The Turi tribe inhabit Kurram Valley, Pakistan with a smaller number in Afghanistan. They are known for their resistance to Taliban, Al Qaeda and Haqqani supporters who seek to launch attacks against Kabul which is only 90 km away. They have suffered brutal attacks, been killed byTaliban landmines, faced a shortage of food and other supplies - the prices of which have skyrocketed since the blockade, while education and other services have deteriorated. The Turis refuse to be sacrificed to government strategies and accuse the Pakistani Government of failing to support them, despite their loyalty, because they are Shia. Christians ask us to pray that the Turi tribe will be strong as they take a stand against the forces of extremism in the region. May they know God’s blessing & protection and come to know Jesus Christ as Lord. Three years ago the BBC reported them as being the ‘tribe that has taken on the Taliban’ and they continue to do so.

Pray: that the Government would support the Turis. Ask God to enable them to be used in bringing life & truth to the surrounding region. (2Cor.10:16)



After the Taliban warned they would attack foreign aid workers and Christian organizations security has been increased, but on Wednesday authorities recovered the bodies of three Christian relief workers who had been kidnapped and killed by members of the Pakistani Taliban in the flood-ravaged country. Their names have been withheld and the agency remains unnamed for security reasons. Military sources withheld news of the deaths from electronic and print media to avoid panicking other relief workers but they granted permission to Compass to publish it in limited form. Pointing to alleged discrimination against minorities in distribution of humanitarian aid a source added that Christians in severely flood-damaged areas in Punjab Province have been neglected. (See Prayer Alert 3210) The majority of the affected Christians in Punjab are in Narowal, Shakargarh, Muzzafargarh, Rahim Yar Khan and Layyah.

Pray: for God’s protection and provision for Christians, and that greed would be replaced by Christian ethics. (Lev. 25:35)


Saturday 30th April, hundreds of Muslims in Gujranwala rioted after learning police released two Christians accused of desecrating the Quran. A handwriting expert hired by police determined neither Mushtaq Gill nor his son Farrukh were guilty of writing the threatening note accompanying burned pages of the Quran. Soon after they were relocated to an undisclosed location, the mosque loudspeakers declared, ‘More pages of the Quran have been burned in the cemetery.’ Muslim residents and members of extremist groups gathered and attacked Christians’ homes, an elementary school owned by Christian Eric Isaac who was among eight taken into custody for questioning. The Aziz Colony Presbyterian Church building was attacked by people armed with clubs and batons. Rioters clashed with police trying to help besieged Christians. The mob also attacked government offices setting tires on fire on route, and tried to attack the regional police office.

Pray: for all who had property damaged and for those in hiding, to know God's peace and protection. Pray also for law and order to be firmly established. (Ex.23:1)


Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Minorities Affairs, Shahbaz Bhatti, condemned the recent announcement of a reward for killing the jailed Christian woman, Asia Bibi, on death row for blasphemy.Maulana Yousuf Qureshi, a hard-line imam known for making reward-for-murder calls, offered $6,000 to anyone who kills Asia Bibi during his Friday sermon at the largest mosque in Peshawar. He said, ‘There are hundreds of thousands of people including mujahedin (warriors) and Taliban who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the honour of the Prophet Muhammad. Anyone of them could finish her.’ The high court has yet to set a date for Bibi’s appeals hearing.

Pray: for God to place more of his shield around Bibi and her family. (Ps.71:1-2)



Pakistan's notorious blasphemy laws have led to a mass migration of Christians out of Pakistan's Punjab province after mobs attacked their lives and property in Gojra, Korian and Bahimnwali villages. Nazir Bhatti, the president of the Pakistan Christian Congress expressed concerns about delays in processing hundreds of Pakistani Christian refugees in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong who have been waiting years for decisions on their asylum applications while living under deplorable conditions. ‘Christian families are starving as they await their fate while international relief agencies refuse to get involved on their behalf’. Bhatti also claimed there’s a double standard in the West’s treatment of Pakistan's Christians. When Malala Yousafzai was targeted by the Taliban, her case was heard by Buckingham Palace. When Christian girls are targeted by the same Taliban in its attack on Peshawar Church, no medical treatment was offered them in the EU.

Pray: for refugees to be treated justly in Pakistan and in the countries they have been forced to flee to. Pray against religious persecution.(Ps.31:1)


Three Muslim men raped a 16-year-old girl at gunpoint on July 21 stand her father was later kidnapped and tortured. He was working the fields when three men who work for his Muslim employer overpowered his daughter at their home, dragged her into one of the rooms at gunpoint and raped her. The following evening in a different district more than a half dozen madrassa students gang-raped a 12-year-old schoolgirl. Her teacher overheard one student saying, ‘We will teach these Christians a lesson they will never forget.’ Seven or eight of them then raped the girl while the others looked on. Local police admitted to Compass Direct they were under pressure from Muslim leaders and extremists to refrain from filing a report. The Centre for Legal Aid said Muslim landowners and their relatives see Christian girls or women as their chattel. Day by day the rate of rapes of Christian girls is escalating instead of plunging.

Pray: that God would comfort and strengthen Christians at the times of persecution, and enable them to forgive as they face hatred. (Mat.24:13-14)


Over a million refugees fled east with very little and now that region is flooded and they are further displaced, have lost what little they had. Pray for those in mourning; families who lost homes, livestock, crops, and livelihood. Corruption in the government continues as neighbouring countries attempt to influence the government and insurgents try to destabilize the government through violence. In addition, there is talk underground of negotiations between Government/insurgents towards insurgents taking government roles. (Minority ethnic groups are afraid this could lead to a return to their oppression.) Pray for western powers and neighbouring countries to use great wisdom in dealing with the government. Finally, the insurgents use suicide bombers and roadside bombs to defeat the coalition and destabilize the government This violence brings death, destruction and fear to the people. The link below takes you to a report telling how floods give insurgents time to regroup.

Pray: that God would hear the great cry of agony going up from Pakistan and reveal His son, and His way forward with supernatural interventions as well as international aid relief. (Hab.3:14)


Occasionally a team of intercessors travels to Pakistan. They spend time worshipping God and praying earnestly for His will to be done in various places. Later this month a team will once again prayer walk Pakistan and we have been asked to pray for their safety. Pray that their times of worship will be sweet music to God, and that they will hear God’s heart for the people and the Land. Pray that God will move in the hearts of the local people. Also we are reminded that the ongoing violence continues to take a toll of innocent civilians, including women and children. Pray for the many families who have lost loved ones to the violence, for widows and orphans with no source of income and for those who have been severely injured or crippled. Please also please pray for 16-year-old Christian Ryan Stanten accused of sending a blasphemous text message; he has been charged with ‘blasphemy’ which carries the death penalty.’

Pray: that the Prince of Peace will bring peace to Pakistan. (Ps.147:1-6)
