Yemen: Coup threatens country's stability

Written by Super User 24 Jan 2015
Yemen: Coup threatens country's stability

On Monday a wave of violence that closed embassies and businesses engulfed the poorest country in the Arab world and could reshape its political landscape. Street battles raged between Shiite Houthi rebels and government forces in Yemen's capital and talks between President Hadi and representatives of the Houthi rebels broke down. (Houthis rejected a draft constitution dividing Yemen into six regions.) On Tuesday, Houthi rebels shelled the presidential palace and seized the state-run media. The commander of the Presidential Protection Force said, ‘what is happening is a coup.’ The powerful Houthi rebel movement dominates northern Yemen and seeks to strengthen the rights of the Zaidi sect (20-30% of the population). Clashes between government forces and Houthi rebels may strengthen Al Qaeda's position. Yemen is number 14 on Open Doors World Watch List of persecutors of Christians.

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