Yemen: Crisis necessitates UN resolution

Written by Super User 19 Feb 2015
Yemen: Crisis necessitates UN resolution

Recently Prayer-Alert reported Houthi rebels had taken control of Yemen’s capital and waves of Al-Qaeda and jihadi activists roamed the country. This week the UN said that Yemen is ‘collapsing.’ Countries have closed their embassies there and a UN resolution called for the Houthis to ‘immediately and unconditionally’ withdraw from government institutions and release President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi from house arrest. The UN also declared a ‘readiness to take further steps’ if the Houthis do not comply. The Gulf Cooperation Council, (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) want resolutions to be enforced militarily or through sanctions. The Houthis are purportedly backed by Iran. Meanwhile Yemenis are more concerned about everyday life, rather than who comes to power. Millions live in poverty with no access to basic needs. (Deficient electricity - many without generators and lack of adequate clean water).

Additional Info

  • Pray: for successful political negotiations to bring stability where armed men roam the streets and concerned civilians anxiously wait. Pray for the few thousand Christians in the country. (Ps.2:1 & 10-12a)