Displaying items by tag: USA

Thursday, 09 July 2020 20:41

USA: pandemic - what went wrong?

45 days before the first coronavirus case was announced, a global health security index was published, showing how prepared countries were to tackle a serious pandemic outbreak. The USA was ranked best out of 195 nations. Days before Trump’s inauguration, the Obama administration urged his team to get ready for a pandemic that could be the worst since 1918. Warning of possible ventilator shortages, it stressed the importance of a coordinated response. However, the Trump team, ignoring the advice, shut down the White House office devoted to pandemic preparedness set up by Obama. On 18 January health secretary Alex Azar, a practising Christian, warned Trump of potential danger from the virus, but Trump called him an ‘alarmist’, saying it was just one person coming in from China. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 July 2020 21:36

Answered prayer for USA

Two weeks ago we joined with American intercessors to pray for a tsunami of prayer to gain momentum and bring positive change in the USA (1 Samuel 2:1). This week we praise God for Holy Spirit changes taking place. For an encouraging video, go to. On it you will see a number of Christian groups holding revival services at the site where George Floyd died in Minneapolis. They are seeing many people turn to God, and miracles are happening in a revival that is reportedly spreading to other USA cities. Could this be an early indication of the promised Great Awakening that we are praying for?

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 July 2020 20:40

USA: different warnings

A Venezuelan activist has warned Americans that torching and toppling historical statues could be dangerous. She noted that destructive behaviour toward significant figures such as George Washington, Christopher Columbus, and Abraham Lincoln, is an effort to destroy a national identity. When she was a teenager in Venezuela statues came down because Chavez didn't want Venezuela’s history displayed. Then he changed the street names, school curriculum and some movies couldn't be shown on TV. Meanwhile, the USA’s top infectious disease expert warned, ‘Over recent days we've seen a pandemic spike well beyond the worst previous ones. We’ve got to get that under control or we risk an even greater outbreak.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 July 2020 06:15

Covid-19 Pandemic Prayer Update

A prayer report looking at Covid-19 Hot Spots, Flattening the Curve, and Hopes for a Vaccine with links to resources.

As of 1st July, the total global figure for people infected by Covid-19 stands at 10.3 million according to the World Health Organisation. In addition, the current death toll stands at over 500,000.

Covid-19 hot spots

Brazil has been hugely impacted due to a blend of inconsistent and incoherent rules, and economic inequality making access to healthcare difficult for poorer citizens. This has given the country the highest number of deaths globally over recent weeks and second in confirmed cases. To make matters worse, the true number of cases is likely much higher due to their low rate of testing with a study by the University of Sao Paolo Medical School estimating that the true rate of infection is 15 times greater.

Elsewhere in South America Chile, French Guiana, and Peru have recorded among the top 10 countries in the world for confirmed cases per 100,000 population despite stricter lockdown restrictions than Brazil’s.

These statistics may be in part explained by differing test rates between countries making international comparisons difficult. The same issue applies to how deaths are recorded in different countries.

The US has the most confirmed cases in the world, growing to almost 2.6 million as a result of a recent big increase in the rate of infection in southern and western states after many regions loosened lockdown restrictions prematurely.

Over Europe the rate of infection has stabilised to a confirmed case number of 130,000 per week; half of the rate at its peak of the virus. Hotspots on the continent can be found in Russia where the new daily cases remain around 7,000, and with smaller regional outbreaks within the likes of Ukraine, UK, France, and Germany.

Other countries around the world struggling to contain the virus include India, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia, where the numbers of new cases and deaths are strongly rising.

Has the curve flattened?

In some countries around the world where good social distancing has been practised, masks worn where necessary, efficient testing and quarantining has taken place, and test-and-trace systems have been implemented, the rate of infection has been shown to fall and in some places be reduced to 0. This has been fully enacted by small countries and island nations and has seen positive results from larger countries such as New Zealand, Taiwan, and Iceland where the virus was once prominent.

In other countries, there has been impatience during lockdown, not waiting long enough for case rates to fall before reopening. This prevents a reduced rate of transmission, which doesn’t work towards the eradication of the virus. Through further restlessness and more easing of lockdown restrictions, the rate of transmission has increased again producing a so-called ‘second spike’ as shown by the recent dramatic increase in cases in the US or Iran.

The efforts that have been put in place by countries all over the world have reduced the impacts of the virus, though. Without the measures such as social distancing designed to reduce transmission, the new numbers of cases would likely not have dropped, and the death toll would have been much higher by now.

Vaccine update

Two drugs have received emergency use authorisation from the Food and Drug Administration for use in clinical trials on patients to test their effectiveness in treating coronavirus. The first of these, hydroxychloroquine, had this authorisation removed after studies showed the drug not to be effective, and the second, remdesivir is awaiting data. It will likely be months before a treatment drug can be proven, and longer before it can be widespread.

