f you are a reader of Prayer Alert I'm sure that you have heard about what's going on in Cwmbran, Wales. See Prayer Alert 19-20-22&25. Let me encourage you to watch this video on the’ More’ link of testimony to the amazing things that God is doing.

Praise: God for His continued blessing on the people in south Wales and long may it continue, (Ps.85:6)

More: http://vimeo.com/69160227

A proposal requesting that information about the benefits of sexual abstinence be included in sex education has passed its first vote in the House of Commons. The ‘Ten Minute Rule’ bill was put forward by MP Nadine Dorries. The bill requested: ‘That leave be given to bring in a Bill to require schools to provide certain additional sex education to girls aged between 13 and 16; that they must include information and advice on the benefits of abstinence from sexual activity; and for connected purposes.’ The bill comes in the light of high teenage pregnancy rates and amidst concerns that the sexualisation of Britain’s young people has been largely responsible for this state of affairs. Dorries urged the ‘normalisation’ of abstinence in schools and highlighted the relational, psychological and social benefits of a sex education programme that incorporated teaching on abstinence. The bill was passed however; the proposals are unlikely to become law without the Government’s backing.

Praise: that this bill will receive continued support and will become law. (Pr.23:16)

More: http://www.christianconcern.com/our-concerns/education/nadine-dorries-ten-minute-rule-bill-on-sex-education-passes

A Barna Group study has revealed that New Yorkers are more ‘spiritually active’ today than they were immediately following the attacks of 9/11. As reported in the Christian Post, the new study says following an initial lapse, the faith of New Yorkers—‘faith’ meaning going to church, reading the Bible, praying, etc. - began to increase ‘significantly’ after September 2004. ‘Most of the change in spiritual behaviour seems to have happened since the middle of the last decade. Church participation in the New York market especially has shifted most since 2004,’ said David Kinnaman, Barna Group president. According to the report, another interesting statistic coming out of the study shows that the percentage of New York's residents who qualify as born again Christians surged from 20 percent in the late 1990s to 32 percent today. ‘The research shows that spiritual change can and does happen, even in large population centres like the New York media market,’ said Barna.

Praise: God for this growth in adversity of new believers. (1Pet.5:8-10)

More: http://www.breakingchristiannews.com/articles/display_art.html?ID=9288

The National Organization for Marriage announced that it is launching the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, a new project to defend the freedom to express one’s belief that marriage should be the union of a man and woman without fear of harassment or punishment, reports Catholic News Agency. ‘My sense is that there are too many of us who believe that marriage is the union of husband and wife to stigmatize or marginalize if we come together,’ said Maggie Gallagher, co-founder of National Organization for Marriage. Gallagher told CNA that the Alliance was created in response to ‘increased reports, both public and private, of people whose livelihoods are being threatened because they disagree with gay marriage. Gay marriage advocates are seeking to create an America in which decent, loving, law-abiding Americans are afraid to stand up for the idea that marriage is the union of husband and wife, for fear of reprisals,’ she said.

Praise: God for this new American initiative and pray that it will be picked up by other marriage organisations worldwide. (Heb.13:4)

More: http://www.christiantelegraph.com/issue14052.html

An unlikely lobbying campaign led by bishops has paid off after Britain’s biggest supermarkets agreed to stock Easter eggs with a religious theme for the first time. Tesco, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and the Co-Op bowed to pressure after a three-year ‘pestering’ campaign by figures including the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu. Dr Sentamu used his Easter sermon in 2010 to voice alarm after research suggested that millions of children had no idea about the meaning of the main Christian festival. One poll even found that one in three children thought that it was the ‘Easter bunny’s birthday’. But now a range of fair trade eggs in which fluffy rabbits and chicks are replaced by three empty crosses is to go on sale in mainstream stores. The so-called ‘Real’ Easter eggs are made by The Meaningful Chocolate Company, a Christian fair trade group based in Manchester which donates its profits to charity.

Praise: God for this initiative and pray for it to prosper, both spiritually and financially.

More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/9905933/Bishops-lobbying-pays-off-as-supermarkets-stock-ChristianEaster-Eggs.html


An aid worker for Christian relief organisation Samaritan's Purse (SP) was released on 30 August after being held hostage for 105 days in Sudan. 35 year-old Flavia Wagner is exhausted but in good health and is currently in Khartoum. In May, Wagner and a Sudanese driver were abducted after their two-vehicle convoy was stopped by eight armed men 15 miles southwest of Nyala in Sudan's Darfur region. Seven days after the kidnapping, the two Sudanese men were released unharmed and without explanation in Thur, Darfur. Wagner remained in captivity but was allowed to contact her family and SP staff. ‘We thank God that Flavia is safe and free’ commented Franklin Graham, SP president, ‘and appreciate the help of the governments of the Sudan and the United States. People around the world have been praying for her safety and her release. Today, those prayers have been answered.’

Praise: God for answering the prayers seeking Flavia’s release (Lk. 4:18)



Street Pastors has formally launched in Westminster to provide support to young and vulnerable people out and about in London's West End. A team of Street Pastors was commissioned during a service last week attended by the Bishop of London, Dr Richard Chartres, and the organisation's founder, the Rev Les Isaac. During the service, the organisation appealed for more volunteers to come forward to join the 15 Street Pastors in Westminster who have already completed their training. Prior to the formal launch, the team undertook two patrols in the area around the Strand and Victoria where they were able to provide assistance and support to people, including young revellers and a stranded family of tourists unable to speak English. As more volunteers come on board, there are plans to expand the patrols to cover more areas of Westminster. Street Pastors are now working in over 200 towns and cities around the UK.

Praise: God for the continued expansion of this work across the country. (2Tim.4:5)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/street.pastors.starts.new.patrols.in.westminster/28630.htm

Street Pastors have been praised by the fire service for their ‘immense’ contribution in reducing river deaths in Shrewsbury. The volunteers patrol streets at night, helping ‘vulnerable’ people who may be about to take their own lives. Since they began work in November 2011, no deaths have been recorded along the Shrewsbury stretch of the River Severn. From 2004 until the volunteers began their patrols in 2011, 29 deaths were recorded on the river. Shropshire fire chief John Redmond praised their work. The same week as the volunteers began a training course on water safety. Mr Redmond said the Street Pastors were now receiving training to help people struggling in the water. ‘The contribution from Street Pastors to community safety has been immense.’

Praise: God for those who volunteer to work with Street Pastors. (Jdg.5:9)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-24007237