More than 500 Muslim students accompanied by Muslim police officials burned down a church in the village of Qoto Baloso. Four days earlier 30 police tried to destroy it but managed only to remove the roof when Christians protested. The court ruled that the church was built without proper authorisation and therefore had to be demolished. The church has stood on the land for over 60 years, and the supreme court of the south nations had previously ruled in favour of the Christians when a Muslim business man claimed ownership of the land. All the government officials in the area are Muslims. Non Muslims there live and worship in fear. The actions of the Muslim police as well as the students show the growing Islamisation of Ethiopia.

Pray: the Ethiopian government will stop violations against the rights of Christian minorities in areas dominated by Muslims. (Lev.19:15)





At least one Christian was killed and others injured when thousands of Islamic extremists set fire to 59 churches and at least 28 homes in western Ethiopia in the past five days, Christian leaders said. More than 4,000 Christians in and around Asendabo, Jimma Zone have been displaced as a result of attacks that began on Wednesday (March 2) after Muslims accused a Christian of desecrating the Quran by tearing up a copy, sources said. ‘The atrocity is still going on, and more people are suffering,’ said a source in Addis Ababa who is in close contact with area church leaders. The Christian killed, believed to have been a member of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, has not yet been identified. A pastor based in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa noted that evangelical church leaders have reported the attacks to authorities and asked officials for help, but no action had been taken at press time.

Pray: for the protection of the Ethiopian Church from these attacks. (Ps.59:4)


Church leaders in Ethiopia ask Christians everywhere to join them in prayer for the Ethiopian church in the run-up to the national elections on 23 May. Historically the pre-election period has been a time of increased difficulty for the church. Crime levels rise and legal processes slow down as government officials are pre-occupied with securing votes for their political party. Those opposing the Christian faith often take this opportunity to attack church buildings, and Christians who are arrested because of false accusations may have to wait longer before being able to defend their case in court. Church leaders also face increased pressure, many civilians fear a repetition of the 2005 political violence. Open Doors have asked us to pray for peaceful and just election procedures, that God’s will be done, and that the outcome will not result in bloodshed.

Pray: for the protection of Christians located in persecution hot spots and for them to know God’s strength and peace. (Is.49:8)


Approximately 10,000 Christians have fled their homes in western Ethiopia after attacks by Muslim extremists. Muslims in Ethiopia have traditionally lived peacefully alongside Christians but some Muslims are becoming radicalised by preachers from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan promoting an aggressive form of Islam. A Barnabas Fund staff member said, ‘The manner in which Christians have been terrorised by radical Islamists is truly shocking.’ At least three Christians have been killed and many more injured in Asendabo, a predominantly Muslim area, after Muslims accused a Christian of desecrating a copy of the Koran. Fifty five churches and dozens of homes have been torched, and properties looted by Islamist mobs numbering thousands. Churches in Jimma city have been overwhelmed by the 10,000 displaced Christians in urgent need of food, medicine, shelter, blankets, clothing and safety.

Pray: for God to protect and provide for those in need and to strengthen those giving support. (Ps.119: 87)


Over 100 Christians have been detained since December 30th in raids on churches in or near Asmara, and the town of Nakfa. In one case the entire congregation was taken in for questioning. The director of Release Eritrea, predicted an escalation in persecution in November and her fears are being realised. The church was further shaken by news of Seble Hagos Mebrahtu dying in custody because she was refused medical treatment for malaria. She was tortured for reading a Bible at her home. Open Doors reports an entire congregation of 41 were arrested and beaten on December 31, and 35 believers, including two elderly men in poor health, were arrested on January 9 while worshipping at a private address. It is not yet known whether these believers have been released. Also 27 Christians belonging to various churches were arrested and are still being held by police. President Isaias Afewerki said 'religious groups sought to ‘distract from the unity of the Eritrean people and distort the true meaning of religion.’

Pray: for God to set Eritrea free from deception and to be released into faith in Jesus Christ. (Lk.4:18)


There was concern on Tuesday, June 5, over the whereabouts of two Eritrean women who were among a group kidnapped in Cairo by men claiming to be police officers, underscoring the risks faced by Eritrean refugees and asylum seekers in Egypt, including Christians, rights activists said. The two missing persons were among six young women, aged between 20 to 32, who were reportedly abducted after boarding a taxi and later pressured to embrace Islam. ‘In each instance, the taxi was stopped by men in police uniforms, who opened the door and sprayed an unknown substance into their faces, causing them to lose consciousness,’ said advocacy group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), which has investigated the case. One of the women, who was abducted on her way to church and held for approximately three weeks, said that after awaking she found herself in a small room housing five other women.

Pray: for these women that God would protect them and others under the threat of abduction. (Ps.32:7)



Security forces in Eritrea have begun a vigorous clampdown on Christians in the run-up to Christmas. The discovery of details on the underground church enabled security forces to hunt down all believers and their families. About 40 people have been detained with the hunt for others continuing. Among those arrested are a young couple who had been caring for the weak and destitute in their area; they were forced to leave their one-year-old son behind. Between 2,000 and 3,000 Christians are in prison for their faith. They are held indefinitely in appalling conditions designed to force them to recant their faith, with no formal charge or trial. They are starved, deprived of medical attention, subjected to beatings, horrific torture or imprisoned in metal shipping containers, which are baking hot during the day and freezing at night.

Pray: for God to give the underground Church His protection and wisdom as they continue their walk with Jesus Christ. (Ge.28:15)


Open Doors report Pastor Gebreab aged 35 disappeared 18 days ago and no one has been able to learn his whereabouts from local authorities. He is married with an 8-year-old son and an infant daughter. The government criminalised independent Protestant churches in 2002 - closing buildings and banning all meetings even in private homes. Over 2,000 Eritrean Christians including dozens of pastors and church leaders remain imprisoned, denied legal counsel or trial and subjected to severe torture for their faith. Senaiti Habta died last month from prolonged anaemia and malaria. She was incarcerated in a metal shipping container with 14 others in suffocating heat during the day and freezing temperatures at night, deprived of fresh air, sanitation and medical attention. According to local sources officials offered her freedom and medical attention if she would recant her Christian beliefs, but she refused.

Pray: that prisoners and their families would know God's peace, strength, love and grace to endure seek to be a powerful witness for Christ. (Gal.2:20)
