Displaying items by tag: Maranatha call to prayer

Wednesday, 28 June 2017 10:10

A CALL - 10 days of concerted prayer

There is an escalation of turbulence across the globe, evidenced in a series of significant events. We are particularly aware of this in the UK having suffered two terrorist attacks in London, one in Manchester and, what appears to be a revenge attack in North London, as well as the shocking towering inferno in Kensington, with the loss of many innocent lives. All these events have taken place within the period of a remarkable General Election. The Lord has already positioned and mobilised His people and prayer is rising across the nation.

WE SENSE THERE IS A HEIGHTENED CALL TO WATCH AND PRAY IN THE COMING TEN DAYS. This is not based on any understanding or interpretation of what is happening, but rather, a simple response to the prompting of God’s Spirit. In obedience, we are sharing this prompting with as many as possible.

We have been led to pray for God’s Word to be released across the UK. “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrows; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account”. (Heb. 4.12-13). The eyes of the world are on Britain right now. As we, through our prayer contend for these islands, we believe this will also impact the nations of the world.

We are not proposing a specific strategy for prayer. We believe God’s Spirit will lead people in how to pray on a day to day basis and that during this time He will bring revelation. We are aware that the Queen’s speech, a cause for contention, is tomorrow, the day of a major pagan celebration. If you prefer to have a written form of prayer there is one overleaf, written by one our members several years ago. We were reminded of this having recently received a prophetic word, which may also inform our prayers:

“I equip you with the sword of the Holy Spirit. Use it to cut the strings connecting the puppets to the puppet-master. Keep doing this until they fall. Then you may restore my name to people’s lips and my authority to the structures of human authority. My people, I would remove those who exercise power without my authorisation and replace them with those whom I endorse. Whatever they say or do, you retain the power of prayer and the gifts only faith can receive. You do make a difference – so use these gifts for me.”

For those in the Manchester area, there will be a Maranatha ‘First Sunday’ gathering on 2nd July, immediately following this period of concerted prayer. Our theme will be ‘Contending for the Nation’. We encourage you to share this call with all those who are concerned for Britain at this time.

Jesus says “I will l give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matt.16.19). “In fact no-one can enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man” (Mk.3.27).

for each nation of the United Kingdom

In the Name of Jesus and by His Power and Authority:

We bind our nation to the Blood of Christ Jesus.
We bind the Church, the Body of Christ, to the control of the Holy Spirit,
to the Cross and its Truth
We bind all unborn babies to the care of Almighty God.
We bind the Judaeo-Christian family tradition and all communication between
parents and children to the divine control of the Holy Spirit.
We bind all marriages with cords of God’s Supreme Love.
We bind the sexuality of the people of this nation to the purity of Jesus Christ.
We bind the media and all art forms to the righteousness of Jesus.
We bind our Government to the sovereign control of the Holy Spirit
and the will of Almighty God.
We bind the feet of our nation’s people, to the control of the Holy Spirit
and the Light of God’s Word.
We bind the strong man’s power over our nation and take back his plunder.

In the Name of Jesus Christ – the Name above all names:

We loose from our nation the spirit of antichrist.
We loose from our nation all lying spirits.
We loose from our nation’s unborn babies, the spirit of death.
We loose from all who are vulnerable to suicide and euthanasia, the spirit of death.
We loose from our nation all spirits of adultery and promiscuity.
We loose from our nation spirits of distorted sexuality.
We loose the peoples of this nation, from witchcraft, sorcery,
and all contact with the occult.
We loose from the Church counterfeit gospels and spirits of idolatry.
We loose from our land spirits of rejection.
We loose all illicit trade from our shores.
We claim purity, truth, justice and righteousness for our land.

We thank you Almighty Father that whatsoever is bound and loosed on earth is bound
and loosed in heaven in Jesus’ mighty Name.


Download the call as a PDF document


Source:  Maranatha Community

Published in WPC News