USA/Israel: Pro-Israel evangelicals ‘will storm US voting booths’

Written by Linda Digby 29 Jul 2016
USA/Israel: Pro-Israel evangelicals ‘will storm US voting booths’

Thousands of potential voters stood with open arms waving American and Israeli flags and vowing that for Zion’s sake their voices would be heard. The Christians United for Israel (CUFI) group’s annual summit was booked years in advance of the announcement that the Republican Party would hold its nominating convention in the same place during the same week. The grassroots-based organisation sees itself as playing a central role in the 2016 election drama. CUFI spoke out in advance of the Republican convention when the platform committee drafted party doctrine for the coming election. Their lobbying organisation had the word ‘divided’ changed to ‘undivided’ on the Republican platform with regards to Jerusalem. ‘We want to see Jerusalem the eternal capital of the Jewish people undivided today, tomorrow and forever.’ said CUFI. In US politics there is strength in numbers and CUFI’s strength and mobilisation was noticed.

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