Christians have sought protection for a church in Madhya Pradesh state after an anonymous letter threatened to blast it if the Dove World Outreach Centre in Florida went ahead with its plan to burn Qur'ans on Sept. 11 to mark the ninth anniversary of terror attacks in the United States. The letter posted on Aug. 31 threatened to blast the Church of North India’s Bethlehem Church situated in Bhopal, the state capital. The church’s pastor Rev Sanjay Solomon told that the letter would hold the church ‘responsible’ if a Qur'an was burned. The church authorities ‘immediately approached’ the police for protection. Archbishop Leo Cornelio of Bhopal said he had already met Muslim leaders in the city soon after media first reported about the Qur’an burning plan early last month. The Archbishop said Christian groups condemn the plan because burning a Holy Book ‘is a serious crime that cannot be pardoned.’

Pray: against such actions that are done in the name of Christ the Prince of Peace. (Lk.10:19)


Archbishop Marampudi Joji of Hyderabad sought police protection for conducting Easter services, particularly the Good Friday procession through public streets. The city witnessed Hindu-Muslim violence in the last week of March and police impossed a curfew in the violence-hit old city areas with propitiatory orders banning assembly of more than five people. Although the flare up was political rather than religion-related the Archbishop told UCA news, ‘We have requested police protection to conduct Holy Week services within our churches.' He also said that Christians in areas where curfew was imposed will ‘find it difficult to attend the Holy Week prayer.’ He has asked some parishes not to have processions and for
congregations to go home quietly after religious ceremonies. Police relaxed curfew in a few areas on April 1 after the situation improved.

Pray: for this and all Easter Christian services in India to be anointed, protected and a prevailing witness to non Believers. (Mt.28:18-20)


Two evangelists said they survived an attack in Madhya Pradesh on July 20th by playing dead when six Hindu extremists surrounded them and severely beat them. The assailants accused Mahindra Kharoley 20, and 30-year-old Munshi Prasaad Bahey of ‘forced conversion.’ The two evangelists were cycling home following a prayer meeting 25 kilometres (15 miles) away when the attackers on motorbikes with their faces covered attacked them at around 10pm. The assailants did not wait for them to respond to the charges of forced conversion before they began hitting and kicking them. ‘We lay motionless and pretended to be dead to escape their fury after they had beaten us about 20 minutes,’ Bahey added, ‘If we had not done so, they would have killed us.’ One of the attackers called another by name, saying, ‘Mahesh, stop hitting them, they are already dead, let’s get out of here.’

Pray: for all hidden and corrupt activity in Hindu fundamentalism to be destroyed and replaced by a widespread Christian revival. (Act.2:17,21)


A local missionary reported, ‘Suspected Islamic militants killed two Christian teenagers on January 31st because they were reading the Bible in the disputed Kashmir valley. The area lies between India and Muslim Pakistan.’ It is believed the girls were shot by three fighters of Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan based Islamic militant ‘terrorist’ group. Their Bible reading was part of an underground house church ministry, one of many projects of mission group Salem Voice Ministries (SVM), which supports evangelism and aid among Muslims and Hindus in India, including underground house churches in Muslim-majority Kashmir. Lashkar-e-Taiba, or the 'Army of the Righteous' seeks to introduce an Islamic state in South Asia and to ‘liberate’ Muslims in Indian-controlled Kashmir. India identified the group as masterminds behind the 2008 Mumbai terror attack that killed 166 people. Since the killings local believers are in total fear but they will continue preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pray: for a powerful anointing of all that is needed to fulfil Gods purposes for their work in the area. (Dt.31:12)


Open Doors reported ‘Christians in southern Karnataka State are experiencing an unprecedented wave of persecution, having faced more than 1,000 attacks in 500 days, according to an independent investigation by Justice Michael Saldanha, a former state High Court judge. In the latest attack on 17 March, a mob of 150 people led by the Hindu extremist organisation Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) and its youth wing, Bajrang Dal, stormed the funeral of a 50-year-old Christian identified only as ‘Isaac'. During his funeral, a mob pulled Isaac's coffin apart, threw his body onto a tractor and dumped it outside, saying his burial would have contaminated Indian soil. State authorities have denied the results of the inquiry, saying the number of attacks is significantly less. Many Christians face false charges of fraudulent or forced conversions. In his report, Justice Saldanha states that Christians are regularly ‘dragged to the police station under false allegations, immediately locked up, beaten and denied bail’

Pray: that Karnataka State will have a reliable justice system and that Christians will receive just treatment from the police and law courts. (Jas.1:12)


A pastor and two other Christians who were attacked by extremists have been charged with 'outraging the religious feelings' of others. Pastor Dilip Chakravarty, Ganga Ram and Shankar Lal of the Church of God in Chhattisgarh have been held at Dhamtari district jail since police arrested them on Aug. 29. Police officers were acting on a complaint made by Hindu extremists who accused the Christians of 'forcible conversion' by offering 'money and false hope'. The extremists had already taken the law into their own hands by launching several attacks on the Christians, which had reportedly left Ganga and Shankar with fractures to their hands and legs. The extremists had also tried to force the pair to return to Hinduism. The three Christians have now been charged with 'deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion'. Local Christian leaders strongly deny the church was involved in 'forcible conversion'.

Pray: that Christians would be led by the Holy Spirit and protected from these accusations. (Nu.14:9)


On Wednesday, evangelist .V K Williams and seven other Pastor/Evangelists were arrested Wednesday morning and are now in police custody in Bodi Nayakanur because they had started a One Day Gospel Outreach which immediately drew an anti-gospel disruption. The local anti-gospel elements and their leadership are putting pressure on the police to book them under false charges. ‘Our local Brethren have rushed to the police station and assisted the pastors detained for questioning. Urgent Prayers solicited.’ See  Also, the Global Council of Indian Christians reported, ‘Pentecostal pastor Shivanda Siddi, was arrested during a service at an Assemblies of God Church in Kanataka on Sunday.’ About five Hindu extremists disrupted the service and began to humiliate the pastor by tearing his clothes and beating him in front of the faithful. After beating the pastor for about half an hour, they called the police at Yellapur station. The pastor and seven women and children were arrested.

Pray: that the 25 million Christians in India would know God’s presence in times of persecution; and experience his enabling when ministering the gospel. (Ps.118:8)


India's economy is booming with more millionaires per square mile than anywhere else on earth, the huge and youthful population of nearly 1.2bn will overtake China's by approximately 2050. But hundreds of millions still live in abject poverty in rural areas - more than 830 million live on less than half a US dollar a day. India has more cases of malnutrition than the whole of sub-Saharan Africa and the worst affected areas are central and eastern India where many Christians live amongst the lower caste. Development has come but done little for rural Indians. Mining companies turned people off their land with little in the way of compensation. A civil rights worker fears for the future of the nation if the divide between its rich and poor continues to grow. ‘People have been left out, marginalised completely and are no longer going to take it lying down, if policies are not changed the situation will get out of hand.’

Pray: that God’s laws will inspire government decisions so that repression is removed. (Ja.1:27)
