Libya: Potential for war

Written by Super User 19 Feb 2015
Libya: Potential for war

In January Prayer Alert reported that ‘militias, tribes and militant groups vying for control were causing Egyptian Coptic Christians to bear the brunt of instability and there was serious concern that IS could take control of the country, with the potential for war in the region. This week Egypt has started bombing IS targets in Libya after 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians were beheaded in Libya by IS. Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has called for a UN resolution for international intervention against IS in Libya. The BBC reported a potential 1,700 different armed groups in Libya, with money and a lust for power the common denominator. Pray against IS recruiting Libyan rebels with guns looking for respect and territory gains. Also the Islamic State's ambitions in Libya are a direct threat to Europe’s southern cities with terrorist infiltration through illegal trafficking via the ‘strategic gateway’ to Italy. See:

Additional Info

  • Pray: the families of those murdered will know the peace, presence and comfort of Jesus and pray for God’s hands of protection to hold the large community of migrants working in Libya.(Ps.10:12&14)