleeing Syria to experience salvation wherever they go.
  3. Establishment and strengthening of the Houses of Prayer across the Isaiah 19 highway.
    For a prophetic worship movement to begun to be sung and altars of prayer and worship to be established. An indigenous prophetic worship movement among every people group and tribe across the highway. We are also praying for the Church to grow in the culture of adoration and prayer.
  4. The Church in the Middle East.
    For a release of Joy, strength for Pastors and leaders, and an indigenous missions and church planting movement. We are also continuing to carry a word for stadiums filled with believers boldly worshiping and praying.
  5. For a great harvest among unreached peoples.

We believe that today is the day of salvation, now is the time for true repentance and true conversions across the Middle East! We are praying for eyes to be opened and the spiritual blindness to be lifted off in Jesus name!  We are also contending for the growing number of atheist youth in the Middle East experience the power of God, witness miracles, and encounter Jesus.

We are so grateful for your leadership in this 50-hour prayer event. There is a strong sense from the Lord that each of these locations will be like an “upper room” environment where God want to release a spirit of prayer, unto baptisms of fire, unto gospel assignments!

I would encourage you to sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is doing in the room and flow with Him. This is about hosting the presence and glory of God for two days together across the entire region!

Go for His presence above all else!

Please pray with these five points in mind that there will be breakthrough after breakthrough across the needy and challenging region.

Let's trust God together to do something truly extraordinary, chaining the atmosphere in Syria, Iraq and the region as a whole.

Saturday, 30 March 2019 05:07

An invitation is going out across Europe for a unique gathering of 3,000 young people from all 51 nations of the continent, taking place in July 2019.  United Prayer Rising (UPRising) Europe will draw together believers for 72 hours of united worship and prayer with a mandate to contend for a youth awakening across Europe.

JJ Waters, Director of UPRising Europe said, “Following God’s lead, we are incredibly excited to gather together people from every nation in Europe to contend for a youth awakening. This is such a critical time for Europe – much is being shaken whilst at the same time God is moving powerfully in many nations. We believe He is doing something beautiful in the hearts of young people, in what is now one of the most unreached continents on earth. Now is the time to come together from different nations, across denominations, honouring fathers and mothers, and to worship and pray for a mighty move of God in Europe.”

We want to invite young people and anyone with a heart for Europe, to save the dates – 8th to 11th July 2019 and to plan to be part of this event.

The backbone of UPRising Europe will be 72 hours of non-stop worship and prayer led by worship teams of young people from all over Europe. We want to see young people from each of their nations bringing their own unique flavour, style of music and worship songs in their own language alongside English songs. These are the grassroots, passionate worship and prayer leaders who are faithful to where God has placed them and willing to contend for Europe.

Out of this will flow prayer and intercession for Europe, with occasional inspiration from speakers in our main sessions and seminars. There will also be prayer for these young people to be sent with a lasting fire to see their cities and nations changed by Jesus.

UPRising Europe is part of the global UPRising movement that was birthed out of the World Prayer Assembly in 2012 in Indonesia.  The first UPRising event was in Seoul, South Korea in July 2016. Since then, there have been UPRising events in the Philippines, South Africa, Mongolia, Bolivia, Malaysia, Canada, Chile, Mexico and California.

UPRising Europe will take place at Ashburnham Place, Battle, East Sussex – a Christian retreat and conference centre set in beautiful grounds with three lakes, gardens and an abundance of nature.  Delegates will be able to stay in Ashburnham place itself or camp in the spacious grounds.

We want to bring together young people from every nation in Europe and to make this event accessible to all. In order to do this, we intend to make ticket prices reasonable for those from all parts of Europe. If anyone or any church wishes to help subsidise these costs, please contact us via the website.

Anyone interested in finding out more and pre-registering for UPRising Europe can do so at the website:  Also, follow us on social media.

Saturday, 30 March 2019 05:07

We would like to extend a warm invitation to the South East Asia Prayer Council Conference 2019 which takes place from 8th to 11th October 2019 at the Changi Village Hotel in Singapore.

We are grateful to Senior Pastor DjohanHandoyo from Bethany Church Singapore who is our Host this year.  Pastor Handoyo along with Reverend Edmund Smith, founder and Director of Real Love Ministry (RLM) Melaka, Malaysia, will be speaking on the theme: 'From Glory to Glory' - How we experience His Glory!

We look forward to welcoming delegates from the 11 nations of South East Asia as well as international visitors and IPC friends from around the world.

Full details of the event along with links to Register and Book accommodation are on the conference website at

In His service,

Pastor Veronica Lorenzana | Pastor Ann Low

South East Asia Prayer Council

Saturday, 30 March 2019 05:06

Nigeria: Year of Prayer – 1st May 2018 – 30th April 2019

40 Days of Hope, California. March 6 - April 14, 2019

Middle East - Special Prayer Effort - April 11-13

Americas National Day of Repentance

Europe Shall be Saved - 40 DOP - 1 Mar – 9 April 2019

United Prayer Rising Europe – 8-11 July 2019

One God - One Day - One Africa – 31stMay 2020

South East Asia Prayer Council Conference – 8-11 October 2019

Go 2020 May 2020

Saturday, 30 March 2019 05:05

Australia appeals for intercession andwisdom from the nations in its looming hour of crisis and hope.