Numerous vaccine trials are taking place around the world including one produced by the University of Oxford taking place in Brazil with 5,000 participants, and a smaller trial in Germany generating positive results in its initial phases.

Let us continue to declare that the novel coronavirus is defeated by the blood of Jesus.

We pray for divine intervention and for God's name to be glorified even as each nation and government tries its best to flatten the curve and finally arrest this epidemic. 

We release wisdom, skill, and integrity upon our leaders. 

We pray for protection, wisdom and strength, for those working to bring treatment and comfort to the sick and their families.

We pray special grace and help for the vulnerable population and nations. We pray for refugees and displaced peoples. We pray against domestic violence and other crimes that have become rampant during lockdowns.

We pray for a safe, effective, and affordable vaccine to be released soonest.

We continue to release faith, hope, and love over the peoples of the world. May the Church seize this opportune time to manifest Jesus our Lord and Savior to those who are seeking answers and peace.

Pray: Lord God, the One who has Almighty power, we agree according to your promise in Matthew 18:18-20 that this virus will be stopped in its tracks. That the medical researchers will get a download from Heaven on how to quickly develop a vaccine to counteract COVID-19 and a cure for those who have become infected.

We also agree in prayer, asking that the Body of Christ worldwide will rise up in love and boldness, trusting in your blood to cover and protect us and throwing off fear, so that we can be available to serve, bless, and bear witness to those around us who are terrified and depressed at being infected.

Let us seize this unprecedented opportunity to make you known to those without hope in Christ!

Thank you for your promise that surely, you will be with us "always, even to the very end of the age”  so that we can carry on with the mission you have given us for our world (Matthew 28:20).

Join in Online Prayers:

World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK – Virtual House of Prayer

iHop Kansas Prayer Room

247 Prayer Coronavirus Prayer Room 

Additional Prayer Resources for Coronavirus

A coronavirus prayer from Pete Greig

19 Things to Do in response to Coronavirus

Prophecy Today UK’s Responses to Coronavirus

PrayerCast Video and Prayer Briefing
CSM Nigeria Article
Lausanne Resources
Operation World EBook on the impact on Mission

WW11 Veteran Gets 180k Praying

Reporting from John Hopkins University: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality

Further data on Europe and the world: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/geographical-distribution-2019-ncov-cases

Conveyed by Brad Long of Presbyterian Reformed Ministries

The United States of America is at a historic inflection point, transcending the political sphere. From where we stand in the present moment, you and I are in the hour of a great move of God and the hour of the power of great evil being unleashed against it. It is the role of the intercessor to stand in the gap and pray through God’s will for the discipling of the nations.

America is a center of the spiritual battle right now with global consequences for the nations and for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Rejoice with us in the opportunity given by the Holy Spirit to intercessors from all nations to uphold the United States and its leaders during its time of crisis!

A Call to Prayer for the USA

The Lord is calling intercessors to pray for the Holy Spirit to Anoint Key People in the Trump Administration to be the Means of National Healing and the Restoration of the United States of America to the Best of its Founding Principles.

After the prayer call on June 4, 2020, I felt that there was a shift in the heavenlies.  Space has been made for national leaders, called by God for such a time as this, to step into an anointed role, not only to restore the foundations of liberty and equality before God upon which the nation of the United States was founded, but to pray the prophetic dream of Martin Luther King Jr. into fulfilment.  We are invited to intercede for the constraining hand of the Holy Spirit against anarchy at high levels that would destroy that order, and for the emerging move of the Holy Spirit beyond merely restoring order, a move that is sure to bring deep healing to the racial and political divides in the nation. 

I felt the Holy Spirit giving me a break and was very peaceful as I went to sleep.  However, as I was drifting off, the Holy Spirit fell on me and I started to speak in tongues, and over and over again I heard the Lord saying to me, “Your assignment has changed.  Now you are to pray for the team that I am raising up around President Trump who will be anointed to bring healing to the nation.” 

Suggestions for Prayer

Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you pray, but here are some suggestions for prayer:

Pray that President Donald Trump would be, and continue to be, willingly, consciously, and humbly submitted to God and to God’s law.

Pray that a recognition and Biblical fear of the Lord – the knowledge of the Glory of God prophesied in Habakkuk  – would be established as the center of American society.

Pray that all ideologies seeking to dethrone God in the nation – left, right, or center – would be unable to gain any ground in the United States.

Pray for national healing to begin to happen as the United States of America discerns and restores the best principles stated in its founding documents.

Pray that God would continue to raise up truth-tellers – and truth lovers – among the media and those watching and listening in the United States and throughout the world.

Pray that the Word of God would be lifted high within the land and would become central to the hearts and lives of Americans.

Pray for the protection of the United States’ form of government, and pray that the Lord would break the deceptions and thwart the intentions of those who would seek to replace that government with forms of tyranny.

Pray that all who curse would find themselves compelled instead to bless.

Pray that violent attacks against churches and synagogues in the land would come to an end and for there to be reverential respect for houses of worship.

