Cuba: No longer on terrorism list, but still persecuting Christians

Written by Admin 2 16 Apr 2015
Cuba: No longer on terrorism list, but still persecuting Christians

In January Christian Today reported that violations of religious freedom are increasing in Cuba, with incidences becoming more violent. Protestant pastors are arbitrarily detained or beaten and churches are being demolished. Everything is monitored, the Cuban Government has complete control over telephone lines and internet connection. Pastors or church officials who try to send information out are doing that knowing that the government's going to know about it - and their actions will produce repercussions. Unregistered churches can experience anything from the confiscation of property to the demolition of the church building. This week Cuba welcomed a US decision to remove it from a list of state sponsors of terrorism after Mr Obama met Cuban President Raul Castro last week. This move officially changes the way the US government has viewed Cuba since 1982. Many are now hoping the trade embargo against Cuba will end. See also

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  • Pray: for the many Cubans who hope their country will benefit from more foreign trade,and for the many Christian Cubans who hope their country will benefit from foreign evangelists. (Ps.66:7)