Displaying items by tag: USA

Thursday, 09 April 2020 21:05

USA: tiger has coronavirus

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) reported that Nadia, a four-year-old female Malayan tiger, has tested positive for COVID-19. She, her sister, two Amur tigers, and three African lions had a dry cough. All are expected to recover. This positive COVID-19 test for the tiger was confirmed by the veterinary services laboratory and the animal health inspection service. A WCS spokesman said, ‘Coronavirus is a zoonotic disease, meaning it jumped from animals to humans. Now, it’s jumping back. WCS said that any knowledge gained about COVID-19 will be shared to aid the world’s understanding of this novel coronavirus. It is not known how this disease will develop in big cats, since different species react differently to novel infections. The zoo will issue additional information as warranted. A provisional warning was issued that domestic cats should be kept indoors.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 09 April 2020 20:30

Afghanistan: IS attack US military base

IS has taken credit for an attack on 8 April on the largest US military base in Afghanistan - Bagram airfield, near Kabul. The attack came as 100 Taliban prisoners were released, as a prerequisite for peace talks. More prisoners should be released near the Bagram base. The government is required to free 5,000 Taliban prisoners, with the Taliban releasing 1,000 members of the Afghan security forces. There is disagreement over the procedure, as to whether senior Taliban commanders would be covered by the deal.

Published in Worldwide
Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:17

Covid-19 Pandemic 1 million cases on 2 April

Global case counts of COVID-19 quietly clicked past 1 million 2nd April afternoon on the Johns Hopkins tracking map, revealing the disease’s startling speed and reach since it emerged 4 months ago.  

The pandemic is afflicting countries unevenly as the US muffed its early response, while China acted with strong-armed efficiency, and many others are yet to be tested.

Global Highlights

The US: Though the novel coronavirus has emerged in all 50 states, the media focus has zeroed in on New York, which has more than 92,000 cases. That will likely change in the coming days as new hotspots emerge, according to Scientific American.

The American South is at special risk with high numbers of cases per capita. Albany, Georgia has 13 per 10,000 people, for example. And, as  Bloomberg News points out, the region already has some of the poorest health indicators in the country (4 of 5 states with highest diabetes rates) and a lack of health care access that includes shuttered rural hospitals. Of the 239 coronavirus deaths in New Orleans, “40% had diabetes, 25% were obese and 21% had heart problems,” Bloomberg reports.

Africa: WHO has announced that new COVID-19 cases are being reported in Africa at a dramatically accelerating pace as the number topped this week, according to The Citizen (Tanzania). Another worrying sign: Cases are beginning to emerge outside capitals and other large cities. The coronavirus has been detected across South Africa, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Senegal.

Also: Very few of the more than 300 clinical trials that are underway to seek a COVID-19 treatment are in Africa, Nature reports. The Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative is part of the new COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition seeking to remedy this.


South Africa: Though the country has the most cases (1,462) on the continent, President Cyril Ramaphosa and Health Minister Zweli Mkhize are being lauded for leading an effective and efficient battle against COVID-19, according to the BBC. However, the response also has included rounding up 1,000 homeless men and forcing them into a sports stadium in Pretoria, CNN International reports.  

Ecuador: Officials in Guayaquil report more than 400 deaths in recent days as morgues have been overwhelmed and some bodies have been wrapped in plastic and left on street. UPI

Indonesia: The 170 COVID-19 deaths reported in recent weeks have surpassed nearly 2 decades of bird flu deaths. The Jakarta Post

North Korea: Assertions that the country is coronavirus-free has been viewed skeptically. The Guardian 

Reporting from Johns Hopkins University: https://www.globalhealthnow.org/2020-04/1-million

Further data on Europe and the world: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/geographical-distribution-2019-ncov-cases

BBC news article about the 18 countries who don’t have Covid-19 at the time of writing: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-52120439

Pray: Lord God, the One who has Almighty power, we agree according to your promise in Matthew 18:18-20 that this virus will be stopped in its tracks. That the medical researchers will get a download from Heaven on how to quickly develop a vaccine to counteract COVID-19 and a cure for those who have become infected.

We also agree in prayer, asking that the Body of Christ worldwide will rise up in love and boldness, trusting in your blood to cover and protect us and throwing off fear, so that we can be available to serve, bless, and bear witness to those around us who are terrified and depressed at being infected.

Let us seize this unprecedented opportunity to make you known to those without hope in Christ!

Thank you for your promise that surely, you will be with us "always, even to the very end of the age”  so that we can carry on with the mission you have given us for our world (Matthew 28:20).

