Nearly half of Port-au-Prince's three million residents have been living in tents since the January 12 earthquake, and at least 115 cases of cholera, including the death of one person, have been registered in Haiti's capital, the most significant warning sign yet that the epidemic has spread from outlying areas to threaten hundreds of thousands of people in the city's camps. Samples from patients in Port-au-Prince are being tested in a laboratory to confirm the presence of bacteria, which has killed at least 583 people in Haiti. If confirmed, the bacteria could imperil an estimated 2.5 to 3 million inhabitants.

Pray: for hospital staff and health workers to be enabled and strengthened as they work to combat the spread of the disease. (Ps.28:2)


Health officials say the cholera bacteria now raging through Haiti is a very virulent strain matching those commonly found in South Asia, so rioting Haitians believe the cause of the Cholera epidemic in Haiti originated from Minustah peacekeepers from Nepal. Rumours have spread for weeks that latrine discharges at a Nepalese peacekeeper camp are to blame, even though the U.N. says the soldiers there have tested negative for cholera. With a presidential election on November 28th the U.N. sees more than just health concerns involved. Protests were not spontaneous because they all began at around 6 a.m. on Monday suggesting a level of politically motivated coordination by Haitians who oppose the election. ‘This was a clear message to boycott the election,’ said a government official. Nevertheless the riots have closed airports and roads, and are stopping much needed aid reaching people dying from a disease that can kill in 4 hours.

Pray: for hospital staff, health workers, and aid organisations to be enabled and strengthened as they work to combat the spread of the disease. (Ps.28:2)


Last week, the Pan-American Health Organization issued a statement saying that 2,600 people were infected with cholera every week.(Oxfam said the number of deaths is lower than last year as people can get help faster.) Basic hygiene plays a crucial role in prevention, but in many poor communities, especially in the rural areas where the Baptist Haiti Mission serves, people don't have dependable access to supplies like bleach and other disinfectants. The Civil Protection Department called the situation critical and the Red Cross reopened a cholera treatment centre near Port-au-Prince. The Health organisation reported, ‘The situation in Port-au-Prince continues to deteriorate. They continue to receive new patients through the day. An estimate of 1,300 patients is currently admitted in units in Port-au-Prince who are operating at full capacity. The service for dead body management is now functioning between 6am and 9pm.

Pray: that the resources of aid agencies would contain the disease and establish systems and structures to eradicate it. (Ps.103:3)


Christians in Guatemala were mourning on Monday, January 30, for a pastor who was shot and killed by suspected drug traffickers on his way to a regional meeting of church leaders in a violent border area near Mexico. 'Church of God' Pastor Neftali Leiva, a father of five daughters, was gunned down last week near the gathering, said his denomination's territorial administrative bishop, Jose Clara Vela. He added that the shooting was witnessed by another pastor. He was quoted as saying that an unknown assailant walked up to the victim without a word and shot him point blank several times. When the shooter saw the witness a short way down the street, he reportedly also fired three times in his direction. The pastor apparently felt the bullets go by and impact the trees behind him, but was unhurt. ‘God’s hand of protection covered me,’ added the unidentified pastor.

Pray: for all those who serve God in challenging places that they will be protected from harm. (Jn.17:12)


Guatemalan president Alvaro Colom has declared a ‘state of siege’ along the Mexican border, where at least 27 people were killed over the weekend in a ‘Mexico Zetas’ drug gang massacre. The state of emergency will restrict demonstrations and allow police to carry out raids at night, and try to track down the killers. The order finishes Tuesday. Police have captured one suspect and killed two others in an operation in which two policemen were wounded. Alvaro Colom said that Guatemala must confront the aggression which had infected the entire region. Authorities have identified 15 of the 27 migrant farm workers beheaded in the massacre, three children and two women were among the victims, the youngest was 13 years old. (See last weeks PA re. Mexico borders Drug/Human trafficking)

Pray: that this investigation will be completely lawful, protected from corruptive influence and ask Him for a season of justice and restoration for the area. (Ps.9:16)



The Australian parliament is about to have a federal debate on a bill allowing gay marriage. Meanwhile in the UK 300,000 people used an online poll telling a parliamentary inquiry what they think about two pieces of legislation to legalise same-sex marriage. The Scottish Government’s consultation on redefining marriage revealed widespread opposition. See this weeks British Isles article 7. Tokyo advocacy groups for Gay Rights responded positively to American President Barack Obama’s public announcement of support for same sex-marriage in the US. Asian gay rights issues have started slowly but surely moving into the public domain. see: Denmark, the first country to allow gay couples to enter into civil unions now allows homosexuals to have full wedding ceremonies at church. Eight out of the eleven countries with legalised same-sex marriage are situated in Europe. Fourteen European countries have legalised civil unions.

Pray: against a growing deluge of proposed concessions to redefining marriage.(Lev.18:22)

More: a bid for swift consideration of a bill to allow gay marriage.6403015319


Over the last couple of years the Gather network has discovered over 90 unity movements in cities and towns in the UK that are focused on mission and prayer for their areas. It has been a surprise for us all to see what God has been doing under the radar in some cases over the last 20 years. But that's not the end of the story. This movement of city and town wide transformation has been expanding all over the world. This is a grass roots movement with leaders of Churches putting down their differences and competitive natures to form long lasting friendships that results in a developing culture of honour, respect, love of diversity and encouragement. It is a Kingdom paradigm rather than an empire mentality with Church leaders seeing themselves as part of the one Church in that place.

Pray: for more of God's enabling power to envelop the nations - pray that recent events would be just the beginning of global transformation. (Eph.3:20-21)



Truth today has become that which is true in the eyes of the beholder at a given moment in time or place. It constantly evolves and restructures itself to fit the circumstances of the day. In America same-sex marriages are being perpetrated as an accepted lifestyle and the boy scouts are being encouraged to accept gays from members to leaders. Last week the French National Assembly approved an article of a bill to legalise same-sex marriage. Denmark introduced civil partnerships for same-sex couples in 1989 but stopped short of allowing church weddings. Norway, Sweden and Iceland followed suit allowing partnerships without the rights and obligations of marriage. On April 1st 2001 the first legal gay marriage ceremony was held in Amsterdam. In June 2003, the Vatican launched a global campaign against gay marriage. Two years later, despite a 600,000-strong petition organised by a Catholic group and a rally in Madrid opposing it, same-sex marriage was introduced in Spain. Across the nations we are seeing sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage being accepted as ‘truth’

Pray: for Christians across the nations to stand for the truth of God's Word with regards to marriage and for God’s wisdom to replace secular opinions. (Ps.45:4)
