USA: Black lives matter

Written by Linda Digby 29 Jul 2016
USA: Black lives matter

Video footage has emerged of a policeman violently throwing an African-American female school teacher to the ground, and a second officer telling her, ‘whites are afraid of black people because they have violent tendencies and are ‘intimidating.’ Austin police officer Richter pulled over Breaion King for speeding. He told her to close the door. She refused, saying, ‘Would you please hurry up?’ He lost his temper and dragged her out of the car. She shouted, ‘No! Why are you touching me? Oh my God!’ He shouted, ‘Stop resisting!’ and violently threw her to the ground, ordered her to put her hands behind her back, saying, ‘I'm about to taser you.’ When she managed to stand up, he body-slammed her to the ground again. The video came as demonstrations continue across the US by 'Black Lives Matter' campaigners.

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