Join in Online Prayers:

World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK – Virtual House of Prayer
iHop Kansas Prayer Room
247 Prayer Coronavirus Prayer Room

Praying for Unreached People Groups (UPGs) wholistically and in light of Covid-19 - Since 2018, The Extraordinary Prayer Task Force has focused on increasing prayer for UPGs through collaboration amongst leaders of church movements, mission movements & prayer movements. We meet on Zoom every two months, with our next global call April 20th from 9-11am US Central daylight time focused on praying wholistically for UPGs from the perspective of discipling nations. We will pray in light of Covid-19 outbreak, and also considering major spheres including healthcare, government, education, media and family as we pray for specific UPGs. If you're a leader of a prayer network and interested in joining the discussion, please contact David Sengupta (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for more information on how to connect to the April 20th call. Mention IPC.

Additional Prayer Resources for Coronavirus

A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE ON COVID-19 By Dr Ruth Valerio and Gideon Heugh (Tear Fund)
A coronavirus prayer from Pete Greig
19 Things to Do in response to Coronavirus
Prophecy Today UK’s Responses to Coronavirus
PrayerCast Video and Prayer Briefing
Operation World's Covid-19 Prayers for the Nations and Prayer Calendar

Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:10

2020 National Prayer Assembly (USA)

History belongs to those who connect with God and one another in prayer!

If you are a prayer leader or intercessor with a heart for America, please join us at the 2020 National Prayer Assembly to seek the face of the Lord and be His history-changers!

View our video invitation HERE!


Register Now!


National Prayer Assembly schedule and accommodations:

Wednesday, October 14 - 9 am to 9 pm (fasting is encouraged if you are able to do so; otherwise there are restaurants available nearby). Beverages will be served throughout the day. Please arrive by 8:45 am so we can start promptly.

Thursday, October 15 - 9 am to 5 pm (a deli lunch will be served along with beverages available throughout the day). Your beverages and lunch are included in your registration fee.

If you need a hotel during your stay, you can find the best deals on Trivago.com or Booking.com. Please make your own accommodation arrangements. There are several reasonably priced hotels within a few blocks walk to the National Housing Center.

The NPA is an alliance of prayer networks and ministries that enables us to flow together as One Body for the revival and transformation of America.

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord. (Ps 134:2)

Let's come together to praise our mighty King and lift up His name for our nation.

It takes place here:
National Housing Center
1201 15th St NW
Washington, DC 20005

Tracey de Blank
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07egq16hr746cc94db&llr=xhwszpbab&showPage=true

Liberty University has 100,000 pupils studying online, with a further 15,000 attending campus in Virginia. It will now allow 5,000 students to return to campus and halls of residence despite the state governor ordering all schools to close until the end of the academic year. An email to students said, ‘All planned international trips have been cancelled, but students should return to campus this week. Liberty University is open and operating normally.’ The majority of lessons will be conducted online, but staff have been instructed to ‘report to work as normal’. According to the university president, on-site pupils have said, ‘Don't send us home to study online; we love it here, we want to stay'. This decision came after President Trump questioned whether public health measures to prevent coronavirus contagion were too strict. Health officials stressed that relaxing them could put more people at risk.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 March 2020 23:22

USA: send asylum seekers to Mexico or Canada

Officials in Donald Trump‘s administration have been briefed on plans to block all asylum seekers and foreigners from entering the USA as a response to the coronavirus epidemic. All persons on the border with Mexico, apart from American citizens, will be turned back. The same policy is set to apply to the border with Canada. The plan could also see all illegal border crossers returned without due process, and asylum seekers will not be held in American immigration facilities. Anyone caught entering the US illegally will be transported to the nearest point of entry without detention by Border Patrol agents.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 05 March 2020 21:34

USA: tornado devastation

Two 175 mph tornado storms touched down in Tennessee killing 24 people, sending 150+ to hospital, leaving tens of thousands of families and businesses without power, and collapsing hundreds of structures. Let us pray for the hundreds of families assessing the damage and tragedy, dealing with heartache, and facing a future of hardship. Pray for adequate aid and provisions to be made available for the many displaced people in shelters. The state’s governor has asked the White House for federal assistance. Donald Trump tweeted that the government is standing with Tennessee and monitoring the situation. Ask God to continue to strengthen the scores of people helping families who lost their homes in the storms. Complete strangers have been picking up debris and helping families go through the rubble. See

Published in Worldwide
Saturday, 29 February 2020 04:14

Revival and Awakening Outpouring in Rogersville, TN

We are seeing an unprecedented outpouring in the worship and revival meetings in Rogersville, TN that began Sunday, February 2nd.  Thus, we have kept these evening gatherings going... and we don’t know when they will end.  We have mostly cleared our schedule, except for a few other scheduled events, to continue leading worship here as requested by the local leaders, including Pastor John Butler of East Rogersville Baptist Church where the meetings are being held nightly.

