Yemen: Ramifications 2 - Pakistan rebuffs Saudi kingdom proposal

Written by Admin 2 23 Apr 2015
Yemen: Ramifications 2 - Pakistan rebuffs Saudi kingdom proposal

Pakistan’s Prime Minister rejected Saudi Arabia’s request to join its military campaign in Yemen. He believes ‘if the Saudis enter into a ground war in Yemen - with or without Pakistani forces - it will become a quagmire’. It is thought that the Egyptian experience in Yemen, 20,000 casualties in the 1960s fighting the same Zaydi tribes that back the Houthis, figures prominently in Pakistani thinking. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi warned that the Saudi attacks in Yemen could be a catalyst for a broader sectarian war. Meanwhile in Yemen Christians are routinely harassed and this latest crisis involving Saudi Arabia and Iran will only make it worse for Christians there. See: 

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