Christians in Pakistan are in ‘grievous distresses’ as large swathes of land are again submerged in water forcing thousands of people into emergency camps where facilities are poor and they are at risk from malaria, dysentery and dengue fever. It comes exactly one year after floods covered vast swathes of Pakistan last summer. Barnabas Fund said some areas were worse than 2010 floods, with the equivalent of an entire monsoon season’s worth of rain in just a few days. Christians are particularly vulnerable because they already live in poverty and are often overlooked in aid distribution. One church leader said, ‘I am terribly sad to see the destruction and poor condition of the people affected by heavy rains, and notice Christians are being deprived of the help, relief and support that other people are getting.’

Pray: for fair distribution of food, clean water and hygiene products to Pakistani Christians caught up in the floods. (Ps.40:1)


Riaz Anjum Masih, Chairman of the Pakistan Christian Movement has stressed the need for unity among the Christians of Pakistan and urges them to launch a united effort to scrap all discriminatory laws against minorities. He also called for repeal of those sections of the constitution which allegedly discriminate against religious minorities. ‘Although the constitution of Pakistan is unanimously agreed-upon, the Christians and other religious minorities have some reservations about it.’ said Masih. He went on to say that according to the constitution it is necessary to be a Muslim for attaining high posts of Government. He vowed to launch a struggle from the platform of the Pakistan Christian Movement to see the number of reserved seats for minorities increased. Unveiling his plans for uplifting the Pakistani Christian community Masih said they would establish a Christian educational fund to provide educational opportunities for Pakistani Christians as it is imperative for them to get higher education.

Pray: that God would strengthen the voice of the Pakistan Christian Movement and provide fresh standards of justice in that country. (1Pt.4:10-11)


Christians are treated like animals and denied the dignity of human beings in Kasur district of Punjab province, a district where a recent rape of a 15 yr. old Christian went unpunished. The NGO Lead (Legal Evangelical Association Development) reports Muslims abusing, mocking, hitting and publicly humiliating Christian men and women, agricultural workers and pastors. Recently a minor encroachment of some flocks belonging to Christians led to Muslim men breaking into the Christian’s home hitting three women, stripping them and then forcing them to run naked through the streets, while they were ridiculed and harassed. The same humiliating treatment was given to two Christian elders when they reported the matter, followed by police raiding their homes and threatening them with a criminal case. The faithful turned to Rev Saleem Gill for help to register a formal complaint. Other Christian families reported abuse and ill-treatment by Muslim landowners, who are their employers. See also Prayer Alert. 17-2013

Pray: that the Christians' complaint will be upheld and the aggressors brought to justice, pray against the rise in physical, psychological and sexual abuse of Christian farmers and agricultural workers in NE Pakistan. (Ps.86:14-17)




Muslim students attacked a Christian Professor at Peshawar University College this month after he refused their demand to convert to Islam. Psychology Professor Samuel John, a father of four who has been teaching at the college for 12 years, said that as he came out of his house on the campus on June 14, about 20 to 25 students rushed and assaulted him. When his wife learned what was happening, she ran to help him, but the students beat her as well. Both the Professor and his wife were rushed to hospital, where they were treated for their injuries, with John listed in critical condition. He reported the matter to the dean of the college, but the official was unable to take any action because the Islamic students councils are supported by political parties and powerful Islamic groups, the professor said. ‘I am still getting threats, saying, leave the university or accept Islam – if you don’t convert, we will kill your family.’

Pray: for God’s protection over all His people as they stand firm for their beliefs. (1Cor.16:13)


Qamar David had been appealing against his 2010 life sentence for blasphemy, but was found dead in his cell in Karachi’s main prison on March 15th. Prison authorities attributed his death to a heart attack but this was called into question by church leaders and human rights activists asking for an independent autopsy. Advocacy Director of Christian Solidarity Worldwide said, ‘Given the threats known to be faced by blasphemy prisoners it is imperative the true cause of his death be investigated properly and independently.’ David's lawyer always maintained the allegations were falsely made by a business rival, resulting in pressure from local religious clerics and their supporters for the conviction. His death sparked concern coming just two weeks after the assassination of Pakistan's Minorities Minister for criticising the blasphemy laws. Mr Johnston said David's death underlined the urgent need to continue Bhatti's work.

Pray: for God to provide everything His people in Pakistan need at times of persecution and that the blasphemy laws would be repealed. (Phil.1:6)


Christians from the UK will be meeting outside the Pakistani High Commission in London on Wednesday to protest the arrest of an 11-year-old girl for blasphemy. The girl, named in reports as Rimsha Masih, has Down's Syndrome. She was accused by Muslims of burning pages of the Koran and was arrested by police after a mob surrounded her home in Mehrabadi, Islamabad. Rimsha remains in police custody and hundreds of Christians have reportedly fled the area in fear. Muslims torched Christian homes and ‘destroyed’ a church in a slum area of Islamabad while suspected militants shot at another church outside Pakistan's capital, after the jailing of a mentally handicapped Christian girl for ‘blasphemy’, witnesses said on Tuesday. President Asif Zardari has called for an investigation into her arrest. The protest in London is being organised by the British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA).

Pray: for Rimsha that her unfortunate actions will be recognised as something unintentional. Pray that the investigation by the authorities will clear the situation and bring peace. (Mt.5:9)


Unknown assailants sprayed bullets at minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti a Christian who defied death threats following the murder of another politician opposed to Pakistan’s blasphemy law which carries the death penalty. While no one has been killed for blasphemy the law is used to exploit others motivated by personal enmity or because of business disputes. Controversy flared when Christian mother of five, Aasia Bibi, was sentenced to death for blasphemy following a dispute over land. She was in competition for a valuable piece of land with local Muslims and they accused her of blaspheming against Islam when they failed to gain control of it. Aasia is desperate to have her death sentence overturned, extremists are offering rewards for her killer. Bhatti’s assassination raises fresh questions and concern about the safety of Sherry Rehman, a parliamentarian who also championed reform of the blasphemy laws. She has been living in semi-hiding since January.

Pray: that those who hate justice and detest the truth be silent (Am.5:10) and the establishment of justice to prevent assassination of Christians. (Am.9:14)


An 11-year-old Christian boy, Sanish Masih, is malnourished, weak and ill from working in slave-like conditions for a Muslim landowner who kidnapped him and forcing him to work off his family’s debts. His mother said, ‘He is frequently invited to convert to Islam by the landowner, Ashraf Cheema, and in return he is promised to be freed from the iron chains, his work will be eased, he will be served better meals, and the debt of his father and brother might also be forgiven. According to Dawood Masih of the National Commission of Justice and Peace, ‘Danish Masih works without break from 4am to 11pm, often in iron chains, on half a loaf of bread per day. At press time local Christian leaders had petitioned the deputy superintendent police to recover Danish Masih.

Pray: for an end to the explotation of the weak and poor by the rich and powerful. (Ps.82:3-4)
