Libya/Yemen: Potential for wars

Written by Super User 05 Feb 2015
Libya/Yemen: Potential for wars

Both countries face collapsed governance. In Libya militias, tribes and militant groups vie for control. Egyptian Coptic Christians have borne the brunt of instability, with at least 20 reported abductions since December 2014. There is serious concern that IS or a similar regime could take control. In Yemen Houthi rebels control the capital and there are waves of Al-Qaeda terror.The expansion of IS’ expansion and  its competition with Al-Qaeda and its associates are fuelling jihadi activities. Both countries face a precarious year ahead. 99.5% of the population in Yemen are Muslims (9,056 Christians). In Libya the situation for Christians has deteriorated since the downfall of Gaddafi. The government claims all Libyans are Sunni Muslims. It’s illegal to import Arabic Bibles or to evangelise.The Yemen power vacuum puts the future into peril and Libya has fallen from Africa’s richest state under Gaddafi, to a failed state after NATO Intervention – see: 

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  • Pray: for the economic and conflict situations in both countries to ignite opportunities for the gospel to go forth in power, bringing hope and security for many. (Mt.24:6-14)