The great Southland of the Holy Spirit, Australia, is pivoted on a historic threshold of persecution or reformation, or both, at the expected Federal election on the 11th or 18th of May.

At stake are many affronts to our Judeo-Christian heritage including the following:

Legal abortion to full term in all states and territories

Threat to our relationship with Israel including building an embassy in Jerusalem.

Removal of opening Parliament in prayer including the reference to humbly relying on Almighty God

Defunding of Chaplaincy

Removal of Charitable status for churches.

Imposition of gender fluidity doctrine on our children

Assault on freedom of thought, conscience and belief in many contexts including the curriculum in our Christian schools.

Government Christian Politicians are being specifically targeted by well-funded groups like GetUp! To the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars per candidate. If they succeed there will be a decimation of Christian politicians who stand for our values.


Please pray as you are led along the following suggestions and always subject to the Sovereignty and wisdom of our Heavenly Father:

That Australia will fulfil its mandate as the great Southland of the Holy Spirit.

That the church will arise as one through revelation of the Trinity’s desire for our oneness in John 17, and not through persecution.

That even if it takes persecution for the His daughters and sons to become one, there will be understanding that even this is the Father’s Mercy.

That wisdom counsel and might will be upon our praying Prime Minister especially as he deals with the aftermath and the traps following the Christchurch tragedy.

That if he is successful at the election, the Senate will enable him to govern to protect and advance the remnants of our Judeo-Christian heritage.

That if he is unsuccessful at the election, that the composition of the Senate will resist the spirits that have deceived politicians who think they are legislating for compassion, understanding and respect,but are being exploited by the cunningof the evil one.

That the demonic schemes to remove Christian politicians backfire and that not only those seats are held but that even more will be won.

That the Esthers,Deborahs, Daniels,Mordechais and Josephs and other modern equivalents are revealed and begin to fully function.


James 3:16 says that “where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.” KJV

Australia has a Spirit-filled praying Prime minister who has ascended to authority in the opposite spirit of loyalty and faithfulness. Can we pray that Divine order and Godly practice will fill this land as an example and blessing to the nations?

Thank you for standing with us.

Mark Mudri
Co-chair of prayer for advocates international and chief of staff for federal government senator

Saturday, 30 March 2019 05:05

A mighty day of prayer was launched on March 7th 2019 in Indonesia. By God’s grace and miracle, 555 cities, 511 cities in Indonesia and 44 cities overseas, participated in this Solemn Assembly to pray for the peace of Indonesia.

Hundreds of thousands gathered together in one accord across these 555 cities! No men, organization or churches could have made this happen where churches from different cities and denominations responded. Glory to His name and may His name only be exalted. Praise be to Jesus as the Prince of Peace who can bring peace to the nation of Indonesia.

Pray for the Peace of Indonesia was initiated by the prayer and church leaders in Indonesia, including the Council of Churches in Indonesia, Indonesian Evangelical Council, Indonesian Pentecostal Council, Catholic Bishop Conference of Indonesia, Salvation Army, Baptist, Orthodox, and the 7th day of Adventist Churches in Indonesia together with the Indonesian National Prayer Network, Transform World Connect Indonesia and My Home Indonesia. 

These leaders, churches and organizations agreed to unite together to pray for the Presidential and Legislative election which will be held on the 17th of April, 2019.

On that date, Indonesians are heading to the polls to vote on the Presidential Candidates and also to elect the 711 seats at People Consultative Assembly. This election will decide the future and direction of this nation, politically and economically.

As the election is getting closer, the political situation is heating up. Issues of ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup relations are the dominating factors which are segregating and splitting the nation. Hoax, fake news and hate speech attract voters based on their ethnicity, race and religion.

It has created much tension and chaos in the nation among the radical, the moderate Moslem and the minority. As we all know, Indonesia population is 87 % Moslem. It is crucial that the President and Legislators elect people who uphold truth, justice, tolerance, equality and stand for all races and religions in the fear of God. 

This is why we called for a solemn assembly for the churches to humble themselves and pray and seek God’s face and turn from our wicked ways. We trust the Lord will hear our cry from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land (2 Chr. 7:14).

Please join us in praying for:

The call for unity among the body of Christ to reconcile, to unite, to pray and to stand together for this upcoming election.

The preparation of the Presidential and Legislative Election will be in order and free from intervention in 34 Provinces and 800,000 polls throughout the cities.

Indonesian National Police and National Armed Forces would remain neutral and would uphold justice and peace.

The General Election Commission would do their job honestly and without impartiality.

The voters will be free to vote wisely, cleverly, freely, directly, honestly and fairly with God’s wisdom and without any intimidation.

Pray for thepeace of God to cover the cities and nation.

Pray that God’s chosen persons that will be elected. People who have high integrity, honest, true, just, tolerant and hold the value of morality and equality for all ethnicity, races and religions and persons who serve the people and nation and not just their group, religion or party.

Thank you for your prayer and stood with us. God bless you all.

Charles Jonan
Indonesian National Prayer Committee Chairman