Displaying items by tag: Bible

Friday, 24 February 2017 09:20

Reaching the lost: soft toy audio Bibles

Wycliffe Bible Translators, working with MegaVoice, have released soft toys with audio Bibles inside (Wildlife STORYTELLERs). These soft toy tigers, elephants and bears are giving the word of God to children or adults who are victims of abuse or trauma; a tangible reminder of God’s love. The tamper-proof player inside the animal can play 5000+ different language and dialect recordings. A disabled Guatemalan boy’s eyes lit up when felt the tiger’s soft fur. He pushed the button, and the tiger told him a Bible story - in his own language. A badly beaten South African girl was taken to hospital by Christian aid workers, who gave her a Wildlife STORYTELLER bear. Day and night, she held her bear and listened to the stories about Jesus. When she left hospital, everyone on the ward knew the stories. A doctor who wasn’t a Christian said the soft toy audio Bible had changed the lives of everyone at the hospital.

Published in Praise Reports

Since 1967 the Huichol people of Mexico have had the New Testament and indigenous churches have sprung up. In 2006, Huichol believers cried out for the Old Testament saying, ‘We are willing to do the work.’ Praise God for nine mother-tongue translators who are now refining and improving the Old Testament through the final consultant checking phase. Ask God to fill them all with energy, wisdom and perseverance. Rejoice that many new believers are being baptised and new local churches are being established. In Burkina Faso two New Testament projects are being run simultaneously. Praise God for a positive reception last year to the publication of the Gospel of Luke, chapters 1-12. The communities want more! They are raising funds to publish the remaining twelve chapters. Pray for them to quickly reach their goal. The New Testament books are now in draft form, and translation teams need consultants and finances to be able to check the books for accuracy and clarity.

Published in Praise Reports
Tuesday, 31 January 2017 23:58

Praying for: Oral and Oral Bible-less Peoples

Bible Translations

Having the Bible translated into the local language is an important resource for reaching an unreached people group. The written word in their own language adds validity and acceptance to the message, as well as making it more available.

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. -Hebrews 4:12

Lord Jesus,

You are the God of all, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love You and keep Your commandments. Lord we want to see the Oral and Oral Bible-less Peoples be some of those who love You and keep Your commandments.

Father we thank You for Your Word, and for those who sacrificed so much over the years so that we could have the Bible in our own language. What a blessing it is to read Your truth anytime we want. We pray Lord that you would provide that same blessing to the Every & All, to each of the Oral and Oral Bible-less Peoples around the globe.

We ask that you would accelerate the translation and distribution process for their language. We bless those who are working on this in Jesus name. We ask that You would release Your favor and grace upon them, and upon each project in the making. We ask for You to abundantly provide the funds they need to get Your Word out to the Oral and Oral Bible-less Peoples. In Jesus name, amen.

Linda Bemis

International Orality Network

[International Council Member]

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ION Prayer Blog: IONPrayer.com  

International Orality Network

- Influencing the body of Christ to make disciples of all oral learners 

       - 80% of the world (5.7 billion) are oral learners / 1/2 are children! ~Visit: Orality.net 


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