Each night we have continued because so many are coming to the altar weeping, repenting, and many getting saved, especially the youth and young adults, but sometimes the elderly, parents, and even the children! 

The number of young people attending has at least doubled since we began, as we enter our 3rd week in this “awakening.”  It's what we’ve prayed together for, for literally 40 years, and is truly a move of God, not anything anyone has done to contrive or manipulate.  God is simply bringing deep conviction of sin, and revelation of His deep love and forgiveness!  We are living our life-long dream… worshiping right in the middle of revival… though we know it is not because of us.  This can only be a sovereign move of God, and by His grace, we get to be involved!...

In the meantime, please pray for these ongoing revival gatherings in Rogersville, TN, as wave after wave of churches and their people from all across this community are coming and getting right with God, repenting and receiving cleansing and deliverance in their lives from pornography, drug and alcohol abuse, bondages of bitterness and hatred toward parents or others in their lives, recognizing they are not really saved; plus a host of other convictions. Many prodigals and lukewarm Christians are coming home to Jesus and their “first love”, being set on fire for Jesus Christ again!  It is not manufactured at all, and every night brings new dimensions of God's deep spiritual surgery in the hearts of the people. So far, at least 8 pastors and their people have been involved from Hawkins County (most of them had joined the Awaken Tennessee fast that goes from January 26th to February 23rd, 2020). 

As state facilitators, we have distributed Dave Clayton's 'Awaken' fasting and prayer packets all across our state. Now, well over 1,000 churches are fasting together in 10 major cities or counties (600+ churches are in Nashville, and the rest of about 450+ churches, are being coordinated statewide by our Tennessee Prayer Coalition leaders who love, encourage, and help gather pastors and leaders in their regions to pray together for revival).”

Note of encouragement to pray for your own nation and city — There are other areas of our world also experiencing actual revival or signs of possible revival. Let’s pray that the Spirit of the Lord will fall all across all our nations and cities, and that we will see them shift to the Lord and His special purposes and destiny for each of them!

(Began Feb 2nd, 2020 to date) - Report by:  Barbi & Terry Franklin, Feb 16th, 2020

Saturday, 29 February 2020 04:03

2020 National Prayer Assembly (USA)

History belongs to those who connect with God and one another in prayer!

If you are a prayer leader or intercessor with a heart for America, please join us at the 2020 National Prayer Assembly to seek the face of the Lord and be His history-changers!

View our video invitation HERE!


Register Now!


National Prayer Assembly schedule and accommodations:

Wednesday, October 14 - 9 am to 9 pm (fasting is encouraged if you are able to do so; otherwise there are restaurants available nearby). Beverages will be served throughout the day. Please arrive by 8:45 am so we can start promptly.

Thursday, October 15 - 9 am to 5 pm (a deli lunch will be served along with beverages available throughout the day). Your beverages and lunch are included in your registration fee.

If you need a hotel during your stay, you can find the best deals on Trivago.com or Booking.com. Please make your own accommodation arrangements. There are several reasonably priced hotels within a few blocks walk to the National Housing Center. 

The NPA is an alliance of prayer networks and ministries that enables us to flow together as One Body for the revival and transformation of America.

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord. (Ps 134:2)

Let's come together to praise our mighty King and lift up His name for our nation.

It takes place here:

National Housing Center
1201 15th St NW
Washington, DC 20005

Tracey de Blank
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07egq16hr746cc94db&llr=xhwszpbab&showPage=true

Friday, 21 February 2020 07:57

People broken before the Lord

Revival is happening in Tennessee. People from various denominations, by praying and fasting together, are seeking to ignite the fire of God to transform lives in a thousand churches across the state. ‘Awaken Tennessee’, a prayer and fasting initiative from 26 January to 23 February, is described by Pastor John Butler as ‘a concentrated prayer effort across the state for true revival in our churches that triggers an awakening in local communities, the state and the nation’. The initiative started last year when 400 churches in Nashville came together to pray for every single resident of their city. This was a huge success, so this year organisers invited churches across the state to participate. Award-winning singers / songwriters Terry and Barbi Franklin, using their prayer network, contacted churches to take part in the initiative. Pastors are reporting that their services are exploding with revival services as a result of the Holy Spirit showing up and taking over.

Published in Praise Reports