Nigeria: Christians cry out for world intervention

Written by Super User 05 Feb 2015
Nigeria: Christians cry out for world intervention

Monsignor Oliver Dashe Doeme, Cotholic, Bishop of Maiduguri said, ‘We find ourselves in a very dangerous and difficult moment. We risk seeing Boko Haram conquer the entire north-east of Nigeria before the end of the election, unless foreign troops intervene.’ Presidential elections will be held February 14th. ‘The situation is very complex and the first victims are innocent civilians.’ concluded the Bishop who implied the existence of some ‘saboteurs’ and accomplices within the Nigerian army, who favour the advance of Boko Haram for political reasons. ‘Despite the violence Christianity continues to grow. Their faith is strengthened in the face of tribulation. What is heart-breaking is the number of displaced people.Refugee camps are growing. World Watch Monitor quotes a Nigerian cleric ‘What IS has done in Iraq, Boko Haram is doing in Nigeria.’ Pray that political parties and presidential candidates with Islamic agendas for Nigeria will not be elected.

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