So, I started praying into that, for the Lord to raise up the Aarons who can speak for President Donald Trump into this crisis and through them can come the means for healing the nation. 

Well, the Lord showed me this picture and said, “These are the Aarons!! Pray that they with the President will be anointed to speak, as Aaron spoke for Moses.” 

Suggestions for Prayer

Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you pray, but here are some suggestions for prayer:

Pray for those the Lord has raised to advise and influence President Trump in this work of restoration and national healing, including: Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Ben Carson, William Barr, Mark Meadows, Kayleigh McEnany and others who are called but whose names we do not yet know.

Pray that the Lord would anoint them for the task to which he has called them.

Pray that, like Aaron, they would be able to articulate and communicate well.

Pray that the Lord would bring national healing through His words, that God as with Samuel would “let none of them fall to the ground,” and for His works “laid out before the foundation of the World”.

Brad Long

Presbyterian Reformed Ministries

More: https://discernwith.us/an-urgent-call-to-pray-for-the-united-states-of-america

Thursday, 25 June 2020 21:50

America: church, coronavirus, campaigning

Leaders of a megachurch in Phoenix installed air-purifying machines that they claimed ‘kill 99.9% of Covid-19 within ten minutes’ before hosting Donald Trump’s campaign rally on 23 June. They then backtracked shortly before he spoke, causing confusion Senior pastor Barnett said the alleged virus-killing technology, developed by members of their church, ‘ionised the air’ by ‘taking particulates out’ to create a pandemic-free atmosphere. Potential Trump supporters were told, ‘When you come into our auditorium, 99% of Covid is gone, you'll be safe and protected. Thank God for great technology.’ A university professor said the ‘technology’ was not going to do anything to protect people in that space: ‘We’re in the midst of a serious pandemic and health situation; the last thing people need is false information about air cleaning technology.’ May God’s hand direct scientists and academics to end the pandemic with a successful vaccine. 

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 18 June 2020 21:22

USA: a wave of prayer

Intercessors for America (IFA) have asked for intercessors to take a few minutes to pray for America’s elected officials and then send a message to them to let them know that prayer is critical for America at this time. They want to encourage their leaders to seek God for answers to the chaos in the streets, the bitter divide between citizens, and the struggling economy. IFA want the nation to cry out to God in a wave of prayer, and are inviting intercessors far and wide to join them; saying, ‘We have the answer that many are seeking in our nation - it is God. Remember that this battle is spiritual at its root, and we must continue to press in to Him as well as take action. Thank you for being faithful to do just that.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 11 June 2020 20:54

America: discrimination and antisemitism

One under-reported story in the Los Angeles race riots is the targeting of synagogues, Molotov cocktails thrown at Jewish businesses and looting in the cities Jewish area. Among the vandalised synagogues was the Congregation Beth Israel which was covered with graffiti that read ‘Free Palestine, F— Israel’. The Conference of Jewish affairs says much of the destruction and defacement of Jewish synagogues and stores is deliberate - targeted acts of anti-Semitism. A law professor said, ‘At least one African-American rights movement has been accused of anti-Semitism in the past. We have known for years that a movement affiliated with Black Lives Matter is anti-Jewish. In 2016 they used the word ‘genocide’ to describe Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. It is a tragedy that Black Lives Matter - which has done such good raising awareness of police abuses - has moved from its central mission and declared war against the Jewish people.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 04 June 2020 23:39

George Floyd’s gospel legacy

Eight minutes of phone footage captured his last breath, but in Houston they know George Floyd as a mentor to a generation of young men. Before moving to Minneapolis for a job opportunity through a Christian work programme, he spent almost his entire life in the black Third Ward, where he was called ‘Big Floyd’ and regarded as a community leader and elder statesmen. He wanted to break the cycle of violence he saw among young people, and used his influence to bring outside ministries to the area to do discipleship and outreach. The pastor of Resurrection Houston said, ‘George Floyd was a person of peace sent from the Lord, who helped the gospel go forward in that place. He wanted to see young men put their guns down and have Jesus instead of the streets.’

Published in Praise Reports

On 1 June Donald Trump declared himself the ‘law and order president’, vowing to use military might to remove people demonstrating against George Floyd’s murder and the persecution of black people. Tear gas, flash grenades, and rubber bullets were used against peaceful protesters. Then Trump visited a church and held up a Bible. The Bishop of Washington said the president ‘raised the most sacred text of the Judeo-Christian tradition outside a church in my diocese, without permission, as a backdrop for a message opposing the teachings of Jesus’. Jesuit James Martin tweeted, ‘This is revolting. The Bible is not a prop. A church is not a photo op. Religion is not a political tool. God is not your plaything.’ Rabbi Moline said, ‘Seeing President Trump in front of a Church holding the Bible in response to calls for racial justice - right after using military force to clear peaceful protesters - is the most flagrant misuse of religion that I have ever seen.’

Published in Worldwide